campaign donors

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Billionaire Gingrich Backer Gives Romney Mega Bucks

Sheldon Adelson prepared for 'limitless' spending to beat Obama

(Newser) - The $10 million Sheldon Adelson spent on Newt Gingrich's failed presidential campaign may have been just a warmup. The casino billionaire has donated $10 million to pro-Romney super PAC Winning Our Future, making him and his wife, Miriam, this election's biggest donors by far, sources tell the New ...

Wall Street Defects to Romney en Masse

He's out-fundraised Obama in the financial sector by a ludicrous margin

(Newser) - Wall Street is behind Mitt Romney, and it's quite literally voting with its dollars. Romney is clobbering President Obama when it comes to financial-sector donations, raising $37.1 million to just $4.8 million, Politico reports. That might not sound surprising given Romney's financial roots, but many of...

Scott Brown Backed by (Gasp!) Yankees Honcho

Noted Red Sox fan's campaign got $2,500 from team's president

(Newser) - Scott Brown has a deal with a devil—the devil who wears pinstripes. The Massachusetts senator, who has touted his Red Sox fandom in radio and TV ads, last month got a $2,500 donation from Randy Levine, the president of the New York Yankees, the Boston Herald reports, in...

Major Obama Donor Accused of Fraud

Abake Assongba has a troubled past, 'Washington Post' discovers

(Newser) - Another donor-related headache for President Obama: Abake Assongba, a " bundler " who has contributed more than $50,000 to his re-election campaign, has troubles in her past including accusations of fraud to the tune of $657,000. The Obama campaign says it is reviewing the accusations against Assongba, which...

Gingrich's Rich Guy: The Rich Shouldn't Sway Elections

...but Sheldon Adelson may give Newt $100M

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson doesn't like America's campaign finance rules—but that won't stop him from exploiting them. "I'm against very wealthy people attempting to or influencing elections," the very wealthy casino mogul tells Forbes . "But as long as it's doable, I'm going...

PayPal Founder Gives $1.7M to Ron Paul

Or more specifically, to Ron Paul's super PAC

(Newser) - PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel knows a thing or two about sending money, and last month he sent $1.7 million worth of it to "Endorse Liberty," a super PAC backing Ron Paul, according to documents released today. Thiel is a long avowed Paul fan, and is so far...

Mitt Romney's Biggest Donors? Bain Capital

Bain-related donors have given more than $2.7M over the years

(Newser) - When Mitt Romney ran Bain Capital, his leadership made billions of dollars for the investment firm. And Bain Capital's associates have supported Romney's political ambitions in turn, giving nearly $3 million to his state and national campaigns—a sum that easily makes them Romney's largest group of...

Thousands of 2008 Donors Abandon Obama

President loses supporters in Northeast, West Coast

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of donors to Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign are sitting this one out—or giving money to the other side—and it’s costing the president millions of dollars, the AP finds. With the help of the Democratic Party, Obama’s campaign has plenty of cash on...

Election 2012: Herman Cain Raised $3M in October, Says Mark Block
 Cain's October 
 Haul: $3M 

Cain's October Haul: $3M

That's more than 3 preceding months combined

(Newser) - Boasting 65,000 donors, Herman Cain’s campaign raked in $3 million over the past month, his chief-of-staff said. “We've actually doubled in a little over a month, and that's what we're seeing in our grassroots activism growth,” Mark Block told CNN . It’s more...

Politicians Should Swear Off Wall Street Cash
Politicians Should Swear Off Wall Street Cash

Politicians Should Swear Off Wall Street Cash

Harold Meyerson says going clean could be deceptively brilliant

(Newser) - Washington is too dysfunctional to pass any laws in response to Occupy Wall Street, but if Democrats want to stand with the protesters, Harold Meyerson has a modest proposal: Refuse all campaign contributions “from the whole financial sector,” he suggests in the Washington Post . “Sign a pledge...

Rick Perry's Texas Donors Living Large

'Los Angeles Times' analysis finds dozens of examples

(Newser) - Rick Perry has raised $102 million as Texas governor over the last 10 years, and $37 million of that comes from just 150 individuals and couples—nearly half of whom have enjoyed business contracts, appointments, or tax breaks under Perry. A Los Angeles Times analysis found dozens of examples, from...

Obama Romancing 'Fat-Cat' Donors

And, simultaneously, not-so-rich ones

(Newser) - President Obama's 2012 machine is revving up early, and his campaign is using all its assets to pull in wealthy donors—while also courting the small Internet donors that fueled his grass-roots machine in 2008. The Washington Post takes a long look at the fundraising push, which has included...

For 2012, Obama Wants 'Fat Cats' Back on His Side

The president reaches out to Wall Street donors

(Newser) - President Obama—who famously angered Wall Street executives by calling them “fat cats,” the New York Times reminds us—is now courting those same executives in his quest for re-election campaign contributions. He kicked off the push by hosting two dozen of them, many longtime donors, at the...

Mitt Romney Raises $10M in One Day

Donors hope to intimidate rivals with show of financial muscle

(Newser) - Mitt Romney flexed his financial muscle yesterday, raising $10.25 million in a one-day call-a-thon. “That’s a terrific start,” Romney told reporters, adding, “Actually, it’s more than just a start—it really gives us the boost that we need.” It’s also the kind...

Hedge-Fund Tycoons Ditch Obama for GOP

They feel betrayed by president's tough talk

(Newser) - Daniel Loeb used to be one of Barack Obama’s biggest supporters, but these days he’s raising huge piles of money for Republicans. Why? Well the president appears to have hurt his feelings, the Wall Street Journal observes. “I am sure, if we are really nice and stay...

Walker Demotes Donor's Kid— to Puny $65K Job

After uproar, governor bumps Brian Deschane back to old gig

(Newser) - Well that was fast. Scott Walker did an about-face yesterday and demoted the son of a major campaign donor from his $81,500-per-year Commerce Department gig—to his former $64,728 job. Brian Deschane will return to his previous post as a bureau director at the Department of Regulation and...

Scott Walker Gives Donor's Kid an $81K Job

Brian Deschane gets job despite lack of college degree, experience

(Newser) - Don’t you hate those overpaid public employees? Why, just look at Brian Deschane. He’s racked up two drunk driving convictions, has little experience, and no college degree, yet Scott Walker’s administration is paying him $81,500 a year, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports. How did he get the...

'Morning Joe' Suspended Over Political Contributions

Scarborough gets two-day penalty after eight $500 donations

(Newser) - Move over, Keith. MSNBC's "Morning Joe" has been suspended for two days for making eight $500 contributions to political campaigns, Politico reports. Joe Scarborough reportedly gave the money to friends and family running in local races near his home in Pensacola. "I recognize that I have a responsibility...

Olbermann: I Should Have Done This Years Ago!

Countdown host returns from MSNBC suspension

(Newser) - It might have gotten him onto the "front page of the New York Times without being dead or in jail or Charlie Sheen or something" but his suspension was no stunt, Keith Olbermann said on his return to MSNBC last night. "Of course," the Countdown host added,...

Olbermann's Far From the Only Offender

Fox doesn't have rules against campaign donations; MSNBC requires permission

(Newser) - OK, so Keith Olbermann donated to three liberal candidates, and he shouldn't have: But the episode underscores exactly how common an occurrence political donations are in the realm of cable news. Politico takes its investigation a step further and finds that Olbermann is far from the only offender: Fox analysts...

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