
Stories 241 - 254 | << Prev 

'Vaccine Court' Denies Families' Autism Claim

MMR vaccine and thimerosal don't combine to cause autism, panel finds

(Newser) - A special court has ruled that a common vaccine did not cause autism in three children, CNN reports. Three test-case families who claimed the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella in combination with the preservative thimerosal caused their children’s autism were denied compensation by the panel, which ruled that...

New Book Heats Up War Over Autism and Vaccines

'Lightning rod' pediatrician's book is latest salvo in vicious debate

(Newser) - A pediatrician’s book is making new waves in the battle over autism and vaccines, the New York Times reports. Paul Offit has received death threats from some who argue that vaccines can cause autism, but his book, Autism’s False Prophets, backs vaccines and says those who oppose them...

For Top Vaccine Doc, Autism Battle Hits Home

Expert discusses how disorder affects his family

(Newser) - For one of the country's highest-profile vaccine researchers, the accusation that the medical establishment is covering up a link between autism and vaccinations hits a nerve. Peter Hotez's 15-year-old daughter, Rachel, has autism, a fact that colors every aspect of her family's life. Her parents, Peter and Ann, declined to...

Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots
 Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots 

Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots

One in four children miss vaccinations, CDC finds, spreading risk through US

(Newser) - Fewer kids in the US are getting needed vaccinations, a study by the Centers for Disease Control finds. More than one in four have skipped or received mistimed doses of important immunizations, ABC News reports. "It's really important that parents understand how important it is to get their kids...

Asia Unique in Geography of Flu Outbreaks

Climate, season seen as key in incubating strains of virus

(Newser) - Researchers have found yet another thing the West imports from China: the flu. East and Southeast Asia serve as a birthplace for new flu strains, the Times of London reports, thanks to the region’s unique mix of climates. By the time Europe and America get the sniffles six to...

All Schoolkids Should Get Flu Shot, Feds Say

CDC panel proposes vaccinations for additional 30M kids

(Newser) - All schoolchildren in the US should get flu shots, a CDC panel advises. Current guidelines call for shots for those ages 6 months to 5 years, but the new recommendation raises the age to 18, an expansion of 30 million youngsters, the AP reports. The CDC is expected to adopt...

Ashton's A-List Pals Exposed to Hepatitis A?

Vaccinations urged for party guests like Madonna, Liv Tyler

(Newser) - Guests at Ashton Kutcher's birthday bash may have brought home more than just goodie bags, E! Online reports. The big shots celebrating the star's 30th birthday at a swanky New York club are being urged by the state health department to get vaccinations—turns out, one of the bartenders working...

This Year's Flu Vaccine Missing the Mark

Only 40% effective as unexpected virus strains hit the public

(Newser) - Flu season peaks in early February and experts say this could be a very bad year. Health officials say that is partly because this year's flu vaccines aren't effective enough, the AP reports. "Every area of the country is experiencing lots of flu right now," said a doctor...

On YouTube Anti-Vaccine Vids Trump Science

Viewers prefer iffy sources for some public health info, JAMA study says

(Newser) - A new JAMA study reports that when it comes to at least one important public health subject on YouTube, theories rejected in the medical community have trumped official information in viewership. Controversial anti-vaccination videos are getting more hits and higher ratings than those touting the accepted science. The findings appear...

Parents Leaning on Religion to Dodge Vaccines for Children

Faith often used to cover other objections

(Newser) - Parents are turning to state laws allowing religious exemptions to keep their children from being vaccinated, the Associated Press reports. Such shots are often required for children to attend preschool; though sects such as the Christian Scientists have real religious objections to medicine, some parents distrustful of the science behind...

Autism-Vaccine Link Becomes Federal Case

Hearing into possible connection gives families day in court

(Newser) - Nearly 8 years after the government asked vaccine makers to reduce the use of a preservative that contains mercury, hearings began today to probe the connection between autism and childhood vaccines. If the U.S. Court of Federal Claims finds a link, the plaintiffs could qualify for compensation through a...

Conservatives Wield FDA Data on HPV Vaccine

Cite health risks in opposing vaccination of teenage girls

(Newser) - A group of religious conservatives has marshalled unreleased FDA data as a weapon in the battle against  Gardasil, the new cervical cancer vaccine. The data indicates health problems in women taking the vaccine, but  drugmaker Merck and the FDA both insist that the negative effects are probably unrelated to the...

Bacteria Battle Depression
Bacteria Battle Depression

Bacteria Battle Depression

Research shows brain produces serotonin as an immune response

(Newser) - Clinical depression may be treatable with bacteria, doctors at Bristol University posit. They got the idea when they observed lung cancer patients inoculated with harmless Mycobacterium vaccae who showed reduced symptoms and improved mental health. The brain produces serotonin as an immune response, the docs hypothesized, raising the low serotonin...



Chickenpox docs want second doses of vaccine—but some parents are resisting

(Newser) - Doctors now recommend that kids get a second dose of chickenpox vaccine, but a lot of wary parents are balking. A recent study concluded that the longer patients had gone since getting the first dose, the more likely they were to contract the pox, and the more likely that it...

Stories 241 - 254 | << Prev