Piers Morgan

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Piers Morgan: My Guest Was 'Best Argument' for Gun Laws

Alex Jones' rant was 'really quite scary,' he says

(Newser) - CNN's Piers Morgan thinks gun-rights proponent Alex Jones's memorable appearance on his show last night made a fine case—for his opponents. "He was the best advertisement for gun control you could wish for," Morgan tells Politico , referring to the conservative radio host. "That kind...

Pro-Gun Petition Founder Blows Up at Piers Morgan

'1776 will commence again,' Alex Jones warns host

(Newser) - Things got pretty heated on Piers Morgan Tonight as the host came face-to-face with the man who started a petition to deport him for supporting gun control. Morgan barely got a word in as conspiracy theorist talk show host Alex Jones attacked him as a "hatchet man of the...

Piers Morgan: The Bible Is 'Inherently Flawed'

CNN host crosses swords with pastor Rick Warren

(Newser) - Is Piers Morgan bucking for a new petition to get him deported? Following one to have him sent to Britain over his views on guns—and another by Brits refusing to take him back —the suddenly controversial CNN host called the Bible "inherently flawed," reports the Daily ...

Want to Deport Piers? You're Un-American

Tommy Christopher: What's patriotic about having the government silence people?

(Newser) - In theory, the White House's "We the People" petition site is a great way to let Americans interact with their government. In practice, it lets a small number of morons "shame the entire nation before the world," writes Tommy Christopher at Mediaite . The latest example: The...

UK Petition to US: No, You Keep Piers Morgan!

Original one to deport him has more than 70K signatures

(Newser) - The petition calling for CNN host Piers Morgan to be deported back to Britain because of his anti-gun views has cracked the 70,000 mark in signatures. And today comes the inevitable counter-petition on the White House's We the People site: It calls for Morgan to stay in the...

New Petition: Deport CNN's Piers Morgan

Signers say he is attacking 2nd amendment with gun-control views

(Newser) - And the quirky White House petitions continue. The latest request submitted to the White House's "We the People" website: an effort to get British CNN host Piers Morgan deported "immediately" for "attacking [the] 2nd amendment." More than 31,500 people have signed the petition thus...

Trump: I'm 'Very Serious;' Obama Zings Fellow 'Kenyan'

The Donald says he's received 'tremendous praise' as prez laughs off offer

(Newser) - Donald Trump says his much-derided $5 million offer is no publicity stunt: "It’s a serious, very serious offer." In fact, Trump says he's "received tremendous praise," he told Piers Morgan last night. When Morgan suggested that "everyone knows" Obama would never do so,...

Piers Morgan Slams 'Gutless' Akin After No-Show

And RNC chief doesn't want Akin at convention

(Newser) - Facing a firestorm over his rape comments , GOP Rep. Todd Akin backed out of a planned appearance on Piers Morgan Tonight yesterday, leaving the angry host addressing an empty chair. "Congressman, you have an open invitation to join me in that chair whenever you feel up to it,"...

CNN Should &#39;Fire Everyone&#39;

 CNN Should 
 'Fire Everyone' 

CNN Should 'Fire Everyone'

Wolf Blitzer 'plainly an idiot': Alex Pareene

(Newser) - With CNN's president leaving at the end of the year, it's time for a shake-up at the struggling network: It needs to get people to watch even when there isn't currently a major disaster happening. At Salon , Alex Pareene offers a handy first step: "Fire everyone....

Casey Anthony: 'Obviously I Didn't Kill My Daughter'

Caylee was her 'greatest accomplishment,' Anthony tells Piers Morgan

(Newser) - Casey Anthony has come out of seclusion, briefly, for the first time since being acquitted of murdering daughter Caylee: "Obviously I didn't kill my daughter," she told Piers Morgan yesterday during a short phone call, which he recounted on CNN 's Piers Morgan Tonight. "If...

Dalai Lama Has Eye for the Ladies

But 'I never forget I'm a monk,' he adds

(Newser) - Turns out the Dalai Lama isn't on an entirely different astral plane than lots of men. He admits a beautiful woman can turn his head. "Do you ever feel temptation when you see a woman?" Piers Morgan asks his holiness in a CNN interview. "Oh, yes, sometimes...

Everybody Hates Madonna
 Everybody Hates Madonna 

Everybody Hates Madonna

Other than 'MDNA' release, singer hasn't had greatest week

(Newser) - The latest to slam Madonna: electronic musician Paul van Dyk, who calls her "so stupid" in Billboard . "She made the biggest mistake of her career" when she apparently referenced drugs "in front of a crowd of 18-year-olds" at the Ultra Music Festival on Saturday, he says. Madonna,...

Kirk Cameron: Homosexuality Is 'Destructive'

Piers Morgan grills former teen heartthrob on anti-gay-marriage views

(Newser) - Former sitcom star Kirk Cameron flexed his anti-gay-marriage muscle on Piers Morgan last night, the Huffington Post reports. The 1980s Growing Pains heartthrob called homosexuality "unnatural ... I think it's detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization." Now a "devoted follower of...

Christie to Buffett: Pay Up and Shut Up

New Jersey governor is 'sick of hearing about' Buffett Rule

(Newser) - Chris Christie has just about had it with that pesky Oracle of Omaha and all his talk about millionaires paying more taxes. The New Jersey governor cut off Piers Morgan's Warren Buffett question at the pass in an interview last night on CNN , telling him, "He should just...

Santorum to Rape Victims: Save 'Horribly Made' Gift

'You have to make the best of a bad situation,' and have the baby, he says

(Newser) - He certainly has a way with words—and Rick Santorum is still getting ripped for some of them. Santorum last week urged rape victims to protect the "horribly created" pregnancies that may result as a "broken" gift from God. Rape victims who become pregnant should "make the...

Piers Morgan on Defensive at Phone Hacking Hearing

He won't say how he heard Paul McCartney voicemail

(Newser) - Piers Morgan was in the hot seat today in Britain's phone hacking inquiry, but the CNN host refused to play along. He got grilled via video from the US on one point in particular, notes AP : If he didn't engage in phone hacking, how did he manage to...

Chelsea Clinton, Meghan McCain, Oprah Winfrey, and More of the Year's Least Fascinating People
 2011's Least 
 Fascinating People 
in case you missed it

2011's Least Fascinating People

Hey, not everybody can be interesting: Seth Abramovitch

(Newser) - Needless to say, Gawker isn’t all that impressed with Barbara Walters’ annual list of the year’s 10 most fascinating people . The good news is, that didn’t stop blogger Seth Abramovitch from offering up his own list, of the year’s 10 least fascinating people, in response:
  • Piers

Trump: Why I'm Most Qualified to Host Debate

He just knows more than other moderators, he explains

(Newser) - It's the question on everyone's mind: What exactly makes real estate mogul Donald Trump qualified to host a political debate? Well, that's easy: "I know a lot of the moderators and some are wonderful, and some aren't, but I know the issues better than the...

Howard Stern May Judge America's Got Talent

He is reportedly in talks with NBC to replace Piers Morgan

(Newser) - Here we go again with the Howard-Stern-as-celebrity-judge rumors. This time, he's supposedly in talks with NBC to join America's Got Talent as a judge alongside Howie Mandel and Sharon Osbourne, report the Wrap and the Wall Street Journal . Both cite anonymous insiders. Stern would replace Piers Morgan, who...

Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay
Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay

Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay

Also, no abortion for rape victims, but he wouldn't ban it

(Newser) - Herman Cain hit on some hot-button social issues in his interview with Piers Morgan last night, including homosexuality and abortion. In one exchange transcribed by Politico , Cain says that “because of my biblical beliefs” he thinks being gay is “a personal choice,” challenging Morgan to show him...

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