
13 Stories

Docs Push Back on New Guidelines for Obese Kids

USPSTF says kids, teens with high BMI should get intensive counseling; critics say that's a big ask

(Newser) - A panel of US health experts is urging more aggressive moves to fight childhood obesity, including a recommendation for intensive counseling. On Tuesday, the US Preventive Services Task Force released guidelines in JAMA that suggest "comprehensive, intensive behavioral interventions" for children and teens 6 years of age and older...

Nanjiani: I Sought Therapy After Crappy Film Reviews

'Eternals' star says it was 'very, very tough' to hear criticism of the 2021 Marvel movie

(Newser) - When Kumail Nanjiani shot 2021's Eternals, alongside big names like Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, and Barry Keoghan, he had a blast. "I had the best time doing that movie, and I realized this is how work should feel like," the 45-year-old Silicon Valley star said Tuesday on...

Caught in Lie, Brock Turner's Probation Terms to Change

A drug and alcohol counseling requirement will be added

(Newser) - The former Stanford University swimmer who got six months in jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman will be required to attend drug and alcohol counseling on top of random testing after he was caught lying about his high school habits. Brock Turner , 20, will have the counseling requirements added...

Tenn. Law Allows Therapists to Reject Gay Patients

This 'codifies discrimination,' counseling association warns

(Newser) - Mental health therapists and counselors in Tennessee can now turn away gay patients or others whose "goals, outcomes, or behaviors" conflict with their "sincerely held beliefs." Republican Gov. Bill Haslam signed Bill 1556 into law on Wednesday, saying it doesn't "address a group, issue, or...

Texas Trooper to Get Counseling After Snoop Dogg Pic

Not because Billy Spears is traumatized—because his bosses are making him

(Newser) - A photo op at a Texas music festival has landed a state Department of Public Safety trooper in counseling. DPS officer Billy Spears was moonlighting at the SXSW event in Austin two weeks ago, in uniform, when the keynote speaker asked for a picture with him, the Dallas Morning News ...

Gaga's Gift to Fans: Free Therapy at Concerts

'BornBrave Bus' will have therapists available

(Newser) - Tailgating at a Lady Gaga concert will be just a little bit different from tailgating at a football game: The pop star has announced that pre-show festivities for the next leg of her tour will include free counseling for concertgoers, Vulture reports. Gaga's "BornBrave Bus" will have therapists...

Marriage Counselor Sued for Telling Hubby to Cheat

New York couple wants $8M

(Newser) - A New York marriage counselor’s unorthodox methods apparently include telling his clients to cheat—and now he’s being sued by one couple he "treated." Guido Venitucci and Heather Aldridge paid $300 a week for 11 years to see counselor Jeffrey Mechanic—even though he was allegedly...

Medicaid Kids Given Antipsychotics 4X More

Seen as most effective treatment; counseling often goes by wayside

(Newser) - Kids on Medicaid rolls are prescribed antipsychotic drugs at an eye-popping rate four times that of kids with private insurance, federal data show, underlining how pills rather than counseling are often seen as the most efficient way to deal with underprivileged children. And not only are Medicaid kids receiving more...

Rehab: How Celebs Say Sorry
 Rehab: How Celebs Say Sorry 

Rehab: How Celebs Say Sorry

Bonus: No need for actual apology

(Newser) - Lately, when celebs want to show contrition, they turn to rehab. Whether counseling for alcohol and drugs (take your pick) to sex addiction (Steve Phillips) to homophobia (Isaiah Washington) to domestic abuse (Chris Brown), stars see a rehab trip taking the place of a public confession. “It really is...

Oprah Urges Chris Brown to Get Some Help

Media mogul has no regrets about domestic violence show 'inspired by Rihanna'

(Newser) - Chris Brown was miffed that Oprah said a recent show on domestic abuse was “inspired by Rihanna.” The singer told People it was “a slap in my face. I did a lot of stuff for her, like going to Africa and performing for her school." When...

Va. Tech Shooter Denied Homicidal Thoughts

(Newser) - Recently discovered records show the Virginia Tech gunman denied homicidal thoughts to a school counselor nearly a year and half before the worst mass shootings in modern US history. Seung-Hui Cho denied the thoughts in a session with counselor Sherry Lynch Conrad on Dec. 14, 2005. On April 16, 2007,...

'Snake Oil' College Advisers Can Run $40K

Counselors often embellish record, don't need licenses

(Newser) - Independent college counselors promise to use their admissions know-how to get students into the best schools. But there’s no way to evaluate their sometimes extravagant claims, and some charge more than a year’s tuition at many colleges, the New York Times reports. Still, business is booming in the...

Jon & Kate Hit Therapy; Cameras May Follow

Tab claims counseling will be shown on reality show

(Newser) - How will Jon & Kate Plus 8 deal with the rampant cheating rumors following its husband-wife team when the show’s next season premieres Monday? By broadcasting their therapy sessions, the National Enquirer reports. Kate Gosselin at first refused counseling, but she also “wants a future in showbiz, and...

13 Stories