Jonathan Krohn

3 Stories

GOP's Teen Superstar Now Part of Liberal Media

Jonathan Krohn now wonky journalist, not pundit

(Newser) - Just four years ago , at age 14, Jonathan Krohn was considered a conservative pundit prodigy. A year later , he was still conservative, although he was starting to push back against "loony tunes" colleagues who thought President Obama wanted to hurt America. Today? Krohn is an undergraduate at New York...

Meet the Right's 14-Year-Old Superstar
Meet the Right's 14-Year-Old Superstar

Meet the Right's 14-Year-Old Superstar

Jonathan Krohn thinks most of his pundit peers act like kids

(Newser) - Jonathan Krohn has appeared on Fox News, written a bestselling book, and calls Newt Gingrich a “good friend.” He’s also 14. But when Samuel Jacobs of the Daily Beast sat down with Krohn, he found someone who considers himself not a prodigy, but a pundit more serious...

Conservatives Are Stunting This Child's Growth
Conservatives Are Stunting This Child's Growth

Conservatives Are Stunting This Child's Growth

CPAC-types should nurture intellect instead of keeping him simple

(Newser) - If you watched the gathering of the tribes at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week, you might’ve caught 14-year-old Jonathan Krohn’s speech. It seems odd, blogs Ta-Nehisi Coates for the Atlantic, to flaunt the idea that conservative talking points are simple enough for an adolescent to master....

3 Stories
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