Wolfram Alpha

4 Stories

Wolfram's Latest IDs What's In Your Photos

At least, it tries to...

(Newser) - You probably can already identify the contents of most of your photos, but this is still fun. A new website from Stephen Wolfram, whom you may know from the search tool WolframAlpha , lets you drag and drop any photo; it will then in theory identify what's in it. Right...

'Google Killer' Search Site Clever, but Not Killer

WolframAlpha analyzes existing data to answer questions

(Newser) - The search engine some are calling a “Google Killer” launched Friday, and tech critics see potential—though the science-heavy searcher is no replacement for Google, notes Mike Harvey in the Times of London.
  • WolframAlpha “takes serious scientific data and produces answers that simply don't exist as easily or

Search Service Will Answer Questions Google Can't

Though not intended to dethrone the search king, Wolfram Alpha will compete for clicks

(Newser) - WolframAlpha, a powerful new Web service that can answer a vast array of questions, has already answered one: No, it is not intended to dethrone Google. The site’s creator, scientist and entrepreneur Stephen Wolfram, is “not keen on the hype,” but others believe WolframAlpha could be a...

New Search Engine Won't Delete Google

(Newser) - A British math whiz plans to roll out a revolutionary search engine this year, but that doesn't mean Google is doomed, Saul Hansell writes in the New York Times. “Google is a company,” while the search engine "is a technology," Hansell writes, responding to a blog...

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