gay marriage

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Winning Streak Broken: Judge Upholds State's Gay Marriage Ban

Louisiana ruling will be appealed

(Newser) - A federal judge upheld Louisiana's ban on same-sex marriages yesterday, a rare loss for gay marriage supporters who had won more than 20 consecutive rulings overturning bans in other states. US District Judge Martin Feldman also upheld the state's refusal to recognize same-sex marriages performed legally in other...

Netscape and Joe Camel, Class of '18 Never Knew Ye

Saturday morning cartoons not a big thing for them

(Newser) - Kids these days, with their Firefox and Chrome … Members of the incoming Class of 2018 probably never used Netscape or got hooked on Saturday morning cartoons, according to an annual list apparently aimed at making you feel old. Beloit College in Wisconsin notes in its yearly Mindset List that...

US Judge Strikes Down Florida Gay Marriage Ban

But Judge Robert Hinkle issues stay to delay effect of his order

(Newser) - A federal judge today declared Florida's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, joining judges across the country who have sided with gay couples wishing to tie the knot. US District Judge Robert Hinkle in Tallahassee ruled that the ban added to Florida's constitution by voters in 2008 violates the...

Court Dumps Virginia's Gay Marriage Ban

US circuit court says state ban is unconstitutional

(Newser) - A federal appeals court has struck down Virginia's same-sex marriage ban. A three-judge panel of the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond ruled today that state constitutional and statutory provisions barring gay marriage and denying recognition of such unions performed in other states violate the US Constitution....

SCOTUS Delays Benefits for Utah Gay Couples

High court says stay will hold until outcome of appeal

(Newser) - More than 1,000 same-sex married couples in Utah must wait longer for state benefits after the US Supreme Court granted the state a stay on an order requiring it to recognize the marriages. The high court issued the order this afternoon, saying the stay will remain in place pending...

Florida Court Clears Way for Gay Marriage in Keys

Overturns ban, applies only to Monroe County

(Newser) - A judge in the Florida Keys overturned the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage today after a legal challenge by gay couples said it effectively made them second-class citizens. The ruling by Circuit Judge Luis M. Garcia applies only to Monroe County, which primarily consists of the Keys, and...

Judge Strikes Down Colo. Gay Marriage Ban

Meanwhile, Utah taking its appeal straight to Supreme Court

(Newser) - Yet another state's gay marriage ban went down yesterday, as Colorado District Court Judge C. Scott Crabtree ruled that the state's ban violated the Constitution's equal protection clause. Colorado allows civil unions between gay couples, but Crabtree said they were discriminatory because they didn't give same-sex...

Utah Taking Gay Marriage to Supreme Court

State will appeal directly to highest court

(Newser) - Utah wants an answer once for all about whether it can ban gay marriage, so it's going straight to the Supreme Court. The state's attorney general said today that he plans to appeal last month's federal appeals court ruling that declared the state's ban on same-sex...

Court Strikes Down Kentucky Gay Marriage Ban

But ruling on hold pending appeal

(Newser) - You can put yet another mark in same-sex marriage's win column, because a federal judge in Kentucky just struck down the state's ban on same-sex couples marrying in the state. The ban violates the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution by treating gay couples differently than straight...

Elton John: WWJD? Approve of Gay Marriage

Says he wants to talk to Vladimir Putin about gay rights

(Newser) - Elton John is finally getting married , and the outspoken singer thinks Jesus would totally be down with gay marriage—even among priests ( he's claimed Jesus was himself gay in the past). "If Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that...

St. Louis Defies State Ban, Marries 4 Gay Couples

Long legal battle expected in Missouri

(Newser) - St. Louis officials have challenged Missouri's constitutional ban on gay marriage by issuing four same-sex marriage licenses in a City Hall ceremony. Four gay couples were married yesterday in the office of Mayor Francis Slay in a ceremony presided over by a municipal judge. But Attorney General Chris Koster...

2 More Courts Find Gay Marriage Bans Unconstitutional

Same-sex marriage's post-DOMA winning streak continues

(Newser) - Same-sex marriage continued its remarkable legal winning streak today, as a federal appeals court affirmed that Utah's ban was unconstitutional, and a separate court said the same of Indiana's ban. The Utah decision is the first such ruling from a federal appeals court, according to the AP . "...

Church Reinstates Pastor Booted Over Son's Gay Wedding

Frank Schaefer can't be punished for refusing to perform future ceremonies

(Newser) - The Methodist church reinstated the pastor who officiated at his gay son's wedding today, overturning an earlier decision to defrock him for refusing to never perform another same-sex ceremony. Frank Schaefer is headed back to the pulpit, where the AP notes he'll collect back pay. The appeals panel...

Obama Makes Gay Marriage More Like Straight Marriage

A host of federal benefits to be extended to same-sex couples

(Newser) - The White House is rolling out a slew of reforms today that will extend to same-sex married couples many of the federal benefits long reserved for straight couples. And in "almost all instances," the couples will get those benefits whether the state they live in recognizes same-sex marriage...

Judge Rejects Halt to Wisconsin Gay Marriages

County clerks decide whether to issue licenses

(Newser) - Gay couples across Wisconsin rushed to secure marriage licenses today, hoping to win legal recognition of their relationships ahead of an expected hold on a ruling that the state's same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional. US District Judge Barbara Crabb in Madison struck down the ban Friday in an...

Lawsuit Challenges North Dakota Gay Marriage Ban
 Gay Weddings 
 Start in Wisconsin 

Gay Weddings Start in Wisconsin

Lawsuit challenges gay-marriage ban in North Dakota

(Newser) - Same-sex couples began getting married in Wisconsin today within minutes of a federal judge's striking down the state's gay marriage ban and despite confusion over the effect of the ruling. Clerks in Madison and Milwaukee started marrying same-sex couples this evening. They did so even though both Republican...

Gay Marriage Now Legal All Over Northeast

Judge declares ban in Pennsylvania unconstitutional, but state expected to appeal

(Newser) - A day after Oregon became the 18th state to recognize same-sex marriage, a federal judge made Pennsylvania the 19th, at least for now. The judge declared the state's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . “By virtue of this ruling, same-sex couples who seek to marry...

Gay Couples Marry Within Hour of Oregon's Decision

Dozens wed; state attorney general refuses to appeal

(Newser) - It was pretty easy to predict that US District Judge Michael McShane was going to overturn Oregon's gay marriage ban yesterday. So easy that gay couples were lined up for licenses beforehand, refreshing their smartphones as they awaited the news, the Oregonian reports. Oregon's attorney general had refused...

Gay Marriage Halted in Arkansas

Clerks still banned from issuing licenses, court says

(Newser) - Gay couples in Arkansas who didn't get marriage licenses in the past week won't be able to when county offices open today, after the state Supreme Court noted that the judge who struck down a same-sex marriage ban last week failed to also overturn relevant aspects of a...

Nintendo&#39;s Way Behind on Gay Rights
 Way Behind 
 on Gay Rights 

Nintendo's Way Behind on Gay Rights

Critics weigh in as company apologizes for game's straight-only relationships

(Newser) - A Nintendo game's failure to allow gay relationships is prompting a hard look at the video game industry, which critics say is stuck in the past. Studies show that players can form powerful bonds with their in-game avatars, and these virtual relationships are tied to self-esteem, writes Mark Griffiths...

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