
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

US Embassy Zings Egypt, Via Twitter

Psst, we can read Arabic, too

(Newser) - The US embassy in Cairo caught the ruling Muslim Brotherhood being two-faced as the protests were under way earlier this week, reports the Hill . The Egypt group's Arabic feed praised the protests, while its American feed expressed support for American staffers:
  • Brotherhood's tweet in Arabic: "Egyptians rise

Twitter Blocks Journalist Who Criticized NBC

NBC argues Guy Adams violated Twitter policy by printing exec email

(Newser) - Twitter is sparking stunned squeals of protest over its decision to block a British journalist after he criticized Olympic coverage by NBC and the network complained. Twitter has suspended the account of Guy Adams , the Los Angeles correspondent for the Independent . The newspaper's deputy editor blasted the move as...

Olympics to Fans: Please Stop Tweeting

Overwhelmed networks causing problems with TV coverage

(Newser) - Excited Olympics attendees have been overwhelming mobile networks, and now the International Olympic Committee is urging spectators to cool it with the texting and tweeting. "Of course, if you want to send something, we are not going to say 'you can't do it', and we would certainly...

Kent State Student Busted for Tweeting Shooting Threat

William Koberna said he planned to 'shoot up' the campus, say officials

(Newser) - A 19-year-old Kent State student was busted by police at his parents' home yesterday after university officials say he tweeted that he was going to "shoot up" the campus. Sophomore William Koberna was charged with inducing panic, a felony, and aggravated menacing, reports WEWS-TV . He's scheduled to be...

Twitter Crashes, World Reels
 Twitter Crashes, World Reels 

Twitter Crashes, World Reels

Twitterverse taken down by 'double-whammy'

(Newser) - The Twitterverse came to an unexpected halt for more than an hour yesterday, and tweeters around the globe nearly panicked. Twitter apologized for the worldwide outage, and blamed it on a technical glitch—not on overwhelming traffic triggered by the Olympics, as tweeters later speculated, reports CNN . "We are...

WSJ Editor's Batman Tweet Stirs Angry Backlash

James Taranto makes controversial comment about Aurora shooting

(Newser) - A Wall Street Journal editor is in hot water after an "errant" tweet about the Dark Knight massacre. Referring to the three men who died shielding their girlfriends during the attack, James Taranto tweeted, "I hope the girls whose boyfriends died to save them were worthy of the...

Rapper Kicks Fan Out of Concert for Critical Tweet

Then issues tearful apology on YouTube

(Newser) - Nerdcore rapper MC Chris landed himself in hot digital waters this week, after kicking a fan out of one of his shows for a critical tweet about his opening act. Mike Taylor had been unimpressed with opener Richie Branson, and tweeted, "Dear nerd core rapper opening for Powerglove/mc chris....

Judge to Twitter: Turn Over Writer's Protest Tweets

Malcolm Harris' tweets not protected speech, judge rules

(Newser) - Freewheeling speech on Twitter isn't the same as protected speech, a judge has ruled. In a decision with major repercussions for social media communication, a Manhattan criminal court judge has ordered Twitter to turn over tweets sent by a New York writer during Occupy Wall Street protests last fall....

Not a Peep From Tweeters as Twitter Crashes

Hacker group UGNazi boasts it gummed up works

(Newser) - Tweeters were squawking yesterday when Twitter crashed hard. The system was down from noon to 1 pm ET, but then crashed again an hour later and intermittently throughout the afternoon when Twitter admitted the "issue in ongoing," reports CNN . Most service was restored by late afternoon. The problem...

Finally: 'Expanded Tweets' Bust 140-Character Limit

It's about time: Farhad Manjoo

(Newser) - Twitter's 140-character limit is all but sancrosanct, as Slate's Farhad Manjoo discovered a while back when he suggested doubling it. Diehards were horrified, and company honchos ridiculed the notion. But what's this? Twitter has just unveiled "expanded tweets" that allow a lot more characters and "...

Where to Find Politicians&#39; Deleted Tweets
Read the Tweets That Politicians Deleted
link inside

Read the Tweets That Politicians Deleted

Politwoops keeps a stash of those hasty deletions

(Newser) - Note to tweeting politicians: Watch what you post, because Politwoops will remember it forever. The transparency-minded website is safeguarding politicians' deleted tweets, enabling the rest of us to giggle or ponder over them at our leisure, The Atlantic reports. The site's current 6-month stash includes a few doozey deletions,...

Russia Launches Twitter War on US Ambassador

Twitterverse battle does little damage

(Newser) - Russia is unleashing its latest weapon in a standoff with the US: Twitter. A barrage of critical tweets attacked US ambassador Michael McFaul for his "unprofessional" speech to Moscow economic students concerning the two nations. An "ambassador's job is to improve bilateral ties, not to spread blatant...

New Yorker Releasing Story in Tweets

Jennifer Egan's 'Black Box' serialized on Twitter

(Newser) - The latest story from a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer will appear in 140-character chunks. The New Yorker is publishing Jennifer Egan's "Black Box" in installments on Twitter, the New York Observer reports. The tweets, which began yesterday , will appear from 8pm to 9pm every day for nine days. They'...

Twitter Fights to Protect Tweets at Protester Trial

Users have rights to all content, company argues

(Newser) - Twitter is fighting a subpoena demanding tweets of an Occupy protester on trial in Manhattan. The outcome of the battle could have a major impact on tweeters' privacy. The company is arguing that Twitter has no claim on a user's communication, and therefore has no right to turn them...

Cher Rips Romney's 'Racist Tea Bagger Masters'

She deletes tweets after anti-Romney rant

(Newser) - Don't expect Cher to sing a duet with Ted Nugent any time soon. If Mitt Romney "gets elected I don't know if I can breathe same air as Him & his Right Wing Racist Homophobic Women-Hating Tea Bagger Masters," she wrote in one of several tweets...

@Mrskutcher Switches to @Justdemi on Twitter

That really makes divorce from Ashton official

(Newser) - You know it's really over when a breakup affects a Twitter handle. So to make it officially over and done with, Demi Moore is no longer @mrskutcher, and is now @justdemi on Twitter. Though Demi and Ashton Kutcher announced the end of their marriage last year, Moore has been...

You Need to Stop Live-Tweeting TV

 You Need to Stop 
 Live-Tweeting TV 

You Need to Stop Live-Tweeting TV

You'll spoil it for others—and yourself: Daniel Carlson

(Newser) - If you've ever had a television show spoiled by live-tweeters, you'll probably appreciate Daniel Carlson's directive: "Step away from the keyboard," he begs viewers, because "live-tweeting ruins everything." Yes, he's annoyed at plot spoilers—but more importantly, he points out on Pajiba...

Twitter Squad Foils Carjacking
 Twitter Squad Foils Carjacking 

Twitter Squad Foils Carjacking

Tweeters track cell phone of driver shut in trunk

(Newser) - An army of helpful tweeters helped save the day when a hapless car owner nearly lost his vehicle—and his life—to a pair of carjackers in South Africa. The armed thugs forced the driver into the trunk of his Volkswagen Golf. Luckily, they didn't take his cell phone,...

&#39;Unfollow Bug&#39; Hits Twitter
 'Unfollow Bug' Hits Twitter 

'Unfollow Bug' Hits Twitter

Tweeters wonder what they're doing wrong

(Newser) - Tweeters are atwitter about an "unfollow bug" hitting the Twitterverse. Scads of Twitter followers are being unceremoniously dumped from sites without anyone's consent or knowledge. “This is a bug, and our team is working to fix it," said a Twitter spokesman. Twitter is advising people to...

Waffle House Tweets About Whitney? Come On

This corporate Twitter feed takes the cake: Jon Bershad

(Newser) - Waffle House is home to more than wacky crime and weird behavior . It also has an equally weird Twitter feed—that is, if you consider it strange for corporate entities to solicit our opinions on current events, Jon Bershad writes on Mediaite . Waffle House's recent tweets about Whitney Houston...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>