Michael Bennet

18 Stories

Pelosi Warns Biden: 'Time Is Running Short'
Warns Biden:
'Time Is
Running Short'
the rundown

Pelosi Warns Biden: 'Time Is Running Short'

Meanwhile, George Clooney bails on him, and the first Democratic senator says he can't win

(Newser) - Tuesday may have been a good day for President Biden in terms of shifting momentum in his favor, but a new spate of stories illustrates the Biden problems that remain:
  • Pelosi hesitation: Speaking to MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said "it's up

Impeachment Trial: Dems Float a Lesser Penalty
Democrats Now Face
a 'Mathematical Impossibility'
the rundown

Democrats Now Face a 'Mathematical Impossibility'

Closing impeachment arguments are over, and Politico already counts enough acquittal votes

(Newser) - Closing arguments in President Trump's impeachment trial have wrapped up. Now senators will have two days to make individual speeches ahead of the final vote on Wednesday. Meanwhile, some Democrats were at least hoping for a censure of President Trump after the trial is over, though the prospect looks...

No. 21: Another Democrat Joins the Race

Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet is in

(Newser) - In the 2016 campaign, there were so many Republican candidates they had to run two-tiered debates to handle them all. The question for 2020 Democrats: Will two tiers be enough? Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado on Thursday became the 21st major candidate to enter the race, reports the Washington Post ...

Yes, He's Running for President—if Surgery Goes Well

Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado has two big announcements

(Newser) - Sen. Michael Bennet has been expected to join the ever-growing 2020 presidential field, but the Colorado Democrat got some bad news that's delaying a final answer on that. He has prostate cancer. He'll be getting surgery to remove his prostate gland, the same surgery John Kerry survived in...

GOP Hits Senator for Iran Deal With Mushroom Cloud Ad

Michael Bennet faces tough race, first round of volleys over support of deal

(Newser) - A conservative group is airing an ad to bash Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., and his support of the Iran nuclear deal, showing kids counting down from 10 in different languages to a mushroom cloud. The ad by Advancing Colorado then shows a huge explosion and billowing cloud. Over charred and...

Senators' Personal Wants Buried in Immigration Bill

Graham adds meat industry visas; Colo. senator helps ski resorts

(Newser) - The Senate's immigration reform bill could make sweeping changes for some 11 million undocumented workers, but not all its measures are so expansive. In fact, a number of senators have inserted legislation that offers a special boost to their home states, the Wall Street Journal reports. Lindsey Graham of...

Senator's Staff Threatened Days Before Shooting

John Troy Davis made calls to Sen. Michael Bennet's staff

(Newser) - A Colorado man has been arrested for allegedly threatening Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet's staff two days before Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Arizona. John Troy Davis had frequently called Bennet's Denver office wanting help with his Social Security benefits, but in a call last Thursday, he threatened to "come...

Michael Bennet Wins Colorado Senate Race

Democrat keeps GOP from gaining another seat

(Newser) - Turns out, incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet wasn't premature in declaring himself the winner of Colorado's Senate race. After today's counting, there's no way GOP challenger Ken Buck can catch him, reports the AP . With 97% of returns in, he's got a lead of more than 15,000 votes. Buck, however,...

8 Senate Races to Watch
 8 Senate Races to Watch 
midterms 2010

8 Senate Races to Watch

These races will decide just how good the GOP's night is

(Newser) - It’s Election Day, folks, and we're here to give you the low-down. All eyes are certainly on the Senate, where Democrats have a chance to keep their majority, provided they can win a few close races. Here's what's happening, according to the Washington Post , complete with links to our...

Colorado Win a 'Whew' for Obama
 Bennet Colorado Win 
 a 'Whew' for Obama 

Bennet Colorado Win a 'Whew' for Obama

But Tea Party upstart trumps establishment GOP

(Newser) - A collective, though small, sigh of relief could be heard in the White House after incumbent Michael Bennet's victory in a bitter primary battle for US senator in Colorado yesterday. But the picture was not so rosy for status quo Republicans as Tea Party insurgent Ken Buck beat out establishment...

Clinton, Obama Back Rival Colorado Candidates

Ex-president endorses underdog Andrew Romanoff

(Newser) - The Clinton-Obama faultline that split Democrats in 2008 appears to have reopened in Colorado. Bill Clinton has bucked the Obama administration and given his support to Andrew Romanoff in the state's Democratic primary for the US Senate, the Denver Post reports. Romanoff—who endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2008—is running...

White House Dangled Jobs for Colo. Candidate to Quit

Obama crew wanted Romanoff out of race

(Newser) - Colorado Democrat Andrew Romanoff has confirmed that President Obama's deputy chief of staff suggested that 3 jobs would be open to him if he dropped out of the state's Senate race. Romanoff received an offer outlining the international development jobs after telling Jim Messina that he had no intention of...

Senators to Facebook: Privacy Changes Suck

Oh, and fancy an FTC investigation?

(Newser) - It's not just tech geeks freaking out about the new Facebook changes; apparently they're causing hand-wringing in the very halls of Congress. Four Democratic senators—Chuck Schumer, Al Franken, Mark Begich and Michael Bennet—have sent an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg complaining that the changes give users less control...

5 More GOP Routes to a Senate Majority

These shaky Dem incumbents could be next to make the GOP's day

(Newser) - The decision by Indiana Senator Evan Bayh not to seek reelection has put 10 Democratic seats—and the majority—firmly in reach of Republicans in the upcoming election. Politico looks at 5 most likely to make the job easier for the GOP:
  • Arkansas: Blanche Lincoln trailed a likely GOP challenger

White House Throws Weight Into State Races

Some Democrat's fret about administration's increasingly partisan direction

(Newser) - The Obama administration is becoming increasingly assertive in trying to influence state-level elections around the country, the New York Times reports. White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and other top political strategists have made it plain that they're willing to play hardball to strengthen the Democratic ticket where necessary—...

Dems' Colo. Dream Win Begins to Look Shaky

Anxiety over recession, deficit quiets Obama supporters

(Newser) - Democrats won a huge symbolic victory by winning over conservative Colorado in last year's elections, but nervous state voters may be yearning for the GOP again, the Washington Post reports. Strategists are feeling it on the ground and incumbents in the halls of power: President Obama's supporters have grown quiet...

New Colo. Sen. Bennet Kicks Off 2010 Campaign

Newcomer to campaigning could struggle in midterm election year

(Newser) - Talk about hitting the ground running: Less than 24 hours after he was named to replace Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar, schools superintendent Michael Bennet was already staffing up for the 2010 campaign, reports the Rocky Mountain News. Says a former Barack Obama operative, “I had just unpacked my bags...

Denver Schools Chief Will Succeed Salazar

Colo. governor taps Bennet to serve out Senate term

(Newser) - Bill Ritter has chosen Michael Bennet to fill the US Senate seat vacated by Ken Salazar, President-elect Obama’s choice for secretary of the Interior, the Denver Post reports. Bennet, superintendent of the Denver public school system, reportedly was an education secretary candidate. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper had sought to...

18 Stories