Bush administration

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Supreme Court OKs Navy Sonar Near Whales

5-4 decision sides with Bush administration

(Newser) - The Supreme Court sided 5-4 with the Bush administration today, exempting the Navy from switching off high-powered sonar near whales during training off California's coast. The piercing underwater sounds panic whales and make their ears bleed, environmentalists tell the Los Angeles Times. But the “public interest” in the exercises...

And Don't Let the Door Hit You ...
 And Don't Let 
 the Door Hit You ... 

And Don't Let the Door Hit You ...

Lefty glories in Bush's imminent departure, fires off some parting shots

(Newser) - George W. Bush will soon no longer be president, and “it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the multifaceted burden that will soon be lifted from our collective shoulders,” Paul Waldman writes in the American Prospect, taking more than a few minutes to catalog the low...

Palin Blames Bush for GOP Loss

Ticket too closely resembled debt-riddled, wartime status quo

(Newser) - Sarah Palin tells the Anchorage Daily News her presidential ticket failed because it too closely reflected the Republican status quo. “Americans were kind of shaking their heads like … how did we run up a $10 trillion debt in a Republican administration? How have there been blunders with war...

Bush Won't See Mideast Deal During Term

In region, Rice aims to keep process on track for Obama's team

(Newser) - Israel and the Palestinians won’t likely reach a peace agreement by the 2009 deadline set at the Annapolis negotiations a year ago, the White House said today. The Bush administration began to question the feasibility of the deadline when a corruption scandal ousted PM Ehud Olmert and set the...

Pelosi Urges Lame-Duck Stimulus Bill

Democrats say bipartisan, White House support crucial to measure

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says she hopes to quickly push through a $61 billion economic stimulus package but will need the support of President Bush and the current crop of Senate Republicans, Reuters reports. Pelosi said a "lame duck session" could come as early as Nov. 16. "It depends on...

Rice 'Especially Proud' of Obama

Secretary of State 'especially proud' of Obama

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice delivered emotional congratulations to Barack Obama today, saying that as an African American she is “especially proud” of his victory. The secretary of State called the Democrat an inspiration, the AP reports. “Americans are not going to be satisfied until they really do form that perfect...

Bush: US Should Be Proud

Obama election 'triumph of the American story,' president says

(Newser) - All Americans, no matter who they voted for, should be “overcome with pride” at Barack Obama’s historic victory, President Bush said today, calling it “a triumph of the American story.” Bush promised he’d give Obama his “complete cooperation” in preparing for the transition. He...

Bush Appointees: We're Not Going Anywhere

(Newser) - When President Bush leaves Washington in January, many of his appointees won't be going with him, Daniel Schulman writes in Mother Jones. Administration workers are "burrowing in," arranging to trade their political positions for cushy career jobs, even though many were unqualified when hired. They ensure that the...

Huge Bush Deregulation Push Before Jan. 20

White House will relax rules on environment, consumer protection

(Newser) - George W. Bush is president for 11 more weeks, and the White House is plotting to use that time to modify federal regulations to weaken protections for consumers and the environment. The deregulatory initiatives would be some of the most controversial of the Bush era, reports the Washington Post, lifting...

Rice Could Be Lone Survivor of Bush Years
Rice Could Be Lone Survivor
of Bush Years

Rice Could Be Lone Survivor of Bush Years

Avoiding public scorn leaves open political avenues for confidante

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice might be the lone Bush confidante to escape with a political career intact, Marc Hujer writes in Der Spiegel, ironic because if “anyone, besides Bush …ought to be held accountable for the failings of the current administration, it is Rice.” As national security adviser then...

US: Attack Was 'Warning' to Jihadist-Friendly Syria

Damascus closes American school, cultural center

(Newser) - The US says its attack Sunday on a Syrian village was a warning to Damascus to take more action against Iraq-bound militants. “We are left with no choice but to take matters into our own hands,” an official tells the Times of London. Washington recently praised Syria for...

Bush's Next Act: Try Congress
Bush's Next Act: Try Congress

Bush's Next Act: Try Congress

With John Quincy Adams as model, Dubya could do plenty of good in House

(Newser) - President Bush can't have 4 more years, but he could try for 2, Steve Coronella writes in the Christian Science Monitor. Coronella urges Bush to follow John Quincy Adams, who served 17 years in the House. As a representative from Texas, he writes, “Bush could go on to make...

Economy Is Democrats' Fault, But Media Turn Blind Eye

Newspapers aren't being honest about what caused crisis: Card

(Newser) - Mainstream media—aka the Democrats’ “public relations machine”—have fed Americans a “big fat lie” by ignoring the fact that this economic mess can be traced directly to Democratic policies, writes Orson Scott Card in Meridian. The crisis is “not a vague emanation of the evil...

Rove Used Federal Coin to Help GOP in '06

Officials traveled, gave out grants to help incumbents: report

(Newser) - Karl Rove helped direct federal officials and funds to 99 congressional districts where Republican candidates were threatened in the 2006 elections, the Washington Post reports. Many presidents, including Bill Clinton, have briefed cabinet members before reelection efforts, but the “gross abuse” of public White House funds for at least...

Appeals Court Halts Release of 17 at Gitmo

Goverment seeks to reverse decision to free Chinese Muslims

(Newser) - An appeals court has blocked the release of 17 Chinese Muslim detainees at Guantanamo Bay after the Bush administration filed an emergency motion. A lower court had ruled that the men, members of the Uighur minority who have been imprisoned for 7 years, must be released. That decision also said...

Bush Made Pact With This Man: Arab Sources
Bush Made Pact With This Man:  Arab Sources

Bush Made Pact With This Man: Arab Sources

Iranian collusion may be behind the success of the surge in Iraq

(Newser) - Secret cooperation between Iran and the Bush administration may be behind the success of the Iraq surge, which has played heavily in "John McCain’s rise from the ashes," writes Salameh Nematt in the Daily Beast. Arab intelligence sources say such a “Grand Bargain” has been reached...

Afghan Leader's Brother Tied to Drug Trade: US

Karzai denies claims, but Washington believes 'he's dirty'

(Newser) - The White House believes that the brother of Afghanistan’s US-backed president has ties to the country’s heroin trade, the New York Times reports. Hamid Karzai insists there is no firm proof against his brother, who calls himself a “victim of vicious politics.” But numerous reports from...

Gray Wolf Back on Endangered List

Court overrules Bush administration's move to cross it off

(Newser) - A federal court restored gray wolves to the endangered species list in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin yesterday, again making it not OK to kill wolves that attack livestock or pets, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. In answer to a lawsuit by environmental groups, a judge said the wolves couldn’t...

White House Caves on Golden Parachutes

Paulson bows to pressure from lawmakers opposed to bailout paydays for CEOs

(Newser) - The White House bowed on a crucial change in the $700 billion bailout today ahead of a speech tonight in which President Bush hopes to pull loudly resistant lawmakers on board. Republican officials said Henry Paulson agreed to demands from critics in both parties to limit the “golden parachute”...

'Maverick' Aides Are Veteran Bushies

McCain-Palin campaign steered by former Bush workers

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may be a newcomer to national politics, but her army of aides has ace operatives who chiseled their craft working for George Bush's campaigns and administration, reports the Washington Post. They won the White House —twice —but some Republican loyalists question if the former Bush communications...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>