Bush administration

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush Can Teach Obama What Not to Do: Woodward

Woodward has seen all the mistakes and lived to tell about it

(Newser) - George W. Bush’s presidency could teach Barack Obama many lessons—about what not to do. Bob Woodward lays out 10 of them in today’s Washington Post:
  • "Presidents need to draw people out and make sure bad news makes it to the Oval Office": Bush went into Iraq

White House Ordered to Find Missing Emails

Judge issues last-minute bid to archive Iraq letters

(Newser) - As current White House employees pack their bags, a federal judge today ordered the president's executive office to find and properly archive missing e-mails written by senior Bush appointees. At issue are communications that date to the period between 2003 and 2005, specifically documents that relate to the invasion of...

Purge of 'Crazy Libs' by Bush Civil Rights Boss Broke Law

'Commies' pushed out for 'real Americans'

(Newser) - A Bush appointee who headed the Justice Department's civil rights division blatantly violated federal anti-bias laws in his hiring policies and then lied about it to Congress, according to government authorities. An internal report quotes emails from Bradley Schlozman, who ran the department from 2003 to 2006, in which he...

Obama Could Learn a Lot From Cheney
 Obama Could 
 Learn a Lot 
 From Cheney 

Obama Could Learn a Lot From Cheney

VP wasn't afraid to sacrifice popularity to keep country safe

(Newser) - Dick Cheney's sub-Darth Vader approval levels make him an unlikely role model for Barack Obama but the president-elect could learn a lot from what made Cheney so unpopular in the first place, writes William McGurn in the Wall Street Journal. Cheney is disliked because he made some tough calls to...

Bush to Give Farewell Address, Obama Welcome

(Newser) - President Bush will take the spotlight one last time in a farewell address Thursday that the administration is billing as a chance to reflect on his presidency and pass the torch to Barack Obama. Bush will deliver the speech, expected to run 10-15 minutes, from the ornate East Room of...

Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy
Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy

Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy

'We really went nowhere for almost 10 years,' says economist

(Newser) - The Bush years have not been good ones for the economy, the Washington Post reports, based on an analysis of economic data and discussions with economists of all stripes. Job growth for Bush’s tenure amounts to just 2%, the smallest 8-year gain on record, and GDP grew at its...

In Last Presser, Bush Hotly Defends Record, Owns Regrets

President doesn't indulge in self-pity in final news conference

(Newser) - In what he called the “ultimate exit interview,” President Bush defended his record and the talents of his team, dismissed his critics, acknowledged some mistakes, and had words of advice for his successor. In a wide-ranging, emotional, and occasionally poignant farewell press conference, Bush said it wasn’t...

Student May Face Fed Charges for Fake Drilling Bids

Activist infiltrated auction, won 22,000 acres of federal land at auction in protest

(Newser) - A Utah college activist may face federal charges and jail for making bids he can't afford on scenic tracts in a federal drilling auction last month, the Washington Post reports. Economics student Tim DeChristopher wielded his red auction paddle 13 times to snag $1.8 million in property before federal...

DTV Date Switch Gains Momentum in DC

Fund to aid consumers' conversion has run dry; June 1 may be alternative

(Newser) - Pressure from an influential consumer group and a change in attitudes on Capitol Hill may push back the mandated switch to digital television, Broadcasting & Cable reports. A letter from the Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports, to key lawmakers and the Bush and Obama administrations urges them to reconsider...

Those Bush Portraits Just Have to Go
Those Bush Portraits
Just Have to Go

Those Bush Portraits Just Have to Go

Sorry, Mr. President, we hate you

(Newser) - Barack Obama has plenty to do, but could he take on one more teensy little job? Because those Bush portraits just must come down, Michael Wiseman writes in the Washington Post. Way back in February 2001, the Bush administration rolled out an unusually high portrait deployment, plastering pictures of the...

Bush Slams Hamas for Gaza Assault
Bush Slams Hamas for Gaza Assault

Bush Slams Hamas for Gaza Assault

President says Hamas is responsible for civilian casualties from Israeli offensive

(Newser) - George W. Bush has placed the blame for the recent violence in Gaza firmly on Hamas in his first public statement on the crisis, CNN reports. Bush said the Israeli offensive has been provoked by terrorist rocket strikes, and blamed the hundreds of civilian Palestinian deaths from the offensive on...

Cheney Wasn't Puppetmaster, Say Bush Aides

Members of inner circle rip beliefs about presidency as 'hooey'

(Newser) - Popular beliefs about the Bush presidency are way off the mark, a pair of top advisers who served throughout the administration tell the Washington Post. The idea that Vice President Dick Cheney wielded unprecedented power and pulled the strings on Bush's foreign policy is "just hooey," said Chief...

Gonzales: I'm a Casualty of War on Terror

Controversial ex-AG defends White House role

(Newser) - Controversial former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales didn't deserve the flak he got as a high-ranking Bush administration official, he tells the Wall Street Journal. Gonzales was pilloried for his involvement in the government's "war on terror" policies, but he denies drafting the legal opinions that supported harsh interrogation techniques...

White House Frets Over Gaza Fighting

Administration pressuring Israel to end attacks

(Newser) - A deeply worried Bush administration is privately pushing Israel to settle on a Gaza exit strategy, despite the White House's public support of the offensive, insiders tell the Los Angeles Times. Amid rising international pressure to end the fighting, administration officials fear that rather than crushing Hamas, Israel's assault could...

OSHA Gutted by Bush White House
OSHA Gutted by
Bush White House

OSHA Gutted by Bush White House

Safety standards eased in response to industry pressure

(Newser) - Under President Bush, political appointees at OSHA caved to industry pressure by withdrawing or watering down workplace health and safety regulations, the Washington Post reports. From 2001 to 2007, the agency issued 86% fewer "economically significant" rules than it did under Clinton. It's "like turning a ketchup bottle...

Exit Interviews Reveal Bush-Cheney Differences

VP defiant, combative as president adopts gracious, reflective tone

(Newser) - George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are displaying strikingly different attitudes toward their time in power as its end looms, the New York Times reports. Bush is reflective, acknowledging regrets and speaking graciously of his successor. Cheney, meanwhile, is defiant to the end, defending policies like waterboarding and letting slip...

Bush Retracts Pardon for Son of Big GOP Donor

White House cites new information in halting process for developer Isaac Toussie

(Newser) - President Bush withdrew a presidential pardon today after it emerged that the father of a convicted Brooklyn developer donated $28,500 to the Republican Party, CNN reports. The president’s counsel approved clemency for Isaac Toussie on charges of mail fraud and false statements to federal officials, White House spokeswoman...

Court Reinstates Bush Clean Air Rule

Federal judges reverse position on clean air rule, giving Obama time to replace it

(Newser) - A federal appeals court has decided that a flawed clean air law is better than no clean air law, the New York Times reports. Reversing an earlier judgment, the court ruled to temporarily reinstate the Clean Air Interstate Rule—which limits emissions from coal-fired power plants in 28 states—while...

Bush Pentagon Team Asked to Stay On
Bush Pentagon Team Asked
to Stay On

Bush Pentagon Team Asked to Stay On

Gates keeps appointees on board until they are replaced

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates has taken the unusual step of inviting most of President Bush's political appointees to remain at the Pentagon until they are replaced, the Washington Times reports. An undisclosed number will be dismissed, but Gates, keen to avoid a "leadership vacuum" with two wars on, wants...

White House Slams NYT Story as 'Gross Negligence'

Perino: Shoddy 'reporting' behind housing crisis story

(Newser) - The White House accused the New York Times of “gross negligence” today in response to a page one story that largely places the housing and financial messes at the feet of Bush policies, Politico reports. “The Times’ ‘reporting’ in this story amounted to finding selected quotes to...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>