Marine Corps

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Pentagon, Marine Museum Shootings Linked

Same gun was used in both cases, ballistics reveals

(Newser) - Ballistic tests have conclusively shown that the same weapon fired on both the Pentagon and National Museum of the Marine Corps, the FBI announced yesterday. Officials suspect a third shooting at a Marine Corps recruiting office this week may be related as well. “I don't think at this point...

Marines: Military Should Have Told Us About Toxic Water

Cancer victims link disease to Lejeune

(Newser) - Peter Devereaux is dying and he believes the military's failure to tell him he had been exposed to carcinogens at a North Carolina base could be to blame. The 48-year-old former Marine was stationed at Camp Lejeune in the '80s, when the camp's water supply was tainted with poisonous chemicals....

US Marines Free Ship From Somali Pirates

Hijacked vessel recaptured without single shot fired

(Newser) - US Marines stormed a pirate-held freighter off the coast off Somalia yesterday and freed its crew without firing a shot. Nine heavily armed Somali pirates—who had threatened to open fire, but surrendered or fled to hiding places on the ship when the Marines boarded—were busted. It's the first...

Troops Glad McChrystal's Gone: Rolling Stone Writer

Reporter 'very surprised' by 'unfireable' general's ouster

(Newser) - The journalist whose Rolling Stone exposé got Stanley McChrystal fired says troops in Afghanistan are thanking him. "Over here, soldiers were happy that he got fired," Michael Hastings, who's embedded in Afghanistan, tells the Huffington Post . "I've had a number of people come up to me, I...

O'Reilly: I'll Pay Legal Bill for Dead Marine's Dad

Court ordered man to foot protesters' costs

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly is opening his checkbook for the father of a Marine killed in Iraq after a court ordered him to pay the legal fees of protesters he’d sued for picketing his son’s 2006 funeral. “That is an outrage,” the Fox host said yesterday of...

US Marines Exit Iraq; Biden in Baghdad

Hand-off in Ramadi kicks off accelerated troop withdrawals

(Newser) - The US Marine Corps wrapped nearly 7 years in Iraq today, handing over duties to the Army in a ceremony in Ramadi, and signaling the beginning of an accelerated withdrawal of American troops. The last remaining Marines are expected to be followed out by tens of thousands of soldiers in...

Military Divorce Rate Climbs Again
 Military Divorce Rate 
 Climbs Again 
the war at home

Military Divorce Rate Climbs Again

Stress of war, deployments takes toll at home

(Newser) - The divorce rate in the armed forces increased slightly again in the past year as military marriages continued to bear the stress of the nation's ninth year at war. In the 2009 fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30, there were an estimated 27,312 divorces among the nearly 765,000...

Fake Marine Busted After Reunion
Fake Marine Busted
 After Reunion

Fake Marine Busted After Reunion

Banker shows off chestful of medals to old classmates

(Newser) - A man who'd been a nerdy, unathletic band member at his California high school shocked classmates recently by turning up at his 20th reunion as a highly decorated Marine. Classmates were duly impressed by Steve Burton's transformation, but one, now a Navy commander, was so stunned by Burton's chestful of...

Manage Like a Marine

 Manage Like a Marine 
Corporate Leadership

Manage Like a Marine

Officers outline similarities between Iraq and the office

(Newser) - Marine officers Timothy Saint and Nicholas Smith "learned a lot about leadership and management that we wish someone had told us as boot lieutenants" during their service in Iraq, and most of it applies to young managers in the corporate world. They provide some guidance on Business Insider :
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AP Made Right Decision to Run Marine's Photo

We need to see the war

(Newser) - The AP made the correct call in running a photo of a mortally wounded Marine, writes David Harsanyi in the Denver Post. “If I could recall a wanton penchant of the press to run photos of dead Marines, my reaction might have been very different,” he writes. But...

Changing Wars Put GI Jane on Front Lines

(Newser) - Officially, US women soldiers aren't supposed to engage in the same bloody combat as their male counterparts. But as Iraq and Afghanistan force war to evolve, the military increasingly depends on female machine gunners and truck commanders, reports the New York Times. And female soldiers' mettle under fire has led...

Case of Autistic Marine Sheds Light on Recruitment Ethics

Struggling to fill quotas, recruiters' practices called into question

(Newser) - Operating in a war-weary America, military recruiters face a difficult task—and some are skirting ethics to fill their quotas, the Los Angeles Times reports. While substantiated cases against recruiters are relatively few—593 claims were verified in fiscal 2007, which saw 319,229 enlistees—the case of an autistic...

Fallujah Video Game Sparks Vet Family Fury

(Newser) - A realistic video game featuring a historic Fallujah battle involving US forces in Iraq has incensed vets and their families, reports ABC News. Six Days in Fallujah is due out next year, and involves Marine consultants to ensure accuracy of the action. "It's upsetting," said a mom who...

Daily Show Regular Riggle Moonlights as a Marine

(Newser) - Rob Riggle is really funny as a fake-news correspondent on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He’s also such a good Marine Corps reservist that he was just recommended for promotion to lieutenant colonel, NPR reports. "I know that being in the Marines has definitely served my comedy,...

'Rumsfeld's Renegades' Blamed for Afghan Deaths

Unit of 'cowboys' behind some of war's worst civilian casualty incidents

(Newser) - A Special Forces unit set up by Donald Rumsfeld is being blamed for some of the worst civilian casualty incidents in the Afghanistan war, the Independent reports. The Marine Corps' Special Operations Command—known as MarSOC—ordered the air strikes that Afghan officials say killed 140 civilians last week, and...

Dead Family's Dad: 'Pray for Fighter Pilot'

'Tell me' how to deal with this, pleads grieving father

(Newser) - The Korean immigrant who lost his family when a fighter jet crashed into his San Diego home urged people to pray for the Marine Corps pilot "not to suffer," reports CNN.  "I don't blame him. I don't have any hard feelings. I know he did everything...

Stories 81 - 96 | << Prev