Bloody Mary

3 Stories

Bloody Mary Gets a New Look
 Bloody Mary Gets a New Look 

Bloody Mary Gets a New Look

Baby tulips or beef jus, anyone?

(Newser) - Who says you can't put boiled shrimp and aged balsamic vinegar in a Bloody Mary? All over the country, the tried and true Sunday brunch companion and noted hangover cure is being redefined at the hands of avant-garde chefs, the Wall Street Journal reports. Traditionally a mix of tomato...

Eating Right: Some Unusual Suspects

Celery, seaweed could work wonders for your diet

(Newser) - The usual admonitions we hear at this time of year about eating right are probably going in one ear and out the other, so perhaps these unusual health-food suspects from Men’s Health will catch your attention as you prepare that New Year’s resolution.
  • Celery: Its phytochemicals are thought

Lift a Glass to Birthday Girl Bloody Mary

Weekend-morning pick-me-up turns 75 today

(Newser) - Seventy-five years ago today, a bartender at the St. Regis Hotel in New York added Tabasco sauce to a hair-curling tomato-juice-based cocktail known as the Red Snapper, and a classic was born. Fernand Petiot gets credit for inventing the Bloody Mary, but did he? Epicurious investigates the origins of the...

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