Car horns

3 Stories

VW Recalls Jettas for Horn Glitch That Turns Off Car

Glitch could affect 71,000 cars

(Newser) - Imagine this scenario: You're on the highway, someone cuts you off, you slam your horn in frustration—and suddenly your car turns off. That scenario is indeed possible if you own a 2011 Jetta; Volkswagen has recalled roughly 71,000 of the cars after finding a glitch that, in rare...

Fired Worker Hacks System, Disables 100 Cars Remotely

Ex-employee allegedly abused no-start system

(Newser) - More than 100 Texas drivers got an unexpected surprise late last month when their cars started honking inexplicably or simply stopped working. The hacker charged with causing the problems was arrested yesterday, Wired reports. Omar Ramos-Lopez used to work at the auto center that sold the cars—which were armed...

Honked Off: Car Horns More Harm Than Good

Horns are hard to ban, but may make drivers more reckless

(Newser) - The next time you honk your car’s horn, you might want to ask why you're doing it. Grabbing the horn by the bull for Slate, Dave Johns thinks you’re probably too close to do anything but tell your obstacle to get out of the way. That’s because...

3 Stories
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