Bloomberg LP

13 Stories

Bloomberg Booed After Answer on Sexual Harassment
Bloomberg Booed
After Answer on
Sexual Harassment

Bloomberg Booed After Answer on Sexual Harassment

Warren urged him to release women from nondisclosure agreements

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren and other Democratic rivals have been pummeling Michael Bloomberg throughout the Democratic debate in Las Vegas—and she got the audience to boo the former New York City mayor on one issue. After Bloomberg—asked about the alleged culture of sexual harassment in his company—said he had...

Bloomberg: Elect Me, I'll Unload My $60B Company

'We will be 180 degrees away from where Donald Trump is on these issues'

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg, unlike the fellow billionaire he wants to replace, will sell his business if elected president, his campaign says. A campaign official tells NBC that if Bloomberg is elected, he will place Bloomberg LP in a blind trust "for the eventual sale." The official says Bloomberg would...

10 Highest Paying Internships in US
Here, Interns Can
Earn $96K a Year

Here, Interns Can Earn $96K a Year

Facebook's interns are a lucky bunch

(Newser) - Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to keep a rewarding internship and a roof over your head . If you're prepared for a fight, you can find a great internship that also pays well—$8,000 per month in the case of Facebook. Here are the companies offering the...

Bloomberg Trading Terminals Go Down for Hours

Causing British government to postpone debt issue

(Newser) - Bloomberg's trading terminals, which are used by most of the world's biggest financial firms, went down for two and a half hours today due to apparent technical problems, a development that prompted the British government to postpone a planned $4.4 billion debt issue. Users say the outage...

FBI: Our Economic Data Is at Risk

Flaw in system could allow hackers to access 'black box'

(Newser) - The FBI has found "a number of operational vulnerabilities" in the system the government uses to protect sensitive economic information, the Wall Street Journal reports. As part of its long-running attempt to figure out what's behind the suspicious trading activity that often precedes major economic news, the bureau...

Bloomberg News Caught Snooping on Bankers

May have also tapped data from Bernanke and Geithner

(Newser) - Bloomberg LP operates both a multi-platform media organization, Bloomberg News, and a computer system, Bloomberg Terminal, that bankers and traders use to monitor market data. The problem: Bloomberg News reporters can see how and when any customer has been using a terminal, and now it turns out they have been...

Bloomberg Considers Buying Financial Times

Speculation rampant that venerated paper will soon be available

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is doing some serious soul searching about the possibility of buying the Financial Times, sources close to the mayor tell the New York Times . "It's the only paper I'd buy," he allegedly told one associate, and others say that lately he's taken to...

Ignore Obama's '13-Point Lead'

nate silver

Ignore Obama's '13-Point Lead'

Nate Silver: Bloomberg poll doesn't mean much

(Newser) - Stats wiz Nate Silver has some serious doubts about Bloomberg's new poll showing President Obama with a 13-point lead over Mitt Romney. Silver's own analysis has Obama with just a slim lead over Romney, and little has changed over the past two weeks, he writes in his New ...

AP Scores Helen Thomas Seat, Fox Gains Front Row

Musical chairs in the White House press briefing room

(Newser) - The coveted Helen Thomas seat in the White House press briefing room went to the AP yesterday, upsetting all three news organizations who'd been lobbying for it—Fox, Bloomberg, and NPR. But Fox moved up to the front row, into the old AP seat, and NPR moved into Fox's vacated...

Who Gets Helen Thomas' Front-Row Seat?
 Who Gets 
 Helen Thomas' 
 Front-Row Seat? 
burning question

Who Gets Helen Thomas' Front-Row Seat?

Opening in White House press room ignites speculation

(Newser) - Fox News and Bloomberg have already called dibs on the front-row seat in the White House briefing room held for decades by Helen Thomas, but will either one get it? The White House Correspondents Association will make the call, and Thomas, who retired in disgrace today , isn't talking. Pretty much...

Bloomberg Gets BusinessWeek for $5M

Financial-news giant founded by current NYC mayor promises it won't gut mag

(Newser) - Financial-news giant Bloomberg is the winning bidder for BusinessWeek, acquiring the 80-year-old magazine for between $2 and $5 million from parent McGraw-Hill, plus any liabilities associated with the purchase—not exactly a princely sum. “We are not buying BusinessWeek to gut it. We are buying it to build it,...

Sorry, Kids: No $99 iPhone at Wal-Mart

(Newser) - Rumors that Wal-Mart would offer an iPhone for $99 after Christmas proved unfounded, but the genesis of a misunderstanding that swept through business news outlets is intriguing, Fortune reports. Wal-Mart will indeed sell iPhones, and at a discount—a whopping $2 off list price. But a blogger’s report of...

Culture Shifts at Bloomberg's News Operation
Culture Shifts
at Bloomberg's News Operation

Culture Shifts at Bloomberg's News Operation

Outsiders take some edge off, but outfit still bucks trend with growth

(Newser) - Unlike many news organizations, Bloomberg LP is growing, though whether the company’s culture will survive is in doubt, Seth Mnookin writes in Vanity Fair. Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York and the company’s majority shareholder, no longer oversees day-to-day operations. And the chief architect of the financial services...

13 Stories
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