Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Ahead of Big 'Ecstasy' Ruling, a Troubling Report

Wall Street Journal says suicidal thoughts of 3 subjects in PTSD study went unreported

(Newser) - The FDA is expected to decide within a week whether to allow doctors to prescribe the drug ecstasy , or MDMA, to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. An advisory panel already has recommended against approval , citing problems with the study. Now, days before the agency's potentially groundbreaking decision is released, the...

FDA Panel Rejects MDMA Treatment
FDA Panel Rejects
MDMA Treatment
the rundown

FDA Panel Rejects MDMA Treatment

It was the first time FDA advisers considered a Schedule I psychedelic drug for medical use

(Newser) - Advocates have long pushed for the psychedelic drug known as MDMA, ecstasy, or molly to be approved as a prescription drug for those with post-traumatic stress disorder , but the movement suffered a big setback Tuesday. A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted—"overwhelmingly," CNN reports—against recommending...

Track Palin Booted From Veterans Court

Sarah Palin's son looking at a year in a halfway house after latest assault arrest; jail unlikely

(Newser) - The oldest son of Sarah Palin will spend a year in custody after a judge ruled Wednesday that allegations of hitting a woman on the head disqualified him from a therapeutic program for veterans tied to a separate assault case. Track Palin , 29, has been accused of three attacks on...

Iraq Vet's Son Creates App to Stop Night Terrors

'My team and I won't sleep until the veterans can'

(Newser) - Tyler Skluzacek was in sixth grade when his father, Sgt. 1st Class Patrick Skluzacek, was deployed to Iraq for a year. When he came back, he struggled with night terrors—and now Tyler, a senior at Minnesota's Macalester College, is helping in a big way, KARE 11 reports. As...

First Evidence of PTSD Dates Back to 1300BC
First Evidence of PTSD
Dates Back to 1300BC
study says

First Evidence of PTSD Dates Back to 1300BC

UK researchers find texts of soldiers haunted by 'ghosts'

(Newser) - It's not uncommon for modern-day soldiers to return from Iraq suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. But now it turns out that soldiers who fought there 3,000 years ago did the same, say UK researchers. They've found texts dating back to 1300BC in which warriors in ancient Mesopotamia...

Almost 20% of Soldiers Had Mental Illness Before Enlisting

Trio of studies underscores problems in screening process

(Newser) - Three new studies raise questions about how well the military screens its recruits, finding that almost 20% of US soldiers had a common mental illness before enlisting in the Army. The studies were commissioned after the recent surge in military suicides , and they find that most soldiers with suicidal tendencies...

PTSD Rampant, Undiagnosed in High-Crime US Cities

ProPublica: It's common among trauma center patients, but often untreated

(Newser) - Post traumatic stress disorder is generally associated with war veterans , but a ProPublica investigation finds that it is routinely going undiagnosed and thus untreated among ordinary Americans living in US cities. Consider that in 2011, researchers at Cook County Hospital in Chicago screened patients in its trauma center for PTSD...

For the Dying, Psychedelic Drugs Ease That Final Trip

Doctors exploring psychedelics for trauma, addiction, depression

(Newser) - Psychedelic drugs, once the domain of the free-lovin' hippies of the '60s, are coming under the microscope of very serious scientists of the current decade. A number of studies show that psilocybin, MDMA, and other psychedelics can ease a range of traumas and afflictions including headaches, PTSD, addiction, and...

See Something Traumatic? Don't Sleep Right Away

You might lock in those nasty memories: Study

(Newser) - Snoozing after experiencing a traumatic event might forge the negative memories and emotions in the brain, a new study suggests. UMass researchers exposed 100 adults to unsettling images and then allowed half to sleep and kept the other half awake. Twelve hours later, the subjects who stayed up displayed a...

Mt. Rainier Suspect Drowned: Autopsy

Plus, troubling details about suspected gunman Benjamin Colton Barnes

(Newser) - The Iraq war veteran suspected of killing a Mount Rainier ranger died from drowning, with hypothermia contributing to his death, his autopsy concludes. Benjamin Colton Barnes was found "face down, totally in the water" of a creek, wearing just jeans, a T-shirt, and one shoe, according to a sheriff'...

9/11 Shows Psychology's Shortcomings

Report gives humbling assessment of therapists' work

(Newser) - Psychologists rushing to Ground Zero on September 11 might have done more harm than good. Experts overestimated how many people—including firefighters and police who responded—would experience stress for a prolonged period following the disaster, according to a report coming out in American Psychologist. Many also might have been...

Gitmo Doctors Covered Up Torture: Study

Doctors didn't inquire, despite evidence of physical, mental abuse

(Newser) - The Defense Department doctors and psychologists who tended to Guantanamo Bay detainees were complicit in covering up their torture, according to a new study released yesterday. Medical records and legal files reveal that the doctors saw evidence of bone fractures, contusions, and lacerations; heard stories of rape; and saw signs...

Wounded in Myriad Ways, Veterans Still Being Ignored

Op-ed: Story is told in rising suicides and shattered lives

(Newser) - This is how too many of our military veterans are being repaid for their service: In the form of rising suicide and divorces rates, addictions, and domestic violence cases, writes retired Army officer Bob Kinder in the Boston Globe . They're returning from war ill and being deprived of the care...

Mental Disorders Rise Sharply Among Soldiers

1 in 9 medical discharges attributed to PTSD, related ailments

(Newser) - News that the Pentagon is making it easier for soldiers to qualify for disability payments because of post-traumatic stress disorder comes at a good time: The number of cases is rising steadily, reports USA Today . Army stats show that the number of soldiers who left the service solely because of...

Obama: 'Solemn' Duty to Help Vets With PTSD

White House plans to make getting benefits easier

(Newser) - With the military fighting two wars, President Obama said today the country has a "solemn responsibility" to ensure that veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder get the help they need. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki is to announce new regulations Monday intended to make it easier for veterans with PTSD...

Rules Eased for Vet PTSD Disability

Conservatives wary of $5 billion plan

(Newser) - A new rule will make it easier for American veterans to get disability payments for post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD . The $5 billion plan erases the need for warriors to document the specific horror, be it bomb blast or raid, that made them sick. That's especially good news for those...

Mental, Not Physical, Illness Hospitalizes Most US Troops

As mental illness increases, cost of care skyrockets

(Newser) - For the first time on record, more US troops were hospitalized for mental illness last year than for any other reason, according to new data from the Pentagon. The year saw 17,538 mental health hospitalizations, which narrowly topped childbirth (17,354) and far outstripped injuries or battle wounds (11,...

VA Doctors Can't Prescribe Medical Pot

New Mexico allows it for PTSD, but veterans can't get it there

(Newser) - New Mexico is the only state that explicitly allows people with PTSD to smoke pot under its medical marijuana law—and that's created a conundrum for the VA, which does not allow its doctors to prescribe pot because the drug is illegal in the eyes of the federal government. If...

Blame 'Vicarious' PTSD
  Blame 'Vicarious' PTSD 
fort hood shooting

Blame 'Vicarious' PTSD

Trauma is infectious, Essig writes, and therapists can catch it

(Newser) - When Todd Essig learned the Fort Hood shooter “was an Army psychiatrist who treats post traumatic stress disorder, himself on the cusp of deployment, I thought, ‘I’m not surprised.’” Why? Because there is a documented transfer of trauma disorders from sufferers to caregivers, dubbed “...

Long Buried, PTSD Emerges in WWII Veterans

1 in 20 surviving vets affected

(Newser) - For many World War II veterans, decades-old memories of war aren’t as deeply buried as they once believed. The veterans administration estimates that 5% of the 2.5 million US World War II vets suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports. Older vets came of age...

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