Wall Street bailout

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JPMorgan Chief: I Could Repay TARP Tomorrow

Dimon calls bailout money a 'scarlet letter'

(Newser) - JPMorgan Chase can’t wait to pay back the government’s bailout money, CEO Jamie Dimon said today, after the company posted a better-than-expected $2.1 billion in earnings. The CEO called the funds a “scarlet letter,” Bloomberg reports, and said he was just waiting for the Treasury’...

Skirting Bailout Rules, Banks Send Foreign Hires Abroad

(Newser) - Banks who have taken TARP funds from the government are getting creative about the immigration restrictions that come with the bailout, the Wall Street Journal reports. Financial institutions relying on government assistance cannot hire foreign workers unless they prove that they have exhausted the supply of native talent. So they’...

Treasury Helps Companies Skirt Bailout Rules

(Newser) - The Obama administration has devised a maybe-legal method of avoiding Congress’ restrictions on companies that accept bailout funds, including limits on executive pay and a requirement that taxpayers get an ownership stake in the firms, the Washington Post reports. To sidestep the restrictions, the administration has created special entities to...

AIG Bailout Has Failed: Greenberg

Government should focus on reducing stake, restructuring firm, former CEO says

(Newser) - AIG’s former CEO told Congress today the bailout of the insurance firm has “failed” and that the government should restructure the company, the Wall Street Journal reports. At a House committee hearing, Hank Greenberg said he blamed his successors for the firm’s implosion: "I think they...

Former AIG Chief Greenberg to Testify Today

'I don't feel any responsibility,' 38-year CEO says of AIG

(Newser) - Former AIG chief Maurice “Hank” Greenberg will go before a House committee on Capitol Hill today, testifying about the world-wide conglomerate that is now the most infamous culprit of the financial crisis, despite efforts by both the GOP and current AIG management to undercut his credibility. Greenberg is expected...

Bank CEOs' Obama Meeting Spurs Talk of Togetherness

(Newser) - CEOs of the nation’s largest banks today assured President Obama they understand their institutions are vital to economic recovery and pledged to do all they can to help the government, Bloomberg reports. Following today’s White House meeting, Wells Fargo’s CEO said “the basic message” of the...

Obama Will Meet With Top Bank Execs

(Newser) - Amid growing dissatisfaction with government restrictions on bailout funds, President Obama will meet with bank CEOs on Friday, Reuters reports. Several banks have indicated that they will repay their TARP loans to avoid new government rules. In the meeting with execs from Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and others, Obama will urge...

Obama Needs Help Selling Economic Plans

His team lacks common touch

(Newser) - The White House economic team is great on policy, but when it comes to reassuring the public, President Obama is on his own, Peter Nicholas and Peter Wallsten write in the LA Times. "The ability to communicate with average people was not what these people were chosen for,"...

Geithner Wins Over Wall Street
 Geithner Wins Over Wall Street 

Geithner Wins Over Wall Street

Careful roll out of asset plan helps Treasury secretary get his credibility back

(Newser) - The carefully orchestrated roll out of the federal plan to buy toxic assets has won Tim Geithner Wall Street's support in the nick of time, Jackie Calmes writes in the New York Times. The Treasury secretary—whose plan was slammed when the "framework" was unveiled last month—could scarcely...

BofA Loaned Insiders $624M as Credit Froze Up

(Newser) - While credit markets were frozen last year, forcing thousands of Americans out of business, Bank of America lent insiders more than $624 million—more than doubling the amount loaned to insiders the previous year, the Charlotte Observer reports. Recipients' names were not disclosed, but most of the money likely went...

State AGs Probe AIG Bonuses
 State AGs Probe AIG Bonuses 

State AGs Probe AIG Bonuses

Coalition of 19 state officials demands list of AIG bonus recipients

(Newser) - The attorneys general of 19 states have joined forces to investigate the bonus payments made to AIG employees, the Wall Street Journal reports. In a letter to the firm, the coalition demands a list of all employees of the financial products unit who received bonuses after the government started providing...

House OKs 90% Tax on AIG Bonuses

(Newser) - By a 328-93 vote, the House today approved a bill that would recover most of the bonus money awarded to executives of bailout-buoyed AIG by taxing it at 90%. The measure drew significant Republican support, and some Democrats made it clear the legislation is an attempt to persuade execs to...

House Votes Today on Bonus Clawback

Bill being rushed through would slap 90% tax on bonuses at bailed-out firms

(Newser) - The House will vote today on a hastily crafted bill to claw back bonuses from executives at AIG and other bailed-out firms, reports the Hill. The bill, drawn up by Democratic tax experts, slaps a 90% tax on bonuses over $250,000 at firms that received $5 billion or more...

AIG Mess Shows Why the Feds Should Quit Banking

(Newser) - All the hubbub around AIG and its bonuses is “a complete farce,” Larry Kudlow writes in the National Review. No one should be surprised that those in charge have “completely bungled” the situation. “The government shouldn’t run anything, because it cannot run anything,” Kudlow...

Obama Visit Lights Up Conservative Orange County

(Newser) - President Obama will speak today at a town hall meeting in deep-red Orange Country, Calif.—though maybe the “conservative stronghold” tag is weakening, the Los Angeles Times reports. Hundreds swarmed the event site for tickets, even camping out overnight to get them in an area that gave Obama...

AIG Bonuses By the Numbers
 AIG Bonuses By the Numbers 

AIG Bonuses By the Numbers

NY AG releases breakdown of bonus figures; plans to press AIG for names

(Newser) - AIG's $165 million in bonuses went 418 different ways, according to one angry attorney general. Other figures released by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who subpoenaed the firm on Monday:
  • 73 employees received bonuses of $1 million or more
  • 11 of those people no longer work for AIG
  • 7

Geithner: We'll Deduct AIG Bonuses From Next Bailout

Insurer will be forced to return $165 million, treasury boss says in letter

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner promised last night that taxpayers wouldn't be paying a penny toward AIG's massive executive bonuses, Bloomberg reports. He explained in a letter to lawmakers that the government would require the insurer to pay back the $165 million from company operations and that an equal amount would...

AIG Used Bailout Cash to Pay Wall Street Debt

$75B went to banks, municipalities

(Newser) - More details are emerging after AIG unexpectedly revealed where it channeled bailout funds, the Washington Post reports. More than $34 billion went to AIG Financial Products, whose toxic derivatives brought the parent organization to near collapse last year. The subsidiary used part of that money to pay banks that started...

Officials Rage Over AIG Payments

Insurer reveals who received billions in bailout funds

(Newser) - Facing lawmakers' fury over massive executive bonuses, AIG revealed today where it shuttled most of its bailout money, the Wall Street Journal reports. About two-thirds of AIG's $173 billion bailout flowed straight to banks like Goldman Sachs and Société Générale—and other companies and municipalities—to pay...

Paparazzi Switch Focus from Britney to Bankers

Public outrage spurs media to cover corporate excess

(Newser) - Tabloids and TV shows best known for hounding Hollywood stars are turning their cameras to bankers and captains of industry, the New York Times reports. Paparazzi now track corporate jets and snoop on lavish parties held by execs at bailed-out banks, tapping into a deep vein of public anger at...

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