Nomura Holdings

4 Stories

Judge Sums Up Banks' 2008 Behavior in 8 Words

'The magnitude of falsity, conservatively measured, is enormous'

(Newser) - If you had to name two banks guilty of selling lousy mortgage packages during the financial meltdown of 2008, it's doubtful you'd tick off the names Nomura Holdings of Japan and the Royal Bank of Scotland. But as Reuters reports, a federal judge yesterday declared that both lied...

More Banks, Celebs Losers in Madoff Scam

BNP Paribas, RBS join charities of Spielberg, Wiesel as Ponzi victims

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff’s alleged Ponzi scheme, which federal investigators say cost investors $50 billion, continues to claim more victims, reports the Wall Street Journal. Spain’s Grupo Santander and France’s BNP Paribas said yesterday they’re on the list, as are charities involving Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel and director...

As US Firms Stumble, Japanese Banks Step Up

Failing only a few years ago, Japanese institutions rescuing US system

(Newser) - Japan's big banks, themselves near collapse a few years ago, are reemerging as global powerhouses, Reuters reports, just in time to snap up stakes in foundering US banks.They've largely escaped Wall Street's credit meltdown by shying away from riskier investments since their own "near death," when they...

Lehman's $8B Transfer of Funds to US Irks Brits

British bankruptcy administrators want cash returned, say probe might be warranted

(Newser) - An $8-billion transfer from Lehman Bros.' European headquarters to its New York headquarters on the day the firm declared bankruptcy is raising issues on both sides of the Atlantic. As the sale of Lehman's US operations to Barclays was approved Saturday, the administrators of the company's bankruptcy filing in...

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