Singapore Airlines

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Airbus Talks Mile-High Casinos
Airbus Talks Mile-High Casinos

Airbus Talks Mile-High Casinos

Super jumbo A380s could soon be outfitted for gambling

(Newser) - A plane flight could soon be a big gamble. Airbus is considering turning some of its super-jumbo jets into airborne casinos, Breitbart reports. The hulking A380 passenger plane is the world's largest, boasting 50% more floor space than Boeing's 747. That's the kind of space that's needed for a mile-high...

Mile-High Luxuries Abound
Mile-High Luxuries Abound

Mile-High Luxuries Abound

Live the high life in more ways than one on today's finest luxury airlines

(Newser) - Airbus' long-awaited A380, with its private suites and double beds, isn't the only luxury to be found at 30,000 feet. Jet Airways' Boeing 777-300ER features a champagne cooler loaded with vintage Dom and a 23-inch flat-screen TV with 500 on-demand programs. Malaysia Airlines' Boeing 747-400 lets fliers dine face-to-face...

No Love for Would-Be Mile-High Clubbers

Singapore Airlines asks passengers to 'observe standards' on Airbus beds

(Newser) - Singapore Airlines is throwing a wet towel on hopes that the double beds and private suites on the new Airbus A380 would revolutionize high-altitude romance. The airline today asked passengers to “observe standards that don’t cause offense.” Cabins are private, but not sound-proof or sealed, Reuters reports....

A380's First Flight 'Phenomenal'
A380's First Flight 'Phenomenal'

A380's First Flight 'Phenomenal'

After long delays, the A380 delivers staggering experience

(Newser) - The Airbus A380 touched down in Sydney this morning, completing the festive maiden voyage of the world's largest jet. After a 2-year delay, passengers who boarded in Singapore say the champagne-fueled, 7-hour trip was worth the wait. “It's going to make everything else after this simply awful,” one...

Airline to Offer Internet Access
Airline to Offer Internet Access

Airline to Offer Internet Access

Alaska jet will have Wi-Fi hot spots for phones, laptops

(Newser) - Alaska Airlines will become the first US carrier to offer  satellite-based Wi-Fi internet access to passengers, reports AP. The airline will install the wireless service on one 737 jet next spring with a view to outfitting the entire 114-plane fleet. American Airlines announced plans for internet access on some of...

Flying in Style: 10 Best Business Classes

BusinessWeek lists the best upper-atmosphere experiences

(Newser) - With amenities like fully reclining seats, foot-massage parlors, and food that defies even the highest-flying expectations, airline business classes are more like mobile spas then just a way to get from point A to point B. BusinessWeek gives you the 10 best.
  1. Singapore Airlines
  2. Cathay Pacific
  3. Qatar Airways
  4. Malaysia Airlines

Singapore Airlines Sends Airbus Skyward

Huge order of planes puts Airbus ahead of rival Boeing

(Newser) - With a $3.78 billion order from Singapore Airlines as the Paris Air Show wrapped up today, Airbus regained the lead over archrival Boeing, Bloomberg reports. The carrier ordered 20 new A350s from the world's largest maker of commericial aircraft, bringing the total of the company's record number of firm...

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