online videos

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GoDaddy CEO's Elephant Hunt Prompts Fury

He cites humanitarian effort behind graphic video of killing

(Newser) -'s chief executive is facing viewers' wrath after he posted a graphic video of himself hunting an elephant. In the clip—see it here at the Huffington Post—CEO Bob Parsons cast the hunt as a “humanitarian” mission. Many Zimbabweans “die each year from starvation,” thanks...

YouTube in Bid to Buy Video Producer

Next New Networks supplied YouTube's biggest hits of 2010

(Newser) - YouTube is trying to snap up the video production company that supplied its two biggest hits of the year, insiders say. New York-based Next New Networks, producer of the Bed Intruder Song that racked up 60 million views this year, scouts new video creators and helps them find an audience...

Vladimir Putin Serenades Celebs With 'Blueberry Hill'

Russian PM also showed off some piano skills

(Newser) - Like something out of an acid trip or perhaps an alternate universe, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin showed up at benefit concert in St. Petersburg Friday to perform "Blueberry Hill." Putin played the piano, then sang the Fats Domino hit to a crowd that included Sharon Stone, Kevin...

YouTube to Users: Flag Videos Backing Terror

Facing government pressure, site says it can't screen everything

(Newser) - Under government pressure to remove videos that promote terrorism, YouTube is calling on users to decide what fits the bill, the Los Angeles Times reports. Officials like Sen. Joe Lieberman have urged the site to remove such material, but YouTube, concerned about protecting First Amendment rights, has refused to screen...

Firefighter Filmed, Posted Video of Woman's Death

Parents sent link to gruesome online clip

(Newser) - A Georgia couple who discovered a gruesome video of their daughter's death posted online wants the rules changed so no other family will have to go through the anguish they suffered. The video was taken with a cell phone by a firefighter who arrived on the scene soon after the...

Taiwan Animates Favre Penis-Texting Scandal

And theorizes that his ogling could practically set a gal on fire

(Newser) - “Brett Favre’s Pecker the talk of the town.” That’s how Taiwan's Next Media Animation sums up the Brett Favre lewd-texting scandal, and the above video explains how it happened—as only NMA can. The company has previously animated the Wall Street Journal-New York Times turf war...

Teacher's Desk-Throwing Meltdown Caught on Tape

Donald Wood apparently suffered nervous breakdown in class

(Newser) - A 17-year teaching veteran finally had enough, and his subsequent meltdown was caught on video. Donald Wood was teaching his 11th grade algebra class at Nashville’s McGavock High School when he decided a group of laughing students needed to “shut up.” They didn’t, and Wood started...

Hate Your Spouse? Call This Guy
 Hate Your 
 Call This Guy 
viral video

Hate Your Spouse? Call This Guy

Steve Miller might be the world's most honest divorce lawyer

(Newser) - Steve Miller is not a lawyer who pulls punches. In his ad for Florida law firm DivorceEZ , which has been around for a while but just went viral on YouTube , Miller promises to help you get rid of “that vermin you call a spouse.” His law firm will...

News Anchor Broadcast in His Boxers

Apparently they really do go pantsless sometimes

(Newser) - Usually, you only see the top half of news anchors—so one decided to go without pants entirely. The video from the end of the Slovenian newscast, which shows him swiveling away from his desk to reveal his lack of attire, has become a YouTube hit, the Telegraph reports. Want...

Get Advice From Cartoon Princesses!

 What Disney 
 Teach Our 


What Disney Princesses Teach Our Girls

You can learn a lot from Beauty and the Little Mermaid

(Newser) - The Second City Network —the same geniuses who brought us “ Sassy Gay Friend ”—have a new series of brilliant YouTube videos: “Advice For Young Girls From a Cartoon Princess.” Belle from Beauty and the Beast would like you to know that “desire...

Say Hello to the Future of Music Videos

Arcade Fire creates an interactive experience

(Newser) - The Arcade Fire’s music video-slash-website is a harbinger of things to come. The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive experience that combines video of a kid running through a suburb, animated birds, satellite views of the neighborhood where you grew up (you provide the address), and an invitation to write...

Minn. GOP: Democrat Women Are 'Dogs'

Offensive video probably not a great choice for GOP website

(Newser) - Minnesota Republican Senate District 56 has a compelling reason for you to register as a Republican: The women are hot. And Democrat women? They’re, well, “dogs.” At least according to a YouTube video that wasn’t produced by the GOP, but was nonetheless dredged up by a...

YouTube Allows 15-Minute Videos

Site raises cap on upload length from 10 minutes

(Newser) - Because the world doesn't spend nearly enough time watching goofy videos: Fifteen-minute vids can now be uploaded to YouTube, a bump from the previous 10-minute cap. YouTube said lifting the limit was the most requested change from users, but one that took considerable effort, given the site's ever-increasing storage. In...

Why Does Death Always Go Viral?
 Why Does Death 
 Always Go Viral? 

Why Does Death Always Go Viral?

Online videos are the new 'snuff films'

(Newser) - The world couldn’t stop watching when video emerged of an American woman drowning, swept away by a wave, after pushing her son to safety. We were equally transfixed by footage of an Olympic hopeful’s fatal luge crash and an Iranian protester’s violent shooting death . “Nothing goes...

YouTube Turns 5; Watch Its First Video
 YouTube Turns 5; 
 Watch Its First Video 

YouTube Turns 5; Watch Its First Video

First one was posted five years ago today

(Newser) - They grow up so fast. YouTube celebrates a birthday of sorts today; its first video was uploaded exactly 5 years ago, Mashable recalls. Since then it's grown into a big, strong corporate subsidiary, but we still can't resist pinching its cheek and reminding it how cute it was when it...

Hulu to Add $9.95 Subscription Plan

But some content will still be free

(Newser) - Hulu is done giving out all its content for free. The web's second most popular video site plans to implement a $9.95-per-month subscription service as soon as May 24, sources tell the LA Times . But don't panic, cheapskates; the most recent five episodes of most shows will still be...

Hutaree Video Stars Evil Dildo-Wielding Man-Duck
 Hutaree Video Stars Evil 
 Dildo-Wielding Man-Duck 

Hutaree Video Stars Evil Dildo-Wielding Man-Duck

In Kris Sickles masterpiece, genitals partially obscured by GWB mask

(Newser) - Adjust your opinion of Kristopher Sickles—one of the Hutaree militia members jailed on suspicion of sedition and conspiracy to murder a police officer—according to a YouTube video dug up by TPMMuckracker which is super NSFW. In it, Sickles awakens in a field naked save for a picture of...

Google, DirecTV Team on TV Search Option

Viewers can look for shows on satellite service, web videos

(Newser) - Google and DirecTV are testing a service in which viewers can search for programs from the satellite provider or Internet videos, using a keyboard and a set-top box that runs Google software. Only company employees are using the equipment, sources tell the Wall Street Journal —which points out that...

YouTube to Offer Movie Rentals
YouTube to Offer
Movie Rentals 

YouTube to Offer Movie Rentals

Sundance flicks will be the first ones available on Friday

(Newser) - YouTube will launch a video rental service on Friday, allowing movies from the Sundance Film Festival to be streamed for a price. It's an experiment by YouTube and parent company Google, which want big-name studios to eventually join them. Users will pay for the films through Google Checkout, and Google...

YouTube Weighs Subscription Fees

Payment option considered for premium content

(Newser) - YouTube is considering offering users a "you pay" subscription option that would give them access to premium TV shows and movies, according to a Google exec. The site is keen to expand its ties with Hollywood and show more full-length programs, but some content wouldn't be available under its...

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