sex tourism

8 Stories

US Teacher Gets 9 Years for Sex With Cambodian, 14

'Cunning predator' is sentenced in US under 'sex tourism' law

(Newser) - "This is one of the most disgusting cases that has ever come before this court," a federal judge said before sentencing a 61-year-old American teacher to 9 years in jail for having sex with a 14-year-old girl in Cambodia. Michael James Dodd abused the teen over an 8-month...

Grammy-Winning Pianist Charged With Raping Boy

Founder of National Orchestra busted in Thailand

(Newser) - Acclaimed Grammy-winning Russian pianist and conductor Mikhail Vasilievich Pletnev has been charged with raping a 14-year-old boy in a Thai beach town. Pletnev, the founder of the Russian National Orchestra, was also charged with appearing in disturbing photos with several other boys, said a Thai police spokesman. Pletnev has been...

Why Men Are Hooked on Hookers

Paid sex 'unfulfilling, empty, terrible,' and irresistible, they say

(Newser) - If the results of an international research project are to be believed, men who pay for sex are awfully confused people. "I don't get anything out of sex with prostitutes except for a bad feeling" was typical of the responses researchers heard from johns, many of whom were eager...

French Minister Slammed Over Sex Tourism

Mitterand defended Polanski, admitted 'paying for boys' in book

(Newser) - French Culture Minister Frederic Mitterand's own past has come back to haunt him in the wake of his calls for Roman Polanski's release. Opposition lawmakers have brought attention to passages in his autobiography where he defends sex tourism and admits paying for young—and, he implies, underage—boys. "I...

3 Busted in Cambodian Kid Sex Face US Trial

Justice-Immigration program extradites molesters to federal court

(Newser) - Three Americans arrested in Cambodia for sexually exploiting boys and girls as young as 10 are being returned to the US for trial, CNN reports. They were snagged by a joint program by the Justice Department and immigration authorities, known as Operation Twister Traveler, designed to combat sex tourism. The...

In Brazil, a Fine Line Between Sex, Romance

Are local women who 'date' tourists really prostitutes?

(Newser) - Brazil’s reputation for sex tourism isn’t as straightforward as it seems, Seth Kugel writes for GlobalPost. Sure, lots of men visit Rio de Janeiro, in particular, “with one thing on their minds.” But “there are many gradations on the romance-to-prostitution continuum.” It’s common...

As Potent Sex Trade Fizzles, Czechs Look to Legalize

Czech Republic, hotbed of sex tourism, sees numbers drop

(Newser) - In the Czech Republic, prostitution is somewhere between legal and illegal—which has made Prague one of the biggest sex tourism hotspots in Europe. But a global recession, coupled with a strong local currency, has led to a sharp drop in the world's oldest profession. The hotel industry is so...

Pedophile Pop Star Holes Up in Airport Hotel

Facing crackdown in London, Glitter hunkers down in Bangkok

(Newser) - Former rock star Gary Glitter, released after 27 months in a Vietnamese prison for molesting two children, is in a Bangkok airport hotel after refusing to continue his journey to London. Glitter, whose Rock & Roll Part Two remains a rock staple, is complaining about untreated heart and hearing problems,...

8 Stories
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