
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

UC Students Protest Ahead of 32% Fee Hike

College moving out of reach, students charge

(Newser) - Angry students took to the streets yesterday to blast a proposed 32% fee hike for University of California schools. The Board of Regents is expected to finalize the increase today during a meeting at UCLA. It will hike tuition bills some $2,500. UC students will soon be paying $10,...

25 Chicago Kids Jailed After Food Fight

 25 Chicago Kids 
 Jailed After 
 Food Fight 

25 Chicago Kids Jailed After Food Fight

Students face criminal charges, and parents are outraged

(Newser) - Twenty-five Chicago students ages 11 to 15 had to cool their heels in jail for 5 hours last week after a food fight at their school apparently got out of hand. The kids face charges of misdemeanor reckless conduct, NBC Chicago reports. Parents are angry that their kids were treated...

Writing's on the Wall for the Chalkboard

Some still attached, but whiteboards now rule classrooms

(Newser) - If today’s kids don’t know what a record is, tomorrow’s won’t likely know what a chalkboard is, at least in the classroom. Whiteboards, without the lung- and computer-choking dust (to say nothing of their immunity to scratching nails) are taking over, with one supplier of both...

Undergrad's Search for Assistant Meets Mockery
Undergrad's Search for Assistant Meets Mockery

Undergrad's Search for Assistant Meets Mockery

Georgetown sophomore seeks to hire fellow student for laundry duty

(Newser) - How's a busy undergrad supposed to juggle study, a social life, and a part-time job? For one 19-year-old at Georgetown University, the answer is hiring a personal assistant. The sophomore sparked controversy on campus this week by placing an ad on the university's student employment site seeking a personal assistant...

Colleges Tackle the 'Sexile' Issue

Tighter rules introduced to empower banished roommates

(Newser) - "Sexiles" banished from their rooms by sexually active roommates have long been a feature of student life, but colleges across the country are looking into ways to help the hapless figures found crashed on lounge sofas get a good night's sleep. Many now require roommates to sign a contract...

NY College Offers Freshmen $10K to Wait a Year

Ithaca finds novel solution to over-enrollment

(Newser) - Ithaca College faced flagging enrollment last year, so it loosened admissions criteria. But that backfired: The New York school admitted 250 students more than it can accommodate this year. Even after building a temporary dorm, the college still doesn’t have room for 31 of them, so it’s making...

Facebook 'Suck Sites' Have Their Day in Court

Defamation lawsuit against angry student may set a precedent

(Newser) - A lawsuit filed by administrators at an Illinois beauty school may set a precedent regarding so-called “suck sites,” the Chicago Tribune reports. Nicholas Blacconiere, a student at the Salon Professional Academy of Elgin, welcomed classmates to criticize teachers on a Facebook page. After students posted accusations of teacher...

Obama Speech Didn't Turn My Kids Into Commies

School budget cuts more of a worry than socialist indoctrination

(Newser) - Despite the worst fears of some right-wingers, President Obama's back-to-school speech yesterday didn't turn Mary Elizabeth Williams' two daughters into "commie zombies," she writes in Salon. Her 5-year-old decided the speech was boring and left the room in a huff, while the 9-year-old decided to "work extra...

Obama to Students: 'You Make Your Own Future'

(Newser) - President Obama drew on his own childhood today to encourage students to stick with school to discover their passions and talents, a message nearly overshadowed in advance by criticism from conservatives who feared a socialist agenda. Some of the furor had died down before the noon address—the Florida GOP...

Back-to-School Speech Anger Rooted in Race

Right-wingers show 'irrational,' gut antipathy to Obama

(Newser) - If there’s one thing we should all be cool with, it’s the leader of the free world inspiring kids about education. But somehow the idea of President Obama giving a back-to-school speech has spawned an “outbreak of right-wing crazy,” writes Joan Walsh for Salon—“and...

Kids Pick Their Own Books in Classroom Revolution
Kids Pick Their Own Books in Classroom Revolution

Kids Pick Their Own Books in Classroom Revolution

But will Harry Potter beat out the Bard?

(Newser) - To Kill a Mockingbird or Captain Underpants? The choice, for most middle school students, is a no-brainer—and an increasingly prevalent one now that schools from New York to Seattle hope to revolutionize English classes by letting students choose their own books, the New York Times reports. The approach, known...

'Snake Oil' College Advisers Can Run $40K

Counselors often embellish record, don't need licenses

(Newser) - Independent college counselors promise to use their admissions know-how to get students into the best schools. But there’s no way to evaluate their sometimes extravagant claims, and some charge more than a year’s tuition at many colleges, the New York Times reports. Still, business is booming in the...

Catholic Teacher Held in 'Murder Attempt' on Student

British science teacher allegedly struck 14-year-old with a weight

(Newser) - A teacher in a Catholic school in England has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a student he allegedly attacked suffered serious head injuries, reports the Guardian. The teacher assaulted the 14-year-old boy with a weight block used in a science lab as class was about to begin,...

Iran Protesters Launch Twitter Revolution

(Newser) - Erupting protests over Iranian elections may be the first political upheaval tweeted from beginning to end, as demonstrators keep up a running account of what's happening, reports CNN. "My friend saying more than 100 students arrested. Bastards just attacked us for no reason. I lost count of how much...

Americans Work Hard, But Their Kids Are Lazy

(Newser) - Americans may jaw about their grueling work weeks and meager vacations, but their kids? While European and Asian children are logging in long school days and pounding out homework, US students are taking time off, the Economist reports. With one of the world's shortest school weeks and longest summers—which...

Pols Pushed U. of Illinois Into Taking Students

'Clout list' just amounts to 'blackmail:' critics

(Newser) - Prominent state lawmakers have been pressuring administrators at the University of Illinois to accept favored applicants or risk facing their wrath, the Chicago Tribune reports. Analyzing 1,800 documents, the paper found that subpar applicants on a “clout list” gained admission over the objections of admissions officers after school...

Proposed Tax No Fair, Brown U. Students Say

Providence mayor wants to charge them $300 a year

(Newser) - Students at Brown University say they contribute to their community in countless ways, and a proposed $150-per-semester tax shouldn’t be one of them, the AP reports. “We’re more able to provide labor, we’re more able to apply the things that we're learning in the classroom, than...

Accusations Rarely Fell LA's Tenured Teachers
Accusations Rarely Fell
LA's Tenured Teachers

Accusations Rarely Fell LA's Tenured Teachers

Review hearings costly, unreliable: principals

(Newser) - One Los Angeles high school teacher allegedly ridiculed a student for failing to commit suicide. Another kept a trove of pornography, marijuana, and cocaine at school. A third drank alcohol in front of students. None was fired, the Los Angeles Times reports in an investigation of a school district afraid...

Swine Flu Shuts 2nd NY School
 Swine Flu Shuts 2nd NY School 

Swine Flu Shuts 2nd NY School

Dozens of children call in sick in second major outbreak in Queens

(Newser) - A second school in Queens has been shut down after dozens of students suffered symptoms of swine flu, reports the New York Daily News. Cases have also been found in Brooklyn and the Bronx, and an outbreak is suspected at a Catholic school in Manhattan. The public school closed yesterday,...

Gum Chewing = Math Smarts: Study

(Newser) - Researchers have discovered that gum-chewing students perform better at math, the Los Angeles Times reports. A study, sponsored by the Wrigley Science Institute, showed that young scholars who chomped on gum while attending math class, doing homework, and taking tests score 3% higher on tests after 14 weeks. Teachers found...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>