Jerome Corsi

9 Stories

Conspiracy Theorist Retracts, Apologizes

Jerome Corsi pulls back his Infowars column about late DNC staffer Seth Rich

(Newser) - The family of late Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich just notched a victory in their attempt to disentangle him from a conspiracy theory on the right. Conservative writer Jerome Corsi has a retracted a column he wrote alleging that Rich was involved in the hack of DNC emails that...

Mueller Considers New Charges for Manafort

The hectic pace of developments continues

(Newser) - The special counsel in the Russia investigation is still considering filing new charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort after his plea deal fell apart over allegations of lying to investigators, prosecutors said Friday. The development in Manafort's case comes at a time of frenetic activity in special...

Roger Stone Associate May Take Plea With Mueller

Jerome Corsi tied up in investigation into WikiLeaks role in 2016 election

(Newser) - A conservative writer and associate of Trump confidant Roger Stone said Friday that he is in plea talks with special counsel Robert Mueller's team. Jerome Corsi told the AP he has been negotiating a potential plea but declined to comment further. He said on a YouTube show earlier this...

Roger Stone Ally: Mueller Is Going to Indict Me

'I think my crime really was that I supported Donald Trump,' Jerome Corsi says

(Newser) - Conservative author and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi says he expects to be charged by Robert Mueller's investigation in the coming days—because the "Department of Justice is run by criminals." Corsi, an ally of longtime Trump associate Roger Stone, said in a livestreamed video Monday that he...

Birthers Sue Esquire
 Birthers Sue Esquire 

Birthers Sue Esquire

They don't find joke about Birther book amusing

(Newser) - Nobody likes to be the butt of jokes, and now two birthers are suing Esquire for a jaw-dropping $285 million to make the point. Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi have filed the suit because journalist Mark Warren said in a satirical piece in May that Corsi's book—Where's ...

Bachmann Latest Republican to Downplay Birthers

'That should settle it,' she says of current Obama certification

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann today distanced herself from the birther camp, reports CNN , which sees it as a clear trend among GOP politicians and strategists. When ABC's George Stephanopoulos showed Bachmann the president's Certification of Live Birth from Hawaii, she responded: "Well, then that should settle it," and...

Kenya Deports Author of Obama Nation

Immigration nabs Jerome Corsi ahead of book launch

(Newser) - The author of the bestselling attack on Barack Obama, The Obama Nation, is being deported from Kenya for lacking the right working papers, the AP reports. Police nabbed Jerome Corsi at his hotel ahead of a book launch. One source said he had been held for accusing the prime minister’...

Obama Launches Corsi Counterstrike
Obama Launches Corsi Counterstrike

Obama Launches Corsi Counterstrike

Candidate hits back at Obama Nation with detailed rebuttal

(Newser) - Barack Obama is launching an aggressive counterattack on Obama Nation, the Jerome Corsi book aimed to derail his reputation, Talking Points Memo reports. In sharp contrast to John Kerry's "don't dignify that with a response" approach to Corsi's book demolishing the decorated veteran's Swift Boat record, the Obama campaign...

Obama Nation Author Has Made Career of Wild Claims

Here's a look at some of his most outlandish

(Newser) - Author Jerome Corsi, he of the Kerry Swift Boat book and the new attack tome on Barack Obama, has a long history of, um, provocative theories. For instance: The world's oil supplies are nearly infinite because oil constantly replenishes itself. Politico takes a look at some of his more outlandish...

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