civil war

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Make Dams and Food, Not War and Ethanol
 Make Dams and Food,
 Not War and Ethanol 

Make Dams and Food, Not War and Ethanol

A dollar of prevention is worth many times that in cure, researcher pleads

(Newser) - Ethanol is among the "poor solutions to high-profile problems" researcher Bjorn Lomborg blasts in the Wall Street Journal. According to calculations by his Copenhagen Consensus, “carbon mitigation policies” return only 90 cents for every dollar spent; in contrast, he writes, $1 billion spent on tuberculosis would result in...

Lebanon Pays High Price to Avert Civil War
Lebanon Pays High Price to Avert Civil War

Lebanon Pays High Price to Avert Civil War

Deal achieves short-term peace, but strengthens Hezbollah

(Newser) - The agreement that ended Lebanon's 18-month political crisis is nothing less than a sea change for the country, writes the Washington Post, strengthening Hezbollah and dealing a blow to America and its Middle East allies. The US-backed government in Beirut said that the last-minute deal averted a civil war, but...

Lebanon Forges Peace Deal
 Lebanon Forges Peace Deal 

Lebanon Forges Peace Deal

Power-sharing pact aimed at averting avert new civil war

(Newser) - A civil war in Lebanon may be averted by a new agreement reached in Qatar, reports the BBC. The deal includes fresh elections next year, a power-sharing government, a new president, and a pledge by Hezbollah not to use weapons in Lebanon. The pact was reached after five days of...

Deal Brings Lebanon Thaw, Promise to Talk

Opposition clears roadblocks; Beirut airport reopens

(Newser) - As Beirut International Airport welcomed the first commercial flights in a week, the Arab League announced today a deal that would end the worst fighting in Lebanon since the civil war and lead to talks aimed at ending the 18-month political crisis, Reuters reports. The talks, set for tomorrow in...

Hezbollah Chief: Beirut 'War Has Started'

Open violence rattles streets a second day

(Newser) - What began as a strike yesterday is now “open war” in Lebanon, according to Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, CNN reports. Open violence continued for a second day today, with loyalists and opposition fighters clashing after the US-backed government tried to muscle through measures against Hezbollah on Monday, including a...

McCain Advisers Big on Loyalty, Dissension
 McCain Advisers Big on
 Loyalty, Dissension  

McCain Advisers Big on Loyalty, Dissension

Infighting between current, former top advisers colors campaign

(Newser) - John McCain’s inner circle is a hotbed of animosity and infighting among his fiercely loyal advisers, Jason Zengerle writes in the New Republic. Years of Freudian feuding by John Weaver and Rick Davis created a team divided not only on personal lines, but also on philosophical ones, between a...

Sri Lankan Blast KIlls Minister
 Sri Lankan Blast KIlls Minister

Sri Lankan Blast KIlls Minister

Tamil Tigers believed behind attack at marathon

(Newser) - The Sri Lankan highway minister and at least 11 others gathered for a marathon were killed today by a suicide bomber believed to be a member of the Tamil Tigers rebel group. More than 100 people were also wounded in the blast near the capital, reports Reuters. The minister is...

Pygmy Hippos Found in Liberia
Pygmy Hippos Found in Liberia

Pygmy Hippos Found in Liberia

Rare mammal not wiped out by wars, deforestation

(Newser) - Rare pygmy hippos have been videotaped in the forests of Liberia, proving to a team of zoologists that the rare and elusive mammal has survived through two civil wars, illegal logging, and poaching thought to have wiped it out. Less than 3,000 pygmy hippos, which look like normal hippos...

45K Dying Each Month in Congo
45K Dying Each Month in Congo

45K Dying Each Month in Congo

Civil war's over, but disease, malnutrition keep killing

(Newser) - The civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo officially ended in 2002, but it's still killing 45,000 people a month, a new study concludes.  Malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition caused by 10 years of conflict—not to mention continuing armed skirmishes in the east—have left 5....

Mogadishu Residents Flee
Mogadishu Residents Flee

Mogadishu Residents Flee

Somalians escape violence between government troops and Islamist rebels

(Newser) - Civilian exodus from Mogadishu continued today as government forces and Ethiopian allies fought Islamist rebels in the Somalian capital, sparking a humanitarian crisis. Tens of thousands of residents have fled the city in the past week as troops try to root out insurgents and their weapons stockpiles. "We had...

UN Chief to Visit Darfur Camp
UN Chief to Visit Darfur Camp

UN Chief to Visit Darfur Camp

Ban wants to witness plight first hand

(Newser) - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will visit a refugee camp in Darfur to see for himself the plight of displaced people there and conditions facing UN peace keepers who will arrive next year. Ban, who's in Sudan on an official visit, is playing a double role, encouraging the Sudanese...

Shiite Factions Fight Amid Pilgrims in Karbala

1 million evacuated from holy city

(Newser) - A million pilgrims were ordered to evacuate the holy city of Karbala yesterday as Shiite militias fought each other for control of southern Iraq, killing 51 people. Another 200 were injured in chaos after gunmen loyal to anti-US cleric Moqtada al-Sadr fired on members of the Badr Organization, the armed...

Bomb Kills 2nd Iraqi Governor
Bomb Kills
2nd Iraqi Governor

Bomb Kills 2nd Iraqi Governor

Top provincial official slain in his SUV, police blame Mahdi Army

(Newser) - The governor of Muthanna province was killed by a roadside bomb today—a little more than a week after another Iraqi governor was assassinated. Mohammed Ali al-Hassani's SUV was struck en route to his office in the morning. Police are blaming Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army, which has clashed with the...

Envoy Warns of Pullout Horrors
Envoy Warns of Pullout Horrors

Envoy Warns of Pullout Horrors

Crocker promises honest assessment of war progress but says effects of withdrawal "way, way worse" than anything we've seen

(Newser) - US ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker tells the Times that a post-withdrawal scenario in Iraq "exceeds his imagination" —and then goes on to imagine a nearly unmitigated catastrophe. Crocker predicts sectarian murders “by the thousands," a resurgence of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, and the “complete...

Sierra Leone Tribunal Convicts 3
Sierra Leone Tribunal Convicts 3

Sierra Leone Tribunal Convicts 3

War crimes court first to rule against use of child soldiers

(Newser) - The UN-backed Sierra Leone war crimes tribunal handed down its first verdicts today, convicting three leaders of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The rebel leaders face lengthy prison terms after being convicted of 11 of 14 charges, including murder, rape, and the recruitment...

UN Memo Rips US on Mideast
UN Memo Rips US on Mideast

UN Memo Rips US on Mideast

Palestinian boycott exacts 'devastating consequences'

(Newser) - The UN's former Mideast envoy condemns US policy toward Israel in a secret report that rips America for having "pummeled the UN into submission," rendering it powerless as a negotiator on Mideast matters. The report, leaked to the Guardian, also labels the boycott of the Palestinian government a...

Hamas Takes Fatah Outposts in Gaza
Hamas Takes Fatah Outposts in Gaza

Hamas Takes Fatah Outposts in Gaza

Abbas decries Hamas coup as escalating bloodshed leaves 37 dead

(Newser) - Hamas fighters overpowered Fatah security forces to capture their headquarters in northern Gaza today, as battles raging across the strip for the second day left at least 37 dead, the AP reports. Pro-Fatah soldiers then attacked the main Hamas-run television station, but they were repelled.

Charles Taylor Skips War Crimes Trial

Former President of Liberia accused of atrocities in Sierra Leone

(Newser) - Charles Taylor, the former president of Liberia, didn't show up for the opening of his  war-crimes trial in The Hague today, the BBC reports. He is accused of fostering a long bloody civil war in Sierra Leone marked by crimes against humanity, terrorism, rape and the use of child soldiers....

Iran Extends Hand Into Southern Iraq

Foreign militias threaten tenuous stability in Basra area

(Newser) - The southern Iraqi city of Basra is under the control of an array of private militias, some of which have strong ties to Iran, the Guardian reports. Factions like "God's Revenge" mete out patronage and enforce a fragile order in Iraq's second-largest city at the behest of competing warlords...

Report: Iraq Nears Collapse
Report: Iraq Nears Collapse

Report: Iraq Nears Collapse

(Newser) - The Iraqi government is becoming impotent and irrelevant as the country stumbles toward fragmentation and collapse, a new report by a British think tank concludes. The matter-of-fact name, "Accepting Realities in Iraq," belies the grim verdict that large areas are under the control of local factions rather than...

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