
12 Stories

This Slippery Eel Can Escape Predator's Stomach in a Minute
This Eel Can Pull Off
an 'Astonishing' Houdini

This Eel Can Pull Off an 'Astonishing' Houdini

Japanese eels can escape from a predator's stomach in less than a minute, researchers say

(Newser) - That eels are slippery is no surprise, but that they can literally slip out of a predator's stomach is "truly astonishing," according to researchers, who've recorded footage of the first-of-its-kind behavior, allowing for escape in less than a minute. "It sounds like the plot of...

Aquarium's Problem: Its Eels Are Forgetting People Exist

An 'unprecedented situation' in Tokyo

(Newser) - A Japanese aquarium has an "urgent request" for locals who can't stop by for a visit due to the coronavirus shutdown: It wants them to partake in a "face-showing festival" instead and call in for a video chat with its spotted garden eels, for whom the presence...

Electric Eel Keeps This Aquarium's Christmas Tree Lit

Miguel Wattson is providing the juice for seasonal lights at the Tennessee Aquarium

(Newser) - Visitors to the Tennessee Aquarium may be shocked to learn that an electric eel named Miguel Wattson is lighting up a Christmas tree, per the AP . A special system connected to Miguel's tank enables his shocks to power strands of lights on a nearby tree, according to a news...

Scientists Reveal New Theory About Loch Ness Monster

It might be a giant eel, they say after large DNA study of the lake

(Newser) - The "Loch Ness eel" just doesn't have the same ring to it. Scientists who conducted a large study of DNA samples from the famous Scottish lake suggested Thursday that giant eels might be the source of "monster" sightings over the years. The researchers found no evidence the...

A Wiggly New Problem for Endangered Seals

Juvenile Hawaiian monk seals spotted with eels in their noses

(Newser) - Endangered Hawaiian monk seals have enough to contend with —sharks, habitat loss, limited prey, nets —without eels wiggling in their noses. Yet NOAA researchers are noting just how much trouble an eel in the nose can cause after sharing a photo of an afflicted seal looking rather uncomfortable...

She Was Relaxing in Hawaiian Waters. Then, 'Blood Everywhere'

Experts think Kristen Porter was bitten in Waikiki by a moray eel

(Newser) - On one side of the US, beachgoers have been contending with shark attacks ; on the other side, at least one tourist has had a confrontation with what appears to have been an eel. Maryland resident Kristen Porter was vacationing in Waikiki, and on Sunday she was kicking back in a...

Cocaine Now Wreaking Havoc on ... Eels
Cocaine Now Wreaking
Havoc on ... Eels

Cocaine Now Wreaking Havoc on ... Eels

Study shows muscle damage that could affect migration

(Newser) - Humans aren't alone in a battle with illicit drugs, which have penetrated waterways worldwide via wastewater and other means. European eels are feeling the effects, and probably other animals, too, say researchers at Italy's University of Naples Federico II. After previously finding cocaine in eel flesh, the team...

Drivers Get Slimed by Eels in Oregon

Truck carrying eels overturns

(Newser) - Drivers in Oregon got a slimy surprise Thursday afternoon when a truck full of eels overturned on Highway 101, KPTV reports. The eels were on their way to Korea "for consumption" when the seafood livestock truck carrying them rolled over. The Oregonian states it was a "decidedly disgusting...

Hawaii Surfer Bitten ... in Eel Attack?

Officials say it might be a first in the state

(Newser) - A surfer is recovering from serious injuries after he fell off a wave in Hawaii and was possibly bitten by … an eel. Yes, humans should apparently fear the creatures' teeth as well as their zapping ability . The 33-year-old local man was surfing at Waikiki Beach on Saturday when he...

Scientists Unravel Mystery of Electric Fish's Jolt

6-foot electric eel is 6-inch fish attached to a 5.5-foot cattle prod

(Newser) - For the first time, scientists have assembled the complete genome of an electric fish—the potent South American electric eel—and in doing so have identified something much larger: Exactly how this fish, along with electric fish from other families, evolved to create their jolt-delivering organ. The findings, out of...

Man Dies After 'Friends' Insert Eel in His Rectum

Drunken prank fatal for Chinese chef

(Newser) - A Chinese chef with possibly the worst friends in the world died after a live eel shoved up his rectum as a prank when he was passed out drunk gnawed through his guts. Doctors mystified by the man's abdominal pain and anal bleeding cut him open and were astonished to...

Japan Cools Down with Fizzy Eel Energy Drink

Yellow-colored beverage made from head and bone extracts

(Newser) - A new fizzy, yellow-colored canned drink is hitting shelves in Japan this month, and it contains an unusual ingredient—eel. Unagi Nobori, or "Surging Eel," is made from the extracts from the head and bones of eel and five vitamins. "It's mainly for men who are exhausted...

12 Stories