
Stories 41 - 58 | << Prev 

Bloomberg: No Smoking in Central Park

Mayor wants to take ban outdoors to cover parks, walkways

(Newser) - Mayor Bloomberg wants smokers to stay out of Central Park and parts of Times Square. The anti-tobacco mayor has proposed widening the city's smoking ban to cover parks, beaches, pedestrian plazas, and boardwalks, reports the New York Post . Scofflaws, tourist or not, would face a $50 fine under his plan,...

America Still Smoking Up a Storm: CDC

(Newser) - The smoking rate in the United States has stalled after 40 years of steady declines, according to a report by the CDC. The Los Angeles Times reports that 1 in 5 people are regular smokers, a figure that has remained constant for the last 5 years. The CDC says more...

Big Tobacco Sues Over 'Disgusting' Anti-Smoking Posters

Firms seek to quash graphic NYC ads

(Newser) - Images of cancerous lungs, rotting teeth, and brain damage caused by smoking are "unappetizing," complain lawyers for tobacco companies suing New York City. RJ Reynolds, Philip Morris, and Lorillard are taking the city to court over anti-smoking ads that stores selling cigarettes are now legally required to post...

Tone Done These Gross Anti-Smoking Ads
 Tone Down These Gross 
 Anti-Smoking Ads 

Tone Down These Gross Anti-Smoking Ads

Making smokers into lepers won't improve public health

(Newser) - Reports that Australia plans to strip cigarette packages of company logos and instead feature graphic images of diseased lungs and assorted organs has Mary Elizabeth Williams at Salon less than thrilled. These smug, "scoldy" campaigns are getting out of control—what's next, "photos of blocked arteries on every...

French Anti-Smoking 'Oral Sex' Ad Sparks Furor

Ad agency claims only 'shock' will stop teens from smoking

(Newser) - Anti-smoking ads featuring reluctant male and female teens with their heads held to a man's crotch and a cigarette in their mouths is sparking an uproar in France. "Smoking is being a slave to tobacco," the ads read. Smoldering feminist and family organizations have lashed the campaign for...

More Americans Smoking
 More Americans Smoking 

More Americans Smoking

Rates tick up slightly after holding steady for 5 years

(Newser) - The number of smokers has ticked up a notch after five years of decline or holding steady. The percentage of Americans who light up rose from 19.8% in 2007 to 20.6% in 2008, a CDC report says. The longer-term picture is better: Since 1998, the percentage has dropped...

Clove Cigarettes Banned: Enter Clove 'Small Cigars'

FDA, importer disagree over definition of a cigarette

(Newser) - For one California importer of smokes, an awful lot has come to rest on the precise definition of a cigar. After a ban on clove cigarettes went into effect last month, Kretek International slyly began importing Djarum-brand clove “small cigars." They're quite similar to Djarum’s clove cigarettes,...

Smoke Breaks Bad for Health, Good for Business
Smoke Breaks Bad for Health, Good for Business

Smoke Breaks Bad for Health, Good for Business

(Newser) - It’s a good thing that smokers have been banished to huddle outside or in special smoking rooms at work, writes Michael Skapinker of the Financial Times. Not just because it keeps their second-hand smoke away from the rest of us, but because it brings them closer together. Sure, it's...

Smoking Ban Health Hype Going Up in Smoke
 Smoking Ban Health Hype 
 Going Up in Smoke 

Smoking Ban Health Hype Going Up in Smoke

Studies linking smoke-free laws to heart health appear weak

(Newser) - Reporters are covering stories that link smoking bans to lower heart attack rates—which would be terrific news if it were true, Christopher Snowdon writes on Spiked. Even the anti-smoking group Action on Smoking and Health stood up to a Sunday Times report of a "10% heart attack drop,...

Gates Refuses to Ban Smoking in War Zones

Defense secretary rejects Pentagon study's recommendation

(Newser) - American troops in war zones won't have to battle the enemy while suffering nicotine withdrawal, CNN reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is willing to consider some of the recommendations in a Pentagon-commissioned report calling for a totally tobacco-free military, but he has no intention of ordering stressed-out troops in combat...

Pentagon Mulls Smoking Ban for Troops

Military smoking, especially common in combat, costly for VA

(Newser) - Pentagon health experts are pushing for the military to ban tobacco, a move that would upend a traditionally smoky culture, the USA Today reports. Tobacco use is rising among troops, many of whom turn to cigarettes to relieve combat zone stress, and that winds up costing the Pentagon and Veteran's...

Obama Signs Smoking Crackdown

(Newser) - President Barack Obama cited his own long struggle to quit the cigarettes he took up as a teenager as he signed the strongest-ever US anti-smoking bill today and praised it for providing needed protections for future generations. "It is a law that will save American lives," Obama said....

Senate Poised to Pass Tough New Tobacco Law

Bill will give FDA authority to regulate marketing, content of tobacco products

(Newser) - The Senate is expected this week to pass sweeping new legislation to regulate tobacco, reports USA Today. The bill, which may go to a vote as soon as today, gives the FDA the authority to regulate tobacco and will require larger health warnings on packets, end the use of claims...

'Lost' Child in Anti-Smoking Ad Really Cried

Filmmakers let kid lose sight of mom to make spot more effective

(Newser) - A new anti-smoking ad that shows a child crying after he loses his mother in a crowded train station portrays genuine distress, MSNBC reports. The 4-year-old—acting with his real mother—was allowed to lose sight of her for "a very brief moment," said an exec with the...

Silicon Valley Town Bans Smoking at Home

Nation's toughest anti-smoking law hits home for apartment dwellers

(Newser) - A California town has passed legislation that will push many smokers out of their last remaining indoor sanctuary—their home, the New York Times reports. Belmont's law—believed to be the nation's toughest—bans smoking in any residence that shares a floor or ceiling with another. Officials credit the law...

Casinos Choke on Smoke Bans
 Casinos Choke on Smoke Bans 

Casinos Choke on Smoke Bans

Industry sees revenues drop as state laws makes gamblers gamble less

(Newser) - Taking deep breaths of clean air won’t stave off panic for casinos confronted with smoking bans in an increasing number of states, the Wall Street Journal reports. In Illinois, casinos have posted double-digit revenue drops since a ban took effect in January. “Gamblers like to smoke and drink...

Smoking Makes Obama Human ... If a Bad Role Model
Smoking Makes Obama Human ... If a Bad Role Model

Smoking Makes Obama Human ... If a Bad Role Model

Some worried a victory by Dem could set anti-tobacco movement back years

(Newser) - If Barack Obama—an on-again, off-again smoker who says he's off again—fails in his attempt to quit, he could be the first president to enjoy a regular puff since FDR, who lit up long before the anti-smoking movement swept America. One watcher tells the Minneapolis Star Tribune the habit...

Bloomberg, Gates Take On Smoking
Bloomberg, Gates Take On Smoking

Bloomberg, Gates Take On Smoking

Billionaires donate $375M to global anti-tobacco campaign

(Newser) - Microsoft founder Bill Gates and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg are pooling their piles of money and pouring $375 million into a global effort to cut smoking. The two philanthropists—who have a combined worth of more than $70 billion—say the new effort will target developing countries where tobacco...

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