
3 Stories

Dogs Get Jealous: Study
 Dogs Get Jealous: Study 

Dogs Get Jealous: Study

But canine envy is simpler than that felt by primates

(Newser) - Dogs can indeed get jealous, a new study shows. While it’s known that other primates feel envy, the report offers the first evidence of the green-eyed monster in canines. Dogs were paired up and commanded to put their paw in an experimenter’s hand, and then given unequal rewards:...

McCain Goes Green ... With Envy
 McCain Goes
 Green ... With Envy

McCain Goes Green ... With Envy

Jealousy of Obama drives Mac's gutter campaign: Dowd

(Newser) - Why is John McCain, "a man who prides himself on honor," taking the low road in his campaign against Barack Obama? For Maureen Dowd, the reason is clear: the Arizona senator is "pea-green with envy." Even more than Bill Clinton or Jesse Jackson, McCain can't stand...

One Day, the World Will Hate Him
 One Day, the 
 World Will Hate Him 

One Day, the World Will Hate Him

The envy empire inspires is a great leveler

(Newser) - Should he win the White House, the rest of the world will one day see Barack Obama as a villain, David Aaronovitch writes in the London Times. The spectacle of empire and popularity drives the country's allies to both anger and envy, he argues, and every American president has come...

3 Stories
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