Obama administration

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With Summers Out, Who's In?
 With Summers 
 Out, Who's In? 
Analysis Roundup

With Summers Out, Who's In?

A woman CEO? Or an outsider?

(Newser) - News that Larry Summers is leaving the Obama administration has set off a flurry of speculation about who will or should replace him. And we've got that speculation for you right here:
  • Obama would like to pick a female CEO, sources tell Politico , because he's "acutely aware that all

Larry Summers Will Leave White House After Midterms

Top adviser joins exodus of economic team

(Newser) - President Obama's top economic adviser plans to leave the administration at the end of the year, the White House said today. Lawrence Summers will leave his post as director of the National Economic Council to return to Harvard University, where he once served as president before being forced out in...

White House Blasts New York Times Report

 White House Blasts 
 New York Times Report 

White House Blasts New York Times Report

Calls it '100% wrong'

(Newser) - The White House is fighting hard against this New York Times report , which claims that President Obama's advisers are considering an ad blitz linking the GOP to the Tea Party. “The Times is just flat-out, 100% wrong,” a White House official tells Politico . “The first time Obama’...

Obama Advisers Consider Ad Blitz Against Tea Party

National campaign would portray Republicans as radicals

(Newser) - All these Tea Party victories have given Democratic strategists an idea for a national ad campaign with a simple theme: Don't let Republicans take control, because these people are nuts. President Obama's advisers are considering just such an ad blitz, reports the New York Times . The idea is to scare...

Obama: Warren Will Fight for Middle Class

President taps adviser to set up consumer protection agency

(Newser) - President Obama named Wall Street critic Elizabeth Warren a special adviser today and tasked her with setting up a new agency to look out for consumers. Calling Warren "one of the country's fiercest advocates for the middle class," Obama said the new bureau would end abusive practices. "...

We Still Have a Wage Gap; Now's the Time to Close It
We Still Have a Wage Gap; Now's the Time to Close It 
Valerie Jarrett

We Still Have a Wage Gap; Now's the Time to Close It

Valerie Jarrett: Paycheck Fairness Act is a good start

(Newser) - The year is 2010, and women still get paid 77¢ cents for every dollar men earn. That's bad enough in and of itself, but when you consider that women are now the sole breadwinners for two-thirds of families, "equal pay is not only a matter of principle," writes...

Elizabeth Warren Will Help Set Up Consumer Agency

Obama will appoint her to Treasury post, avoid hearings

(Newser) - President Obama will appoint Wall Street critic Elizabeth Warren as a special adviser to oversee the creation of a new consumer protection bureau, a Democratic official said today. Warren would report to both the Treasury Department and the White House in a role that would not require Senate confirmation .

Obama Proposes $60B Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia

Boasts record-setting deal will create jobs

(Newser) - The Obama administration plans to offer Saudi Arabia $60 billion worth of advanced aircraft, in what would be the largest arms deal in US history. The deal may also be expanded by tens of billions more to include naval and missile-defense upgrades, the Wall Street Journal reports. The administration intends...

Dear US, You're Making the Mortgage Mess Worse
Dear US, You're Making the Mortgage Mess Worse
joseph stiglitz

Dear US, You're Making the Mortgage Mess Worse

Stop meddling and the let the private sector take over

(Newser) - Joseph Stiglitz lends his Nobel clout to the notion that the government is doing more harm than good by over-managing the housing crisis. "Government policies to support the housing market not only have failed to fix the problem, but are prolonging the deleveraging process and creating the conditions for...

Pastor Might Call Off Koran Burning if Obama Calls Him

Meanwhile, another pastor plans smaller burning

(Newser) - Terry Jones says he might reconsider his plan to burn Korans on 9/11—if he gets a call from President Obama. Jones says no one from the White House or Pentagon has contacted him, but that if anyone did "that would cause us to definitely think it over,"...

Obama Weighs New Wave of Tax Cuts, Stimulus

Team searches for ways to bolster economy

(Newser) - With economic recovery looking sluggish at best , President Obama is considering a national infrastructure program, alongside a wave of tax cuts for businesses and individuals. Up for discussion are additional tax cuts for small businesses, a possible payroll tax cut for businesses and individuals, and other tax breaks aimed at...

Partisan Tiff Leaves Federal Courts Without Judges

GOP still blocking nominees, Obama slow to nominate

(Newser) - The partisan standoff on judges is starting threaten our ability to administer justice. Nearly 1 in 8 federal judgeships are currently vacant, the LA Times reports, as Senate Republicans block many of President Obama’s nominees. Just 47% of Obama’s nominees have been approved—the lowest rate in 30...

Arizona Can't Afford Immigration Crackdown

Jailing immigrants costly for cash-strapped state

(Newser) - Arizona might have one little problem with its controversial new immigration law: It can’t afford to enforce it. The state already has a budget deficit of at least $368 million, and jailing illegal immigrants could expand that significantly. Holding, say, 5,000 immigrants would cost the state $182.5...

GOP Itching to Investigate Obama
GOP Itching to Investigate Obama

GOP Itching to Investigate Obama

Republicans to launch gaggle of probes if they take House

(Newser) - Republicans are already preparing to launch a host of congressional investigations against the White House if they prevail in November, handing out subpoenas at a rate not seen since the Clinton administration, Republican staffers tell Politico . A group of would-be committee chairmen, led by Darrell Issa and Lamar Smith, are...

Overlooked Part of the Stimulus: A Green Revolution

Joe Biden: 'Now the fun stuff starts'

(Newser) - President Obama's stimulus package has so far been debated in narrow terms of how many jobs it may or may not have saved or created, writes Michael Grunwald in Time. Lost in the rhetoric are the many profound and long-term ways it can change America—first and foremost in creating...

NJ Fails Math, Loses Millions in School Funding

Christie office commits costly error on 'Race to the Top' application

(Newser) - New Jersey lost out on hundreds of millions of dollars in federal education funding because of a simple mistake in its application, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. A staffer in Gov. Chris Christie's office filled out a field for budget data that called for a comparison of the 2008 and 2009...

Boehner: Fire Geithner, Summers

GOP minority leader says they've done enough damage

(Newser) - John Boehner—the House minority leader who could be House speaker if things go right for Republicans in the midterms—is generating headlines today for one of his economic prescriptions: Obama must fire Tim Geithner and Larry Summers.The duo must "see the handwriting on the wall" after the...

Only 10% of Gulf Oil Cleaned Up
 Only 10% of Gulf Oil Cleaned Up 

Only 10% of Gulf Oil Cleaned Up

Scientist scolds administration for rosy estimates

(Newser) - Only 10% of the oil that spewed from the Deepwater Horizon well has been "actually removed from the ocean," a leading oceanographer will tell Congress today. Ian MacDonald's testimony throws cold water on a cheerful federal report earlier this month that declared 75% of the oil had either...

Obama Plans to Ease Cuban Travel Rules

Will remove Bush's restrictions on cultural, academic trips

(Newser) - President Obama intends to peel back restrictions on travel to Cuba enacted under George W. Bush, allowing academic, religious, and cultural groups to more freely venture to and from the communist island. Obama already lifted the restrictions for Americans with relatives on the island in 2009, but is now returning...

Gates Plans to Retire in 2011
 Gates Plans to 
 Retire in 2011 

Gates Plans to Retire in 2011

Unless he changes his mind again

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates has always hated Washington, and he plans to get the heck out sometime next year, he revealed today in a lengthy interview with Fred Kaplan for Foreign Policy . “I think that it would be a mistake to wait until January 2012,” he reasons. “...

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