International Criminal Court

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ICC Is Investigating Duterte, Who Suddenly Wants Out

He says Philippines is withdrawing from the ICC, 'effective immediately'

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has had a bumpy relationship with the International Criminal Court. He once described it as "bulls---," then in February said he welcomed its preliminary investigation into allegations of crimes against humanity during Duterte's war on drugs. Now, he says he'll pull the...

ICC Looks Into Claims Duterte Ordered Mass Murder

He welcomes preliminary investigation into crimes against humanity, rep says

(Newser) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte welcomes a preliminary investigation into allegations of crimes against humanity now underway by the International Criminal Court, a spokesman said Thursday, marking an about-face for a man who once described the ICC as "bulls---." Duterte is "sick and tired of being accused" and...

Panel Reveals Chilling Details From Camps in N. Korea

One judge who survived Auschwitz says conditions are just as bad, if not worse

(Newser) - Three international judges have been digging into conditions at North Korea's infamous labor camps , and one of them gives a damning assessment to the Washington Post : "I believe that the conditions in the [North] Korean prison camps are as terrible, or even worse, than those I saw and...

Emails: Jolie Offered to Be Bait in Trap for Warlord

ICC honcho wanted her to invite Kony to dinner

(Newser) - In a plan that sounds more like a rejected movie script than reality, Angelina Jolie offered to help capture bloodthirsty warlord Joseph Kony by inviting him to dinner, according to leaked emails. In International Criminal Court emails leaked to the French website Mediapart , former chief ICC posecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo...

Putin to International Criminal Court: Russia's Out

The day after Russia was condemned by the ICC for human rights abuses

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree Wednesday to withdraw Russia from the International Criminal Court, which rules on such grave charges as genocide and crimes against humanity, the AP reports. Russia in 2000 signed the Rome treaty that established the Hague-based court but never ratified it. Putin's decree,...

ICC: Probe Into American War Crimes May Be Coming

Court says US troops tortured detainees

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court is talking about investigating Americans for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, a move that the State Department considers both unwarranted and inappropriate. The department says that not only is the US not a member of the ICC, it has its own justice system capable of dealing...

3 Countries to Quit International Criminal Court

Gambia says it unfairly targets Africans

(Newser) - A third African country says it will leave the International Criminal Court as fears grow of a mass pullout from the body that pursues some of the world's worst atrocities. Gambia announced the decision on TV Tuesday, accusing the court of unfairly targeting Africa and calling it the "...

Suspect in Timbuktu Shrines' Destruction: 'I Am Really Sorry'

Ahmad al-Mahdi, charged with war crimes, pleads guilty at the Hague

(Newser) - When Islamic rebels backed by al-Qaeda infiltrated Timbuktu in 2012, they wreaked havoc in the Malian city and destroyed Muslim shrines, including nine mausoleums and the door of a mosque that had remained shut for hundreds of years, per the Guardian . Now Ahmad al-Mahdi, a former employee with Mali's...

Sudan's Leader Evades Arrest Once Again— via Private Jet

Leader is wanted by ICC for war crimes

(Newser) - For six years and counting, Omar al-Bashir has evaded arrest and a trial at the International Criminal Court on genocide and crimes against humanity charges stemming from the Darfur conflict , and it appears he may have slipped through the cracks again—this time in South Africa. The Sudanese leader was...

Palestinians Join International Criminal Court

Move expected to put more pressure on Israel

(Newser) - The Palestinian Authority has become a member of the International Criminal Court and is marking the momentous occasion with a low-key ceremony at the court's headquarters. Palestinians signed the court's founding treaty in January and it came into force today, an event welcomed by activists who see it...

UN: North Korean Leaders Should Be Prosecuted

Non-binding resolution passes; China, Russia stand in way

(Newser) - North Korea's leaders should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, according to none other than the UN. In a 111-19 vote, with 55 abstentions, UN members made what the New York Times calls the organization's strongest-ever move against the North, saying its leaders had violated human rights and...

Israel: Guilty of War Crimes?

 Israel: Guilty 
 of War Crimes? 

Israel: Guilty of War Crimes?

Manal Tellawi makes the case, but others say Hamas is to blame

(Newser) - Israel's attack on Gaza—which has reportedly killed more than 1,500 civilians—was indeed a war crime that flagrantly violated rules of international law, writes Manal Tellawi at Salon . Three of his main arguments:
  • While Article 51 of the UN Charter allows for self-defense, Israel can't make

A Tiny David Sues the World's Nuclear Goliaths

Marshall Islands call for justice in non-proliferation treaty

(Newser) - The world's nuclear powers are getting hauled into international court by a tiny challenger. The Marshall Islands are suing the nine nuke-equipped countries in nine cases in the Hague—though the case against the US was also filed in a San Francisco federal court, Reuters reports. The Islands hold...

UK Accused of War Crimes in Iraq

250-page report cites sex assaults, beatings, electrocution

(Newser) - UK lawyers and European human rights activists are calling on the International Criminal Court to prosecute British leaders over war crimes allegedly committed in Iraq. Public Interest Lawyers and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights have compiled a 250-page report, submitted to the ICC Saturday, on "systematic...

Kenyatta Sworn In as Kenyan President

Becomes Africa's 2nd president facing ICC charges

(Newser) - Uhuru Kenyatta has been sworn in as Kenya's fourth president. The country's chief justice administered the oath of office to Kenyatta in a sports stadium packed with tens of thousands of Kenyans and about a dozen African leaders today. Kenyatta, 51, the son of Kenya's first president,...

ICC Drops War Crimes Case Against Top Kenya Politician

Francis Muthaura off the hook, but case against president-elect to continue

(Newser) - International Criminal Court prosecutors are dropping their crimes against humanity case against Kenyan Cabinet secretary Francis Muthaura, it announced today, after a key witness admitted lying in his incriminating testimony. Muthaura was accused, along with now-president-elect Uhuru Kenyatta , of murder, rape, and more for allegedly helping to orchestrate the violence...

International Criminal Court Issues First-Ever Acquittal

Ex-militia boss Mathieu Ngudjolo faced war crimes charges

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has handed down its first acquittal. Judges in the Hague called for the "immediate release" of Congolese ex-militia leader Mathieu Ngudjolo, who was accused of of commanding fighters who brought ruin to a Democratic Republic of Congo village in 2003, al-Jazeera reports. Presiding Judge Bruno...

UN Poised to Make Palestine a Non-Member State

US, Israel battle the change

(Newser) - The United Nations will today vote on elevating Palestine's status from "entity" to "non-member state"—and the measure should sail through the General Assembly, Reuters reports. Developing countries are set to back the transition, as are more than a dozen European countries, including France and Spain....

Desmond Tutu: Haul Bush, Blair in for ICC Trial

Pair behaved 'like playground bullies' in falsely starting Iraq war

(Newser) - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu says Tony Blair and George Bush should face prosecution at the International Criminal Court for their role in the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq. Tutu, the retired Anglican Church's archbishop of South Africa, wrote in an op-ed piece for the Observer today that...

Congo Warlord Gets 14 Years for Using Child Soldiers

ICC hands down first-ever sentence

(Newser) - Congo warlord Thomas Lubanga has been sentenced to 14 years in prison, which is longer than many of the child soldiers in his rebel army had been alive when he commanded them in the country's civil war. The sentence was handed down by the International Criminal Court, which found...

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