married couples

Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

Couple Married 58 Years Die Hand-in-Hand

'I just can't believe something like this would ever happen'

(Newser) - A few months after suffering a stroke, George Rodriquez died July 5 with his high school sweetheart and wife of 58 years grasping his hand. Three hours later, Ora Lee Rodriquez was dead, too. It's like something out of The Notebook, daughter Corina Martinez tells Fox 29 . "I...

Japan Supreme Court: Couple Must Use Same Surname

Women's rights activists say the rule is antiquated, discriminatory

(Newser) - Japan's Supreme Court issued a ruling Wednesday that maintains a longtime civil rule some say is unconstitutional and discriminatory: forcing married couples to officially choose one surname, the BBC reports. Presiding Justice Itsuro Terada said that the surname mandate wasn't discriminatory, since a couple could choose to use...

For Better Sex, Split the Childcare
Study: Parents Who Do This Have Better Sex Lives
in case you missed it

Study: Parents Who Do This Have Better Sex Lives

The happiest couples tend to evenly divide many child-related duties

(Newser) - Couples who manage to evenly divide child care duties tend to have higher-quality relationships, as well as sex lives. This is the takeaway from a new study being presented to the American Sociological Association in Chicago this week. Researchers interviewed nearly 500 heterosexual couples with kids and found that when...

Bride Loses Memory, Hubby Throws Wedding 'Round 2'

Will wed on one-year anniversary with help from kind strangers

(Newser) - Justice Stamper won't soon forget the day her high school sweetheart got down on one knee in front of the entire congregation at their church in their hometown of Marion, Va., where they first met at age 10. "He taped the ring underneath a bottle cap to hide...

Brides Say 'I Do' (Not Take Your Name)

Women keeping their maiden names on the rise again: 'NYT' study

(Newser) - The 1970s heralded a feminist-driven wave of brides who kept their maiden names, but that trend dived in the 1980s, when new wives started using their husbands' name again. Now, a New York Times analysis, the number of maiden-name-retaining women is surpassing that of the '70s. Using Google Consumer...

Married Couples' Sex Lives 'Rebound'—After 50 Years

Those in first marriages have sex more frequently than those who remarried

(Newser) - It's no secret that most married couples have less sex as the years go by, but those who stick it out tend to see something of a romantic renaissance—it just takes five decades to get there. Researchers looking at 1,656 married adults ranging in age from 57...

Successful at Work? Thank Your Partner
Successful at Work?
Thank Your Partner
study says

Successful at Work? Thank Your Partner

Researchers find that conscientious spouses do wonders for one's career

(Newser) - Who wouldn't love a partner willing to take on extra chores and errands? It turns out that a conscientious spouse isn't just good for household management and harmony, but for one's success at work, too, according to research out of Washington University. While one's own personality...

Couple Married 73 Years Die Hours Apart

Joe Auer, 100, followed Helen quickly

(Newser) - Joe Auer lived 100 years, surviving the Depression, a stint in World War II, and no fewer than 10 kids. But when his wife of 73 years died last week, that was it. Joe Auer lasted only 28 hours after Helen, 94, reports WPTV . "I think sleeping only one...

23 Hurt in Bizarre Attack at Chicago Anniversary Party

The injured, mostly kids, were treated for skin irritation from mace-like spray

(Newser) - If they hadn't already had to, a couple celebrating 50 years of marriage with family and friends is now being called to make good on the "in sickness and in health" portion of their wedding vows: Someone sprayed a mace-like substance into the yard where the anniversary party...

Couple Wears Matching Outfits... for Decades

After 64 years of marriage, Mel and Joey Schwanke may be on to something

(Newser) - What's one of the secret ingredients to a happy marriage lasting 64 years and counting? Wearing matching outfits, say Nebraska octogenarians Mel and Joey Schwanke. Every day, for decades, Mel has donned a tie cut from the same fabric as Joey's dress, notes The Look blog on Today ...

Married Gay Couple Saved 40 Youths in Oslo Massacre

But lesbians' heroics seems to slipped under the radar

(Newser) - We’ve heard several stories of heroism following the Oslo massacre, but one big story seems to have slipped through the cracks: The story of Toril Hansen and Hege Dalen, who saved 40 teens from Utoya island in their boat. The couple made four trips to save the youths, even...

Posh and Becks: Split Report 'Nonsense'

Soccer star, ex-Spice Girl deny Twitter rumor

(Newser) - The rumor of David and Victoria Beckham's separation that's spreading like wildfire across the Twittersphere is "nonsense," "utter rubbish," and "simply not true," reps for the couple tell the Daily Mail . A London-based PR man who tweeted the "news" today says he "...

Barack and Michelle: The First Romantics

Pair redefine president-first lady relationship

(Newser) - Like no other couple before them, Barack and Michelle Obama have made their romance a central feature of his presidency—even his inauguration night seemed like a wedding, the new first lady dressed in white, the couple dancing to a love song. Their marriage is the subject of a 7,...

Job Market Splitting Up Couples
 Job Market Splitting Up Couples 

Job Market Splitting Up Couples

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans relocates for new position

(Newser) - With the job market failing to recover along with the larger economy, two-career couples are facing tough choices and increasingly being forced into long-distance relationships. A recent survey has found that 18.2% of Americans who took new jobs in the second quarter also relocated, up from 11.4% a...

Divorce May Permanently Damage Health

(Newser) - The end of a marriage means the end of good health for many people, a new study finds. Researchers discovered that people who lost a spouse, whether through divorce or death, were roughly 20% more likely to suffer chronic health problems even if they later remarried, HealthDay reports. The scientists...

Fox's Kilmeade Sorry for Yank 'Purity' Gaffe

(Newser) - Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends has "sincerely apologized" for saying Americans might not be as vigorous as Scandinavians because they're not as "pure." It "was not my intention to offend anyone," Kilmeade said on the air yesterday. Several people demanded an apology after Kilmeade...

So, Your Wife's a Porn Star?
 So, Your Wife's a Porn Star?

So, Your Wife's a Porn Star?

Domestic bliss abounds, as long as you don't ask about the office

(Newser) - Married life with a porn star has its downsides, husbands admit: Wives can talk about the day at work, appear odd to soccer mom friends, or even suffer the occasional vaginal tear on the job. Or, says Bill—husband to Ryder Skye—you can lie around thinking of how she...

How to Revive a Zombie Marriage
 How to Revive
 a Zombie Marriage 

How to Revive a Zombie Marriage

Time appears to heal all

(Newser) - If Romeo and Juliet hadn't died young, even those obsessed lovers would have coasted into what Details dubs a "zombie marriage"—that inevitable phase when jobs and kids take precedence over romance, and couples just go through the motions. It ends, as often as not, in divorce, but...

Sex Revolution for Granny & Gramps

Over 70s enjoying more nookie than ever

(Newser) - Men and women in their 70s are having more sex than ever, according to a series of surveys. Over a 30-year period the number of married men still enjoying sex in their 70s increased from 58% to 62%, while that  figure jumped 38% to 58% for married women, the Independent ...

Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev