Rob Portman

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Romney's VP Shortlist Takes Shape

4 candidates look likely, but don't count out Kelly Ayotte

(Newser) - Buzz surrounding Mitt Romney's VP pick is growing louder, and RealClearPolitics has narrowed it down to four candidates: Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. RCP doubts that a deliberative guy like Romney would make a pick out of left field,...

Voters Know Nothing About Romney's VP Candidates

No opinion on Rob Portman, Marco Rubio

(Newser) - What do voters think of Rob Portman? They don't, a poll finds. Some 51% don't have an opinion on the man currently most likely to join Mitt Romney's ticket, the highest "no opinion" figure about pretty much anything in a Washington Post -ABC poll since September....

Rob Portman&#39;s Edge: He&#39;s Dull as Dirt
 Rob Portman's Edge: 
 He's Dull as Dirt 
VP Watch

Rob Portman's Edge: He's Dull as Dirt

Mitt Romney might pick Ohio senator as a kind of anti-Palin

(Newser) - Most media VP speculation is swirling around colorful personalities like Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, and Bob McDonnell, but Politico has its eye on a candidate who exemplifies drab: Rob Portman. The last bill the Ohio senator introduced was a measure controlling Asian Carp in the Great Lakes—not exactly the...

VP Candidates Don't Deliver Big Home-State Boost

Nate Silver: It's worth a few percentage points at best

(Newser) - We've heard that as running mates, Rob Portman of Ohio and Marco Rubio of Florida could help Mitt Romney in their battleground home states—but statistics wiz Nate Silver isn't so sure. In the New York Times , he evaluates the performances of presidential tickets in the VP nominee'...

Top 5 Picks for Romney Running Mate

Marco Rubio, Chris Christie lead Intrade's bets

(Newser) - There's no way of knowing who will join Mitt Romney on the GOP ticket—but Intrade is willing to guess. The online futures site offers odds on various contenders, and the Daily Beast takes a look at the top five:
  1. Marco Rubio, 24.9%. The Florida senator is a

GOP Makes Its Debt Super-Committee Picks

Here you go: Hensarling, Camp, Upton, Kyl, Toomey, Portman

(Newser) - We're three-quarters of the way there. The GOP today announced its picks to serve on the debt "super committee," bringing the total number of seats filled to nine. At the top of John Boehner's list is Texan Jeb Hensarling, who will co-chair the committee with Democratic...

These Wonky Politicians Are the GOP's Future

David Brooks welcomes the new 'austerity caucus'

(Newser) - David Brooks happily declares the emergence of his kind of Republican on the national stage—members of what he dubs the "austerity caucus." They're more wonky than flashy, with more of a focus on balancing budgets and pragmatic daily concerns than grand visions of the future. He puts...

GOP Needs Its Brains Back
 GOP Needs Its Brains Back 

GOP Needs Its Brains Back

(Newser) - Republican sycophants may think Sarah Palin’s resignation was brilliant, “but don’t kid yourself,” writes Robert Eisinger in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “The GOP is in trouble.” The party has lost its intellectual coherence, and if it wants it back, it’s got to look beyond...

Strong Candidates Give GOP Hope for Open Senate Seats

No dearth of Republican recruits for 2010 races in Fla., Mo., Ohio

(Newser) - Don’t let the stories about how grim 2010 looks for the Senate Republicans fool you. The spate of retirements in swing states is no boon, to be sure, but, Politico reports, the GOP will have no trouble coming up with good candidates in Florida, Ohio, and Missouri. A state-by-state...

Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman
Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman

Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman

Ex-Congressman could quell establishment grousing

(Newser) - Ex-Congressman and ex-OMB director Rob Portman has much to offer John McCain as a running mate, writes Washington Post blogger Chris Cillizza. "If Washington-based political operatives picked the vice president, Portman would have it hands down" because he's "that rare breed of politician who is equally conversant—and...

Romney Takes Lead in VP Derby
 Romney Takes Lead
 in VP Derby 

Romney Takes Lead in VP Derby

Insiders excited about Romney's fundraising talents, conservative cred

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is today's top candidate to fill out John McCain’s ticket, Politico reports. The ex-Massachusetts governor has conservative cred, Michigan roots, fundraising chops—and not much chemistry with McCain. McCain hopes to wait out Barack Obama and see the Democratic ticket before announcing his choice, a play one...

Who Are They Eyeing for VP?
 Who Are They Eyeing for VP? 

Who Are They Eyeing for VP?

Blogger runs down likely veep candidates for Obama and McCain

(Newser) - “Since McCain and Obama appear to have the nominations locked up,” it's time to start eyeing the veepstakes, Chris Cillizza writes in The Fix blog. Here are his top three for each presumptive nominee, GOP first:
  1. Tim Pawlenty: The Minnesota governor is a longtime McCain backer, and widely

White House Budget Director Will Step Down

Surprise departure precedes expected battle over spending

(Newser) - The White House budget director will leave his post this summer after just over a year in office. Rob Portman departs the OMB at an awkward time, with Congress gearing up for a bruising fight over next year's federal budget. He enjoys bipartisan support that his successor, onetime Iowa congressman...

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