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Google Hires Army of Lobbyists, Also Eyes Hulu

It lines up 12 companies ahead of possible antitrust suit

(Newser) - Busy times for Google, even beyond its social networking push :
  • Lobbyist blitz: The company is apparently taking a potential antitrust investigation by the FTC very seriously, reports the Hill : Google is hiring no fewer than 12 top lobbying firms to make its case to lawmakers. “We have a strong

States Putting Antitrust Screws to Google, Too

California, New York, and Ohio join Texas in starting inquiries

(Newser) - As if the looming federal probe wasn’t bad enough, Google is now facing antitrust investigations from a number of states. California, New York, and Ohio have begun inquiries into the possible anti-competitive threat posed by Google’s search dominance, jumping on a bandwagon Texas started last year, the Financial ...

Google Faces FTC Antitrust Investigation

Tech giant to receive subpoenas this week

(Newser) - The Federal Trade Commission will send Google subpoenas this week as it begins an antitrust probe into the search king. Officials are investigating whether the firm has taken unfair advantage of its leading position in the tech landscape. It’s the weightiest US investigation the company has thus faced: While...

Congress Should Force NFL to Play Ball
Congress Should Force NFL to Play Ball
Arlen Specter

Congress Should Force NFL to Play Ball

Arlen Specter: Congress should step in to break gridlock

(Newser) - NFL owners and players can't seem to figure a way of their legal fight , raising the very real possibility that we'll have no season this year. This goes way beyond sports, writes former Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter in the New York Times . It would be a devastating economic...

Feds Suspect Banks Colluded to Fix Interest Rate

Citigroup, Bank of America often reported similar numbers

(Newser) - The Justice Department and the SEC are investigating whether banks colluded to hold down a key interest rate before and during the financial crisis, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The London interbank offered rate, or Libor, is calculated based on banks' self-reported borrowing costs. But from 2006 to 2008...

Google May Be Hit With Antitrust Probe

FTC awaiting Justice Department move

(Newser) - Google could soon be the target of a federal antitrust probe. Officials with the Federal Trade Commission will hold off on a decision until after the Justice Department determines whether or not it will attempt to block Google’s planned acquisition of ITA Software Inc., sources tell Bloomberg . That purchase...

Microsoft Hits Google With Antitrust Complaint
Microsoft Hits Google With Antitrust Complaint

Microsoft Hits Google With Antitrust Complaint

Software giant sics European regulators on search giant

(Newser) - The war between Microsoft and Google just ratcheted up a notch: In its first-ever antitrust complaint against a competitor, Microsoft asked European regulators today to go after the search giant. Google is stunting competition and attempting to “entrench its dominance” on the Web, Microsoft complained to the European Commission....

Dear Feds: Don't You Dare Let AT&T Buy T-Mobile

Say goodbye to competition, hello to gouging

(Newser) - AT&T's bid to buy T-Mobile is brilliant, writes Brett Arends for MarketWatch —for AT&T. For everyone else, it's "disastrous," if not downright anticompetitive. "It will let AT&T shut down a competitor, jack up prices, and save on customer service," he writes in...

Egyptian Rage Falls Hard on Mubarak Crony

Steel oligarch, became symbol of cronyism

(Newser) - The violence and popular wrath rumbling through Egypt are falling hard against Ahmed Ezz, a steel oligarch with a near-monopoly and a close friendship with Hosni Mubarak's son. Ezz's Cairo digs was torched three times, and popular resentment against Mubarak cronies is reaching critical mass—now Ezz finds his assets...

Microsoft Fights Apple Over 'App Store' Trademark

Rival claims 'App Store' is generic term

(Newser) - Microsoft is trying to stop Apple from trademarking the term "App Store," reports PC World . Apple executives have had a pending trademark since 2008, in a bid to make theirs the only online software retail vendor that can legally use the name. In a motion to kill Apple's...

Lucasfilm Settles Wage-Fixing Case
Lucasfilm Settles
Wage-Fixing Case

Lucasfilm Settles Wage-Fixing Case

DOJ targeted studio's hiring deal with Pixar

(Newser) - The force was with some of America's best animators. Lucasfilm, as part of a settlement with the Justice Department, has agreed to cancel a secret agreement with Pixar aimed at preventing a bidding war for top digital animators, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The firms had agreed to notify each...

EU Antitrust Regulators Target Google

They say it discriminated against rivals in search results

(Newser) - Google is in hot water with EU antitrust authorities over allegations that it discriminated against rivals in its search results, and barred some websites from using rival ad services with its AdSense contracts. The European Commission will also investigate allegations that Google makes it difficult for advertisers to move data...

Feds Slap AmEx With Antitrust Suit

Just as Justice settles case against MasterCard, Visa

(Newser) - The Justice Department has hit American Express with antitrust charges today, just as it settles similar charges with Visa and MasterCard, reports the Wall Street Journal. The complaint centers around the uneven fees and rules AmEx imposes to "impede merchants from promoting or encouraging the use of a competing...

Apple Music Business in Antitrust Crosshairs

Amazon says it intimidated record labels

(Newser) - The Justice Department is investigating whether something might be rotten in Apple's music business, sources tell the New York Times , focusing on whether the tech behemoth threw its weight into dissuading record labels from giving Amazon exclusives. Amazon wanted the exclusive right to sell certain songs for one day before...

Supreme Court: NFL Is 32 Teams, Not Single Entity

Supremes eschew league's move to get broad antitrust protection

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today turned away the NFL's request for broad antitrust law protection, ruling that the league can be considered 32 separate teams—not one big business—when it comes to selling branded jerseys and caps. The high court unanimously reversed a lower court ruling against an antitrust suit...

Continental, United Merging Into World's Biggest Airline

New behemoth hopes to turn around losses

(Newser) - United and Continental Airlines are joining to form the world's largest airline in a $3 billion deal, the carriers will announce today. The merger will test the notion that the money-losing airline industry can work better on a large scale—and test the Obama administration's antitrust regulators. While the companies...

Microsoft Behind Court War on Us: Google

Google antitrust complaints linked to rival

(Newser) - As Google faces a slew of antitrust suits from US and European companies with connections to rival Microsoft, the search engine giant believes Microsoft is "scouring court dockets around the world looking for complaints against Google into which they can inject themselves," a Google spokesman tells the Wall ...

EU Launches Antitrust Probe of Google
EU Launches Antitrust
Probe of Google

EU Launches Antitrust Probe of Google

Some observers see Microsoft-like trouble ahead

(Newser) - The European Union has begun an antitrust investigation into Google after a handful of sites that compete on some level with Google alleged that it was pushing them unfairly down its search rankings. One of the sites, , is a subsidiary of Microsoft, the Wall Street Journal reports. Another...

FTC Hits Intel With Antitrust Lawsuit

Chip maker accused of using threats, rewards to shut out competitors

(Newser) - The Federal Trade Commission sued Intel today, looking to block tactics it says the world's biggest chip maker has used to snuff out competition. The FTC said Intel, which makes the microprocessors that run personal computers, has used both rewards and threats to discourage computer makers from buying competitors' chips...

EU Closes Microsoft Antitrust Case

No fines assessed, thanks to deal to add browsers on Windows 7

(Newser) - The EU formally ended its decade-long antitrust battle against Microsoft today, consummating a deal made this summer. Microsoft has agreed to include rival browsers, including Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome, on European releases of Windows 7. In exchange, it won’t be assessed yet another fine—EU regulators have fined...

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