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Ashamed Families Behind Killings of Gay Iraqis

25 killed in past two months, say Sadr City locals

(Newser) - As security improves in Iraq, gay residents have embraced a new sense of freedom—and as a result, some 25 males thought to be homosexual have been murdered in Baghdad’s Sadr City in the past two months, the New York Times reports. The victims are usually found shot, sometimes...

Gays Deserve Reparation Checks
 Gays Deserve 
 Reparation Checks 

Gays Deserve Reparation Checks

(Newser) - “The time has arrived to place economic reparations for gay and lesbian Americans on the political agenda,” Jacob Appel writes in the Detroit Free Press. Equality under the law is inevitable, if still a few years out; meantime, homosexuals must be compensated for their trouble. “While the...

Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage
 Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage 

Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Vermont’s legislature became the first in the country to legalize same-sex marriage when it voted today to override Gov. Jim Douglas’ veto of a bill allowing gays and lesbians to wed, the AP reports. Three other states have legalized gay marriage, but Vermont is the first to do so...

6 Iraqi Gays Slain Amid Religious Clampdown

(Newser) - Iraqi authorities have recovered the bodies of six gay men slain since sermons condemned homosexuality at prayer meetings in Sadr City, Reuters reports. "They were sexual deviants," said a Sadr City official. "Their tribes killed them to restore their family honor." Homosexuality is more common...

Gay Bars Lure Straights to Stay in Biz

(Newser) - Gay bars across the country are facing an unexpected dilemma, the Anchorage Daily News reports: Attract straight customers or close down. With Americans growing more tolerant and gay connections moving online, one gay activist says "it's like 'mission accomplished.'" But bars from Pittsburgh to San Francisco are shutting...

Married California Gays Face Lonely Future

Banning gay marriage but allowing existing unions will leave couples on 'marriage island'

(Newser) - The California Supreme Court's expected decision to uphold a ban on gay marriage but still recognize existing unions will leave the state's 18,000 married gay couples in a strange situation, the Los Angeles Times reports. Couples are relieved that their marriages are likely to survive, but they see legal...

Calif. Prop 8 Back in Court Tomorrow
  Calif. Prop 8 Back 
  in Court Tomorrow 

Calif. Prop 8 Back in Court Tomorrow

(Newser) - Protesters around California are gearing up for tomorrow's state Supreme Court session on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the voter referendum that banned gay marriage, the Los Angeles Times reports. The decision isn’t due for 3 months, but the opinion is already written, and the court's stand may be...

New Bill Looks to Topple 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Could prove a political headache for Obama

(Newser) - The controversy that derailed Bill Clinton’s first 100 days is heading for Barack Obama, Politico reports, with a California congresswoman to introduce legislation today to overturn the ban on gays serving openly in the military. Obama has made no secret of his desire to overturn the unpopular “don’...

Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage
Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage 

Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage

Pressure to marry can trump opposition to homosexuality

(Newser) - Gay men and lesbians took to the streets of Beijing in tuxedos and wedding gowns last week to voice their support for same-sex marriage, the Guardian reports. Acceptance is growing in China, which only a decade ago criminalized gay sex and listed homosexuality as a mental illness. But the Chinese...

Lutheran Panel Backs Gay Unions, 'Married' Gay Clerics

Task force seeks compromise on issue of non-celibate gay clergy

(Newser) - A task force from the nation's largest Lutheran denomination has recommended the church give its blessing to same-sex unions, reports the Los Angeles Times. The panel also recommended that the Evangelic Lutheran Church in America allow gays—currently only permitted to serve as clergy if they are celibate—to serve...

Hoover's FBI Launched Gay Probe on Valenti

LBJ aide turned Hollywood figure was secretly scrutinized

(Newser) - Before his long presidency of the Motion Picture Association of America, Jack Valenti served as a top White House aide to LBJ. Recently declassified files show that, at the same time, the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover was investigating whether Valenti, who died in 2007, was gay. Although no proof...

'I Am Not Gay,' Chesney Says
 'I Am Not Gay,' Chesney Says 

'I Am Not Gay,' Chesney Says

(Newser) - Not only is Kenny Chesney not gay, he's kind of promiscuous, the country singer tells Playboy. Rumors flew after his short-lived 2005 marriage to Renée Zellweger was annulled due to fraud, the AP reports, but “I'm pretty confident in the fact that I love girls,” Chesney says....

'Womyn's Lands' Dwindle as Gays Go Mainstream

(Newser) - So-called "womyn's lands" are quietly persisting across North America but face a cultural shift as modern gays embrace mainstream society, the New York Times reports. Founded in the 1970s to give lesbians man-free, safe, non-judgmental communities, the roughly 100 groups have seen membership dwindle and populations age. “In...

Can RuPaul Revive Drag?


Can RuPaul Revive Drag?

Queens have fallen out of favor with today's young gays

(Newser) - RuPaul is back, and starring in—what else?—a reality show, hoping to bring back the glory days of drag. And it’s almost certainly going to hit a false note, Thomas Rogers writes in Salon. Drag is, in RuPaul’s words, “a punk rock reaction to our masculine...

Andrea Mitchell, Gay Icon
 Andrea Mitchell, 
 Gay Icon 

Andrea Mitchell, Gay Icon

Community seems fascinated with correspondent, if somewhat secretly

(Newser) - Cher, Barbra Streisand, Madonna … and NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell? Yes, John Koblin and Zachary Woolfe write in the New York Observer, Mrs. Alan Greenspan is an icon to gay men, if not as celebrated. “She’s the Golden Girls rolled into one,” one fan says: “The...

Carrey Gambles on Gay Jailbird Role

Ventures outside comedy, like I Love You Phillip Morris , haven't been big at box office

(Newser) - Jim Carrey is getting rave reviews for his new film, I Love You Phillip Morris, but the story of a cop-turned-con man who repeatedly breaks out of jail to be with his former cellmate is a gamble for the actor, Reuters reports. “I don’t think it’s a...

Despite Warren, Calif. Gays Celebrate Obama

Gathering at West Hollywood gay bar hiss at controversial pastor's invocation

(Newser) - A crowd gathered today at West Hollywood’s premier gay bar to celebrate Barack Obama’s inauguration, but also to watch with dismay as Rev. Rick Warren took the Capitol stage, the Advocate reports. Many in the community were shocked by Obama’s choice of the anti-gay marriage pastor to...

Comics Legend Stan Lee Creates Gay Superhero

Character will debut in a 1-hour Showtime special

(Newser) - Is the world ready for the first homosexual superhero? Comic legend Stan Lee has created the character Thom Creed, a high-school basketball player who must deal with his sexual orientation as well as untrained superpowers, the Telegraph reports. The character, adapted by Lee from the novel Hero by Perry Moore,...

Blackwell Calls Homosexuality a 'Compulsion'

Would-be RNC chair says gays can just say no to rogue urges

(Newser) - Another candidate for the position of Republican National Committee chair may have put his foot in his mouth: Ken Blackwell, the former Ohio secretary of state, told gay radio host Michelangelo Signoreli that gays and lesbians suffer from a “compulsion” that they “can choose to restrain.” Blackwell...

Openly Gay Bishop Tapped for Inauguration

Robinson will speak Sunday, has been critical of Warren

(Newser) - Barack Obama has asked Bishop V. Gene Robinson, the only openly gay Episcopal bishop, to deliver the invocation at the opening event of Inauguration Week, the Boston Globe reports. Robinson had been among those who criticized Obama for asking same-sex marriage opponent Rick Warren to deliver the main inaugural invocation.

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