
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

This Whale Sucks In an Astounding Amount of Microplastics

Blue whales, as well as other baleens, are ingesting millions of the tiny particles daily

(Newser) - Baleen whales —which include blue whales and humpbacks—are a type of whale that uses special filters instead of teeth to collect and eat small prey like krill and fish. Now, in a research first, scientists examining the consumption habits of these marine mammals have found they're...

More Dead Whales Are Turning Up on West Coast

At least 5 since mid-May, off of California and Canadian coasts

(Newser) - Scientists are probing the unexplained deaths of a fourth and fifth whale on the US and Canadian west coasts since mid-May. "Spike," a young female humpback first documented by scientists in 2018, was found washed ashore near Vancouver Island on Sunday, just a day after a male humpback...

At 'Hell's Gate,' Hundreds of Stranded Whales Languish

Half the whales beached in Tasmania may still be alive, but rescue is 'complex'

(Newser) - Almost two years ago to the day, close to 400 whales died after washing up on the shores near Macquarie Heads, Tasmania, in one of the largest strandings ever recorded. Now, deja vu on the Australian island's west coast. Some 230 whales have been beached near the town of...

Blue Apron, HelloFresh Are Ditching Lobster

Moves come after conservation group's warning about dangers to whales from fishing gear

(Newser) - Some retailers are taking lobster off the menu after an assessment from an influential conservation group that the seafood poses too much of a risk to rare whales and should be avoided. Whales can suffer injuries and even fatalities when they become entangled in the gear that connects to lobster...

Orcas Keep Damaging Boats, and Theories Are Interesting

It might be a 'fad,' or a case of young males who like propellers

(Newser) - The word is out among boaters along the coasts of European countries: Look out for orcas. For more than a year now, killer whales have been regularly causing trouble for boaters near France, Spain, Portugal, and elsewhere, reports NPR . Nobody has been injured, but the same can't be said...

'Unprecedented' Rescue of Stranded Whale Is Too Late

Beluga taken out of Seine to be transported back to chillier waters dies

(Newser) - A beluga whale stranded in the Seine, far from the colder waters where it belongs, has died during an attempted rescue, reports CNN . The first part of a multistage relocation operation took place early Wednesday, with the 13-foot-long, 1,800-pound marine mammal lifted out of the waters in northern France...

In the Seine, a Whale Far From Home
Whale Is Stranded in the Seine

Whale Is Stranded in the Seine

Officials are now trying to save the beluga in France, far from its usual home in chillier waters

(Newser) - A beluga whale is stranded far from home, and now French officials are trying to figure out how to get it to safety. The BBC reports that the skinny-looking whale is right now floating near Vernon, 45 miles or so northwest of Paris and way south of the chilly Arctic...

Breaching Whale Slams Right Onto Boat
Humpback Whale Leaps,
Comes Down on Boat

Humpback Whale Leaps, Comes Down on Boat

It happened in Mexico on Saturday

(Newser) - Getting up close and personal with nature proved dangerous in Mexico's Sea of Cortez on Saturday, when a boat that apparently got too close to a humpback whale ended up nearly being taken down by the creature. 9News reports that tourists on nearby boats in Topolobampo Bay off Sinaloa,...

At Infamous 'Death Trap for Whales,' a Sad New Find

34 long-finned pilot whales found beached in mass stranding at New Zealand's Farewell Spit

(Newser) - Farewell Spit, a perhaps aptly named 16-mile stretch of sand on the remote northern end of New Zealand's South Island, is making headlines for sad news that's become commonplace there. The island nation's Department of Conservation reported on Friday that 34 long-finned pilot whales have been found...

Whales Have a Unique Way to Avoid Choking
Whales Have a Unique
Way to Avoid Choking
new study

Whales Have a Unique Way to Avoid Choking

Researchers say an 'oral plug' seals off airways from water during lunge feeding

(Newser) - Researchers say they've figured out what has long been a mystery about certain whales—how they keep from choking when taking in massive amounts of water while feeding. The answer? An "oral plug" at the back of their throats that shifts into place to seal off and protect...

After 3 Years, Mystery of Whale Postcards Is Solved

Attorney Matthew Strugar was the subject of a friendly prank for 3 years

(Newser) - If anyone deserves to get a postcard from a whale, it's Matthew Strugar, a civil rights attorney who made headlines several years ago by suing SeaWorld on behalf of the animals. The case, while unsuccessful, served the larger purpose of raising awareness about conditions and cemented Strugar's role...

Big Whales Eat a Whole Lot More Than We Thought
Big Whales Eat a Whole
Lot More Than We Thought
in case you missed it

Big Whales Eat a Whole Lot More Than We Thought

We're talking up to 50M calories a day—the equivalent of about 80K Big Macs

(Newser) - It's no surprise that big whales are big eaters, but we may have underestimated just how much the largest varieties are actually consuming. According to new research, baleen whales—which include such species as humpbacks and blue whales—ingest three times more than we previously thought, with some able...

Man Swallowed Whole by Whale Is Doing Much Better Now

Michael Packard was diving for lobsters when he got gulped down off of Provincetown, Mass.

(Newser) - The Cape Cod Times calls Michael Packard's tale a "truly biblical" story, but for the 56-year-old Massachusetts man, he just considers it an incredibly lucky one. Packard, a lobster diver who's been working out of Provinceton for four decades, tells CBS Boston he was about 45 feet...

Teen in Coma After 'Headbutt' From a Whale

Family describes freak accident off Australia's east coast

(Newser) - They were, in a word, unlucky. A young Aussie fisherman is fighting for his life, and another is recovering from a concussion after a breaching whale fell on their boat Sunday. "They had no warning, and no time to react," family members say in a statement, per CNN...

Research Points to Reasons Right Whales Are Shrinking

A full-grown whale now is 3 feet shorter than one 40 years ago

(Newser) - When an Atlantic right whale is fully grown these days, it's about 3 feet shorter than a full-grown whale was in 1980. Research published Thursday in Current Biology indicates scientists have an idea why that is, NPR reports. A big reason for the whales' impaired growth is that they'...

Destroyer Docks in San Diego With 2 Dead Whales on Hull

Australian navy says it is 'disheartened'

(Newser) - A disturbing find was made as a Royal Australian Navy destroyer docked in San Diego on Saturday: Two dead whales—one of them as long as a tractor-trailer—had been stuck to its hull, CNN reports. The endangered fin whales, one 65 feet long and the other 25 feet, became...

The Whales Are Endangered. And Hugging?

North Atlantic right whales were filmed in late February

(Newser) - Were these whales really hugging—or was it just a fluke? Drone video of two critically endangered North Atlantic right whales swimming in Cape Cod Bay shows the animals appearing to embrace one another with their flippers. Wildlife photographer Brian Skerry and scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the...

'It's Like Seeing a Camel at the North Pole'

Wayward whale is spotted in the River Thames

(Newser) - Two tales of two very different animals being sought by wildlife officials:
  • Thames whale: A young minke whale was lost far from home Monday, trapped in the Thames River upstream of London landmarks after it escaped from rescuers overnight, per the AP . Maritime authorities were trying to recapture the whale

After Seeing This Sight 4 Times, Concern Mounts

Gray whales found dead in San Francisco Bay Area in 9 days

(Newser) - Four dead gray whales have washed ashore San Francisco Bay Area beaches in the last nine days, with experts saying Friday one was struck by a ship. They were trying to determine how the other three died. "It’s alarming to respond to four dead gray whales in just...

For This Endangered Species, an 'Encouraging Sign'

Scientists: N. Atlantic right whales gave birth this winter in larger numbers since 2015

(Newser) - North Atlantic right whales gave birth over the winter in greater numbers than scientists have seen since 2015, an encouraging sign for researchers who became alarmed three years ago when the critically endangered species produced no known offspring at all. Survey teams spotted 17 newborn right whale calves swimming with...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>