pay discrimination

6 Stories

Olivia Colman: If My Name Was Oliver, I'd Be Richer

'Crown' star slams pay disparity in salty conversation with Christiane Amanpour

(Newser) - Olivia Colman is mad as hell over salary discrimination and she's not going to take it anymore. The Crown actor sat down for a chat Saturday with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, where she ripped into wage disparities in Hollywood, even for an Academy Award-winning performer such as herself, reports...

NYC Wrestles With Salary Disclosure in Job Ads

'I deserve to know how much I can make,' waitress says

(Newser) - Help wanted. The job: putting one of the nation's most far-reaching salary disclosure laws into practice. Location: New York City. Just four months ago, lawmakers overwhelmingly voted to require many ads for jobs in the city to include salary ranges, in the name of giving job applicants—particularly women...

Trump Campaign Staffer Sues, Alleges Unwanted Kiss

Alva Johnson says Trump in 2016 kissed her partially on the mouth; also alleges pay disparity

(Newser) - A female staffer on President Trump's 2016 campaign is suing the president, alleging that Trump gave her an unwanted kiss, partially on the mouth. Now Alva Johnson, 43, is suing, reports the Washington Post . Johnson, who is black, also alleges that her white, male peers on the campaign were...

Salma Hayek: Time's Up on Actors' Fat Paychecks

Says Hollywood's leading men can't grab so much of the pie if they're serious about pay equality

(Newser) - Fresh off a silent protest on the Cannes red carpet over the dearth of women-directed films to play the festival, Salma Hayek is beating the drum for pay equality, telling the Guardian that the leading men in Hollywood need to take a pay cut: "Time's up. You had...

Obama's First Law Will Fight Wage Discrimination

(Newser) - A wage-discrimination bill that heralds the pro-labor policies of the Democratic-controlled Congress and White House cleared the Senate on a 61-36 vote today and could be on President Obama's desk within days. The legislation reverses a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that narrowly defines when workers can claim wage discrimination, even...

Equal Pay Bill Blocked in Senate

Clinton and Obama declare truce to back bill stomped by GOP

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama interrupted their rival campaigns yesterday to vote together on a bill that would make it easier for women to sue employers for pay discrimination. But their moment of unity proved fruitless as Senate Republicans blocked the bill, likely killing it for the rest of the...

6 Stories
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