carbon emissions

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Sea Levels to Rise 13 Feet by Year 3000
Sea Levels to Rise
13 Feet by Year 3000
study says

Sea Levels to Rise 13 Feet by Year 3000

And that's actually the best case scenario

(Newser) - Best case scenario: Even if we give up using all fossil fuels this very second and manage to stop all carbon dioxide emissions, the West Antarctic ice sheet is expected to collapse by the year 3000, causing sea levels to rise by at least 13 feet. The catastrophic prediction is...

Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Track to Set Record

If economy continues to recover, emissions likely to rise

(Newser) - The bad news: Greenhouse gas emissions could hit record highs this year, a new study shows. The kinda good news: Researchers say a recovering economy is to blame. Scientists found that—despite the financial crisis—global carbon dioxide emissions only dropped by 1.3% last year compared to 2008's record...

Gov't Will Slash Greenhouse Emissions: Obama

Executive order requires federal agencies to reduce waste, conserve energy

(Newser) - Federal agencies have until 2020 to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 28% under an executive order President Obama signed today. The order also calls for improvements in energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction. "As the largest energy consumer in the United States, we have a responsibility to...

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
climate summit

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions

Copenhagen summit yields basic deal to fight climate change

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of China, India, and South Africa reached a "meaningful agreement" tonight in Copenhagen on steps to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the White House announced. The deal requires the nations of the world to list their actions to curb emissions and sets up a framework...

Obama Arrives at Climate Summit

President joins 110 world leaders in bid to end 'crisis'

(Newser) - President Obama arrived in Copenhagen this morning for the final day of the UN climate change conference as diplomats scrambled to salvage an agreement from the talks. A political agreement drawn up overnight by a group of countries was rejected this morning. The clashes between Western and developing nations that...

Copenhagen Talks Will [Doom] [Save] World
Copenhagen Talks Will
[Doom] [Save] World
time to pick a bracket

Copenhagen Talks Will [Doom] [Save] World

It's a numbers game now for world leaders

(Newser) - Copenhagen now boils down to a preposterously simple numbers game, writes Michael McCarthy. The draft text released yesterday leaves momentous decisions like how much to limit carbon emissions as choices surrounded by square brackets. Take the long-term target for cutting CO2 emissions, for instance. Should nations cut them by [50]...

Environmentalism Is the New Socialism

 Environmentalism Is 
 the New Socialism 
Charles Krauthammer

Environmentalism Is the New Socialism

The left is using it as a new excuse to grab power

(Newser) - The left failed with socialism, so it's now turned to environmentalism to achieve its ends, writes Charles Krauthammer. Witness the EPA's recent decision on carbon emissions—which will give it control over just about every business in the country—as well as the Copenhagen talks, where developing nations think it's...

Developing Nations Were In on 'Danish Text'
 Developing Nations 
 Were In on 'Danish Text' 
CLIMATE summit

Developing Nations Were In on 'Danish Text'

China, India helped draft leaked agreement they railed against

(Newser) - The “Danish text”—the leaked climate change agreement that infuriated developing nations in Copenhagen and sparked accusations of bullying by rich countries—was actually drafted by a group that included China, India, and Brazil, among other countries. They had “input into the process and product” of the...

1% Warming Chance Is Cause Enough to Act
 1% Warming Chance 
 Is Cause Enough to Act

1% Warming Chance Is Cause Enough to Act

'Cheney Doctrine' should apply to climate change

(Newser) - Dick Cheney once said that a 1% chance of al-Qaeda obtaining a nuke was reason enough to prepare for it, and that same logic should be applied to catastrophic global warming, writes Thomas L. Friedman. Despite "Climategate," the chances look a lot higher than 1%, he notes in...

EPA Declares CO2 a Pollutant
 EPA Declares CO2 a Pollutant 

EPA Declares CO2 a Pollutant

Agency can regulate greenhouse gases under Clean Air Act

(Newser) - It's official: the Obama administration today declared greenhouse gases a threat to public health, which will allow the agency to use the Clean Air Act to regulate emissions without congressional approval, the Washington Post reports. "There are no more excuses for delay," said EPA administrator Lisa Jackson, who...

EPA Move to Curb Carbon Trumps Copenhagen
EPA Move to Curb Carbon Trumps Copenhagen
business not happy

EPA Move to Curb Carbon Trumps Copenhagen

Regulation of greenhouse gasses will have more immediate impact

(Newser) - No matter what happens in Copenhagen, the Obama administration is preparing to make a move to curb greenhouse gases at home that has businesses up in arms. As early as today the EPA is expected to announce that carbon dioxide has officially been classified as a dangerous pollutant, meaning that...

Calif. Scientists Trim Forest, Create 'Carbon Bank'

Researchers look for the most efficient way to store emissions

(Newser) - Researchers in California are perfecting the science of carbon dioxide "banking"—tweaking a forest to store the maximum amount of the gas. In Big River forest, scientists have cleared some undergrowth, leaving the state's iconic redwoods to grow bigger thanks to lack of competition. The idea is that...

Globe on Course for 'Worst-Case' Temp Hike

6 degree rise predicted if Copenhagen deal fails

(Newser) - The worst-case scenario for climate change is getting closer to becoming reality, a group of climate scientists warned yesterday. World temperatures are on course to rise an average of 6 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, according to the Global Carbon Project researchers. Experts believe a temperature rise...

'Counterproductive' Offsets Ditched

Green flying schemes salve consciences, not environment

(Newser) - Carbon offsets are becoming big business, but many emissions experts say green travel is too good to be true. Responsible Travel was one of the first travel firms to offer customers the chance to pay extra money to help offset emissions caused by their air miles. But it has now...

Why This Hot Rod Is Greener Than a Prius
 Why This Hot Rod Is Greener 
 Than a Prius 

Why This Hot Rod Is Greener Than a Prius

You'll drive less frequently but enjoy it more

(Newser) - So, conventional wisdom tells us, if you want to help the environment, ditch those dreams of a hot-rod, get a hybrid, and commute knowing you’ve done your part to save the environment. Nonsense, writes Joe Eaton , who did precisely the opposite. “Giving up your Prius and putting a...

Biofuel Laws Make No Sense: Scientists

Kyoto Protocols actually encourage harming the environment

(Newser) - Biofuel laws around the world actually encourage harming the environment, prominent scientists argue in the latest issue of Science. Under the Kyoto Treaty, in laws throughout Europe, and in the bill that passed the US House, biofuels count as carbon-neutral, on the theory that the plants the fuel is made...

West Eases Off Carbon Demands for China, India

Copenhagen deal closer, but 2050 goal less likely

(Newser) - Industrialized nations backed away from long-term carbon cut demands on developing nations yesterday, in the hopes of reaching a deal at December's Copenhagen summit. The US and EU have pushed for a 50% reduction in global carbon emissions by 2050, but China and India refused to sign up, wary of...

5 Years Until Climate Disaster, Warns WWF
 5 Years Until Climate 
 Disaster, Warns WWF 

5 Years Until Climate Disaster, Warns WWF

Checking global warming requires 'green revolution'

(Newser) - Disastrous climate change is inevitable unless the world begins cutting carbon emissions within the next five years, the World Wildlife Fund warns in a new report. Ahead of December's clutch Copenhagen summit, meant to forge a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, the fund repeats that global temperature rises could stay...

Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel
Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel

Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel

With US the biggest obstacle to action, they hope prize acts as stick

(Newser) - The Taliban and conservative commentators in the US aren’t the only ones steamed by  Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. “It’s hard for me to emphasize enough the thickness of the international resentment towards America at the climate negotiation level,” Ben Jervey writes. The argument is simple:...

Teabaggers Turn on Graham
Teabaggers Turn on Graham
watch the video

Teabaggers Turn on Graham

GOP senator pilloried for op-ed with John Kerry on dangers of climate change

(Newser) - Sen. Lindsey Graham drew the ire of teabaggers at a town hall yesterday for colluding with John Kerry on climate legislation. Angry protesters called the South Carolina Republican a “traitor” who made a “pact with the devil” by “going to bed” with the Massachusetts Dem in an...

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