Robert Mueller

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Trump's Justice Pick Opens Up a Key Vacancy

Jessie Liu currently runs the US attorney's office in Washington

(Newser) - President Trump's nomination of Jessie Liu for the third-highest spot in the Justice Department creates a vacancy that could allow Trump to name the person who will oversee the most politically charged cases in Washington, including those stemming from special counsel Robert Mueller's probe. As Mueller winds down...

Schiff Makes Threat About the Mueller Report

The House Democrat draws a line in the sand

(Newser) - A top House Democrat threatened Sunday to call special counsel Robert Mueller to Capitol Hill, subpoena documents, and take the Trump administration to court if necessary if the full report on the Russia investigation is not made public, the AP reports. Intelligence chairman Adam Schiff told ABC's This Week...

Mueller's Sentencing Memo on Manafort Is Harsh

He 'repeatedly and brazenly' broke laws, says special prosecutor's team

(Newser) - If Robert Mueller has his way, Paul Manafort will likely spend most, if not all, of his remaining days in prison. The special prosecutor released part of a sentencing memo Saturday that was unsparing in its judgment of the 69-year-old. Federal prosecutors say Manafort "repeatedly and brazenly" broke laws...

Mueller Report Could Come as Early as Next Week: Sources

Sources say DoJ is preparing to receive the report soon

(Newser) - The special counsel's Russia investigation is wrapping up after nearly two years. Sources tell CNN the Justice Department is preparing for Robert Mueller's report to come in as early as next week, after which Attorney General Bill Barr will submit a summary of the confidential report to Congress....

Mueller Triple Whammy Involves 2 Old Names, Plus a New One

News from special counsel's probe on Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and now Sarah Sanders

(Newser) - How long will Paul Manafort go to prison for? If Robert Mueller has his way, a "long, long time," Vox notes, per a "harsh" sentencing memo filed by the special counsel's office Friday. In the memo, Mueller agreed with a probation department's recommendation that the...

Manafort's Hope for a Reduced Sentence Just Sank

A judge rules he lied during the Russia probe

(Newser) - A federal judge has found that Paul Manafort intentionally lied to investigators and a federal grand jury in the Russia probe, the AP reports. US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson says in an order that there's sufficient evidence that Manafort lied in breach of his plea agreement. The decision...

Mueller: Files Given to Russian Firm Were Leaked Online

His office says hackers tried to discredit probe

(Newser) - Robert Mueller's office says materials it provided to the defense team of a Russian company ended up being altered and leaked online as part of a disinformation campaign to discredit his investigation. In a court filing Wednesday, the office said more than 1,000 files posted in October by...

To 'Lock Him Up!' Jeers, Roger Stone Shows Up to Enter Plea

Trump ally pleads not guilty to lying to Congress, obstruction, and witness tampering

(Newser) - Donald Trump's longtime friend Roger Stone has pleaded not guilty to charges in the special counsel's Russia investigation. Stone appeared Tuesday for his arraignment at the federal courthouse in Washington after spending the weekend blasting special counsel Robert Mueller's case against him as politically motivated, the AP...

Mueller Investigation Is 'Close to Being Completed'

Acting AG hopes to get final report soon

(Newser) - After an investigation that has lasted more than 20 months, it's almost Mueller Time. Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker said Monday that special counsel Robert Mueller is nearly ready to wrap up his investigation of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, the New York Times reports. "The...

Roger Stone: I'll Tell Mueller the Truth

Said he's never discussed Russia or Mueller with Trump

(Newser) - Asked whether he would cooperate with Robert Mueller, the man who just indicted him , Roger Stone had this to say: "You know, that’s a question ... I have to determine after my attorneys have some discussion," Stone told ABC News' George Stephanopolous. "If there’s wrongdoing by...

Roger Stone: I Will Defeat These Charges
Defiant Stone Says
He'll Plead Not Guilty

Defiant Stone Says He'll Plead Not Guilty

Trump ally also gave his first post-indictment interview: to Infowars' Alex Jones

(Newser) - As the dust starts to settle after the morning arrest and indictment of Roger Stone on obstruction, witness tampering, and other charges, the 66-year-old Trump ally made a defiant appearance Friday outside a Fort Lauderdale courthouse, complete with an imitation of Richard Nixon's famous "victory" pose (you may...

Mueller Makes a Move: Roger Stone Arrested in Florida

He's charged with 7 counts

(Newser) - Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Trump, was indicted Friday as part of Robert Mueller's investigation. The 66-year-old was arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and charged with seven counts, among them witness tampering, obstruction, and giving false statements—some to the House intelligence committee, per the indictment. The...

Mueller Sought Evidence of BuzzFeed Story, 'Found None'

'Washington Post' takes a look at what led to special counsel's extraordinary rebuttal

(Newser) - In the days since BuzzFeed's dizzying report that President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, Robert Mueller's office issued a statement saying the report was "not accurate," and clarity doesn't appear to be emerging. The Washington Post takes a look at what drove...

Mueller Almost Never Speaks About His Case. He Just Did

Special counsel offers 'rare' public statement refuting part of BuzzFeed report on Trump, Cohen

(Newser) - The BuzzFeed report that had all of DC abuzz was roundly attacked by Trump supporters Friday after it alleged President Trump had instructed former attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress in 2017 about efforts to build a condo tower in Moscow. On Friday, a new detractor of the report...

Giuliani Clarifies His Surprising Comments on Collusion

Reiterates Trump's innocence, but can't speak for 'thousands' of campaign workers

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani sought to walk back comments he made in a TV interview that left the impression some of President Trump's top campaign aides might be guilty of colluding with the Russians. "I can understand the confusion," said Giuliani, per the New York Daily News , but he...

Trump's AG Nominee: It's Vital Mueller Finishes His Report

William Barr will tell senators that he won't interfere with Mueller investigation

(Newser) - His prospective boss may not be a fan of the Robert Mueller investigation, but Attorney General nominee William Barr promises that he won't interfere with it. In remarks released Monday ahead of his confirmation hearing before a Senate panel on Tuesday, Barr says it's "vitally important" that...

Man Who Appointed Mueller to Lead Probe Will Leave DOJ

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein will leave if and when William Barr is confirmed, sources say

(Newser) - The man who appointed Robert Mueller to head the Russia investigation is expected to leave the Department of Justice in the coming weeks, sources tell nearly every major media outlet. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has reportedly conveyed his plans to the White House, which ABC News reports is not...

Improperly Redacted Filing Reveals Accusation Against Manafort

He's been accused of lying about sharing polling data with alleged Russian operative

(Newser) - A new court filing says former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort lied about sharing polling data on the 2016 presidential race with Konstantin Kilimnik, an associate accused of having ties to Russian intelligence. The information is in a redacted court filing Tuesday from Manafort's lawyers. The AP was able...

Trump Club Crimes? Prosecutors Get the 'Evidence'

Attorney Anibal Romero reaches out to the feds

(Newser) - Robert Mueller, the FBI, and New Jersey prosecutors have all gotten involved in the case of two undocumented workers who apparently worked at one of President Trump's golf clubs, the Daily News reports. Anibal Romero, the workers' lawyer, says he's handed over evidence to the state attorney general'...

Indicted Russian Firm Rails Against Mueller's 'Nude Selfie'

Concord Management and Consulting says special counsel 'collected' a naked pic in his Russia probe

(Newser) - Not surprising: There are lots of nude selfies floating around. Perhaps surprising: Robert Mueller has one of them. That's the claim being made by a Russian firm indicted by Mueller over the summer on charges it helped a Russian troll farm interfere in the US 2016 elections, per the...

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