
Stories 61 - 70 | << Prev 

Pioneer Blog Site Popular in Russia Sold

LiveJournal's new owners plan to add cash, expand globally

(Newser) - A free blog site that pioneered personal web publishing among Russia’s intellectuals has been sold to a pair of entrepreneurs who promise to add cash and expand it globally, Reuters reports. Six Apart said it sold LiveJournal, which claims 14.3 million blog accounts and 20 million visitors a...

'4-Hour Workweek' a Silicon Valley Siren Song

Marc Andreessen, others lured by call to ignore influx of email and IMs

(Newser) - Tim Ferriss is an ex-kickboxer and tango champ, but he's ensnared the attention of some in Silicon Valley with a simple message: pull the plug. Techies like Netscape founder Marc Andreessen—ironically, an investor in attention-sapping chat service Twitter—have found solace in “The 4-Hour Workweek,” Ferriss’ tome...

Best of the Blogosphere: 10 to Read

PC World finds the funniest, most informative, and most esoteric sites

(Newser) - PC World chooses the best blogs in 10 categories:
  1. Technology News:  Slashdot (
  2. Specialty Tech Site: John Battele's Searchblog (
  3. Company Watcher: Microsoft Watch (
  4. Corporate Blog: The Official Google Blog (
  5. Politics and Business: Policybeta (

Corporate Blog Makes Trouble for Google

Employee's movie review draws attention to corporate communication tool

(Newser) - In case anyone missed the first apology, Google is still sorry for an employee's post on a corporate blog. Her reaction to Michael Moore's "Sicko"—a suggestion that health-care companies buy Google ads to offset his accusations and burnish their reputations—has outraged bloggers and prompted two separate...

Fatbloggers Unite, Shed Pounds Online

Sedentary desk jockeys find support, catharsis, plus new way to diet

(Newser) - The tech sector is buzzing with pudgy geeks dropping weight through the web, the LA Times reports.  Jason McCabe Calacanis, the web vet  who started it all, turned his business-oriented site into a dietary forum, promising to lose 27 lbs. and urging other techies to chronicle their own diet...

NCAA Ejects Louisville Blogger
NCAA Ejects
Louisville Blogger

NCAA Ejects Louisville Blogger

Reporter violated policy against live coverage at college semifinals

(Newser) - The NCAA ejected a reporter for Louisville's Courier-Journal for blogging during the fifth inning of Louisville's semifinal romp over Oklahoma State, 20-2. The association forbids live Internet updates of games from those in attendance. The newspaper, citing First Amendment rights, is considering legal action.

Web Muckrakers Fight Corruption in China

Freelance journalists hired by citizens stay one step ahead of censors

(Newser) - A new breed of journalist is evolving out of China’s censored media: the web-based hired gun. The Washington Post reports on freelance muckrakers who investigate corruption the mainstream press can't touch and post the results on their sites. They're paid—if meagerly—by the aggrieved parties.

Threats Force Women Out of Blogosphere

Virtual sexual harassment stifles voices, raises fears of real-world hostility

(Newser) - Violent, sexualized threats against female bloggers are forcing some of them out of the online community, reports the Washington Post. The problem, highlighted by the harassment that caused Kathy Sierra to suspend her popular technology blog, is frustrating at best; at worst, it causes women to fear for their safety...

Micro-Bloggers Go Big With Very Little

Newest social networking takes web shorthand to its extreme

(Newser) - Short, random and mundane musings fired from around the globe are blowing up big in an Internet phenomenon called micro-blogging. Social networking is reduced to photos and single sentences—or less—that the Financial Times notes is to the blogosphere what reality tv is to cable: compelling and mind-numbing at...

225 Days Later, Blogger Walks
225 Days Later,
Blogger Walks

225 Days Later, Blogger Walks

Joshua Wolf freed after turning over protest video to feds

(Newser) - Joshua Wolf, the blogger who set a record for time served by an American journalist for withholding information, was freed from a federal prison yesterday after 224 days. Wolf was released after he posted footage of a 2005 anarchist protest on his Web site and gave a copy to reporters,...

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