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New Heart Disease Culprit: Ramen?
 New Heart Disease 
 Culprit: Ramen? 


New Heart Disease Culprit: Ramen?

Study examines South Korea's intake—the highest in the world

(Newser) - Think of this the next time you slurp a cheap cup of hot ramen noodles: It could be linked to heart disease, especially if you're a woman, the AP reports. A new American study of South Korea's ramen consumption examined the diets of 10,700 people aged 19...

Woman Eating Dog, Cat Food for 30 Days

Dorothy Hunter says it's just that nutritious

(Newser) - Forget the ice diet or downing 1,000 McNuggets : For real culinary adventure, there's a pet-store owner in Washington state who's pledged to eat nothing but cat and dog food for a whole month, Fox News reports. Dorothy Hunter says all of her products at Paw’s Natural...

Fast Food's New Trend: 'Stealth Health'

Companies don't always tell us when our food gets healthier

(Newser) - In the minds of customers, healthy food often means less-tasty food. At the same time, however, many clamor for healthier options. All this puts restaurants and food makers in a bind—and the solution, the Wall Street Journal reports, is "stealth health." This refers to companies secretly improving...

Cereal Problem: Kids Are Getting Too Many Vitamins
Cereal Problem: Kids Are Getting Too Many Vitamins
new report

Cereal Problem: Kids Are Getting Too Many Vitamins

Too much vitamin A, zinc, niacin can cause problems

(Newser) - We're told to get our vitamins—but there's a line when enough is enough, and when kids eat fortified breakfast cereal, they may be crossing that line, USA Today reports. "Millions of children are ingesting potentially unhealthy amounts" of three nutrients: vitamin A, zinc, and niacin, per...

The Next Trendy Diet: Eating Ice?

Expert calls it 'negative-calorie food'

(Newser) - Not only does ice offer a calorie-free way to snack—it actually burns calories as your body melts it, says an expert. Gastroenterologist Dr. Brian Weiner steers patients away from fad diets, but his findings on ice have inspired him to write a free e-book of his own: The Ice ...

Sleeping Less Tied to Eating More
 Study: Sleep Less, Eat More 

Study: Sleep Less, Eat More

Yet another reason to take sleep seriously: researchers

(Newser) - The way you eat, it seems, is tied up with the way you sleep. Researchers recently found that women who slept fewer than six hours a night took in more daytime calories than did women who slept seven hours, LiveScience reports. And the food consumed by the six-hour sleepers wasn'...

Scientists Figure Out Why Fiber Fills You Up

And it could lead to an anti-hunger pill

(Newser) - Experts have long suggested that fiber keeps us feeling full because it takes a long time to digest, but new research challenges that notion—and may point the way to a new anti-hunger pill. The key is a short-chain fatty acid called acetate, which emerges as fiber is digested. Acetate...

Chemist Claims She Cured Daughter&#39;s Autism
Chemist Claims She Cured
Daughter's Autism
in case you missed it

Chemist Claims She Cured Daughter's Autism

By wiping MSG from her child's diet

(Newser) - A Bay Area biochemist thinks she's found a sort of autism smoking gun: monosodium glutamate, or MSG. It's a chemical compound almost exclusively connoted with Chinese food, but Katherine Reid points out that it's found in all but 5% of processed food, largely unbeknownst to us: It...

Why Americans Eat the Same Boring Meat Over and Over

Squirrel, rabbit, venison: It's what's never for dinner

(Newser) - Sure, Americans chow down on about 280 pounds of meat each per year, compared to the 181 pounds in your average developed country. But chances are those 280 pounds come from the same three or four meat-producing animals: Chicken, beef, pork, and maybe a little turkey. While North America has...

Study Reveals Just How Sick Sugar Can Make Us

Get 25% of calories from added sugar, see triple the risk of heart disease death

(Newser) - When it comes to sugar, Americans need to be a lot more careful, a study finds. Even two cans of soda a day can significantly boost the risk of death from heart disease. If a quarter of your daily caloric intake comes from added sugar—in processed foods, for instance—...

2 Ways Diet Soda May Not Be Helping
 2 Ways Diet Soda 
 May Not Be Helping 
studies say

2 Ways Diet Soda May Not Be Helping

People tend to eat more, and diet mixers may make you drunker: studies

(Newser) - It's not that researchers think switching from sugary sodas to diet versions is a bad thing, it's just that those who do make the switch should bear in mind a few things:
  • They may eat more: A Johns Hopkins study finds that heavy people who drink diet soda

New Birth Defect Risk: Dad&#39;s Vitamin Deficiency
 New Birth Defect Risk:
Dad's Vitamin Deficiency 
study says

New Birth Defect Risk: Dad's Vitamin Deficiency

Father's lack of B9 jacks risk 28% in baby mice

(Newser) - Seems it's not just moms-to-be who need to watch what they eat. Men who don't get enough vitamin B9 may put their children at higher risk of birth defects, a study suggests. "It’s always put on the mother that it’s her health that determines the...

Man Is Eating More Meat
 Man Is Eating More Meat 

Man Is Eating More Meat

And our place on the food chain is rising

(Newser) - It may seem like everyone's a vegetarian these days, but in fact, humans are eating more meat, a study finds. That's because as China and India get richer, diets that had been heavy on rice have gotten more carnivorous. Still, we as a species "are closer to...

The Latest Diet Trend Comes From ...God

The "Daniel Fast" involves sticking to fruits, veggies, whole grains

(Newser) - Most of America's most obese metropolitan areas are in the Bible belt, and a study points to a higher risk of future obesity among church-going young people. But Christians may also have an advantage in reaching their dietary goals—one that comes straight from heaven. "I probably couldn’...

President Taft&#39;s Diet Secret: Cutting Carbs

 President Taft's 
 Diet Secret: 
 Cutting Carbs 
new analysis

President Taft's Diet Secret: Cutting Carbs

Biggest president's health moves resemble today's: expert

(Newser) - William Howard Taft—our fattest president—used dieting techniques that wouldn't be unusual today; in fact, he dropped 60 pounds on a low-carb regime, says historian Deborah Levine, who recently analyzed correspondence between Taft and his British doctor. The two wrote to each other for 10 years, during which...

Lolo Jones' New Diet: Double Bacon Cheeseburgers

Eating 9K calories a day to bulk up for bobsledding

(Newser) - Since former Olympic hurdler Lolo Jones joined the US bobsled team , she's been on a very different training regime: downing 9,000 calories a day to build up the bulk required to push her 400-pound sled. Jones just hit 157 pounds, up from her track weight of 133 pounds....

3 Extra Sodas Per Day Can Kill You

 3 Extra Sodas 
 Per Day Can 
 Kill You 
study says

3 Extra Sodas Per Day Can Kill You

Study shows that a "safe" diet is not so safe

(Newser) - A steady diet of sodas could hinder your ability to reproduce or even shorten your life, if lab mice are any indication. Researchers at the University of Utah gave mice a diet of 25% sugar—equivalent to three extra sodas per day in people—and found the males less likely...

Where to Get &#39;America&#39;s Worst Meal&#39;
 Where to Get 
 Worst Meal' 
in case you missed it

Where to Get 'America's Worst Meal'

Long John Silver's dinner packed with trans fat

(Newser) - Looking to get all your trans fat for the next two weeks—in one meal? Then head to Long John Silver's, where the Big Catch provides 33 grams of the stuff, or 16 times the American Heart Association's recommended daily maximum. The meal, which consists of fried haddock,...

UN's Hunger RX: Let the World Eat Bugs

Though 'consumer disgust' could get in the way

(Newser) - The UN has a simple way to address world hunger: We should all eat more insects, it says in a new report . "Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly, and they have high growth and feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint," the report says, per the...

Want to Age Well? Don&#39;t Eat Like an American
Want to Age Well?
Don't Eat Like an American
New Study

Want to Age Well? Don't Eat Like an American

Study finds Western diet doesn't promote ideal aging

(Newser) - Doctors have long told us that the Western diet—fried foods, processed foods, red meat, white bread, dairy, and plenty of sugar—is unhealthy, and now they have numbers to back it up. Researchers studied 5,350 British adults with a mean age of 51 who were followed for an...

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