NATO summit

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After Biden Presser, Dems Are Stuck in 'Special Layer of Hell'

President did ... OK, per reviews, but it may not be enough to stop the calls for him to leave the race

(Newser) - President Biden's "do or die" moment , the press conference in which he had to convince the world he's able to lead the US for four more years, has come and gone . So what's the verdict? It's a mixed bag, with praise for Biden's foreign...

At NATO Presser, All Eyes Will Fall Once More on Biden
It's Do or Die Time for
Biden at NATO Presser

It's Do or Die Time for Biden at NATO Presser

President will again be under the microscope at Thursday night news conference

(Newser) - President Biden is currently on a "media blitz," including a rare solo press conference Thursday evening to cap off a three-day NATO summit. The New York Times calls it a "high-stakes moment," where Biden's "allies, doubters, and enemies will be watching for any evidence...

Biden Forcefully Tells NATO Ukraine Will Defeat Russia

President announces nations will send embattled ally air defense systems

(Newser) - "Russia is failing," President Biden told NATO leaders on Tuesday. "The war will end with Ukraine remaining a free and independent country." The assessments came in an address kicking off a summit in Washington that marks the alliance's 75th anniversary. "Biden's words were...

At NATO Summit, an 'Absolutely Critical' Moment for Biden

US president must prove on the world stage that he's up to the task of continuing for 4 more years

(Newser) - With November's election looming, President Biden is now facing "a week of reckoning," with the NATO summit kicking off Tuesday in DC. That convening may prove to be a "path to at least a temporary reprieve—or this president's last stand," per the BBC...

NATO Plans 'Rapid Reaction' Force to Counter Russia

Moscow warns of 'new military doctrine'

(Newser) - Tough talk as NATO-Russia relations continue to deteriorate: NATO leaders, who meet in the UK later this week, are planning a "rapid reaction" force that can deploy to Russia's worried Eastern European neighbors within 48 hours, reports the New York Times . The "spearhead" force would have a...

NATO Confirms 2014 Afghan Pullout

President Obama: Afghanistan will never be 'perfect'

(Newser) - President Obama and leaders around the globe locked in place an Afghanistan exit path today that will still keep their troops fighting and dying there for two more years, acknowledging there never will be point at which they can say, "This is all done." Obama, presiding over a...

NATO Protesters' Chicago Target Today: Boeing

20 of those arrested yesterday released

(Newser) - Many downtown businesses and dozens of Metra rail stations are closed in Chicago today as the city braces for the final day of fiery protests against the NATO summit there. This time organizers with the Occupy Chicago movement have planned a morning march on Boeing's building on the Chicago...

Report: Obama Snubs Zardari as Relations Unravel

Pakistan refuses to open supply lines to Afghanistan until US apologizes

(Newser) - President Obama has said that Pakistan is the key to the future of Afghanistan and the region—just as US-Pakistan relations appear to be deteriorating. Obama is now refusing to meet with President Asif Ali Zardari at the NATO summit in Chicago, reports the Guardian . For Obama, the most important...

Protesters Battle Chicago Cops at NATO Summit

Hacker group temporarily takes down police, NATO websites

(Newser) - What began as an orderly march by thousands of activists protesting the NATO summit yesterday turned bloody as clashed erupted with Chicago police. At least seven people required hospital treatment, and dozens were arrested, reports the Chicago Tribune. The confrontation lasted close to two hours, and left several protesters bloodied,...

Thousands March on NATO Summit

War in Afghanistan, climate change top list of grievances

(Newser) - Thousands of demonstrators upset with the war in Afghanistan, climate change, and the erosion of union rights marched through downtown Chicago today, taking their discontent on a wide range of world issues to leaders assembled for a NATO summit. The protest, one of the city's largest in years, was...

Obama Tells Karzai: 'We're on the Right Track'

At NATO summit, Obama supports 2014 pullout

(Newser) - President Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai today at the NATO summit and urged world leaders to agree on post-2014 Afghanistan, MSNBC reports. "What this NATO summit reflects is that the world is behind strategy we've laid out," Obama said of the plan to pull out...

Chicago Cops: Protesters Planned to Hit Obama HQ

Mayor's house also alleged target; trio says police set them up

(Newser) - Prosecutors say three men arrested in a raid on a Chicago apartment had planned to attack President Obama's campaign headquarters, Mayor Rahm Emanuel's home, police stations, and other targets. The trio was arrested Wednesday in a nighttime raid in the Bridgeport neighborhood on the South Side. They're...

Anti-War Protesters Collared at Obama HQ

Catholic Worker movement organizes first rally before NATO summit

(Newser) - Eight anti-war protesters were arrested outside President Obama's campaign headquarters in Chicago today after dozens of them burst in to kick off a "Week Without Capitalism," the Chicago Tribune reports. Assembled by the Catholic Worker movement, they listened to a protester read a statement in the lobby...

Obama Plans to Stay in Afghanistan Past 2014
Obama Plans to Stay in Afghanistan Past 2014
nato summit

Obama Plans to Stay in Afghanistan Past 2014

President brings new strategy to NATO summit

(Newser) - As the NATO summit in Lisbon begins today, President Obama has a new plan for Afghanistan—and it calls for the US and others to stick around beyond 2014, the Christian Science Monitor reports. NATO forces, the plan says, will turn over the country to Afghan forces by 2014, but...

Michelle Gives Carla a Guitar
 Michelle Gives Carla a Guitar 

Michelle Gives Carla a Guitar

(Newser) - Michelle Obama presented her new amie Carla Bruni with a hard-rockin', all-American gift today: a Gibson guitar, People reports. The two first ladies, who first met yesterday, kissed hello and held hands briefly during a tour of a cathedral and museum in Strasbourg. Obama also agreed to help the...

Turkey Opposes US Choice for NATO Chief

Mohammed cartoon row may lead them to block Danish PM

(Newser) - Among the tasks facing NATO leaders this weekend is the selection of a new secretary-general for the 28-member alliance. The leading candidate is Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Danish prime minister, who has the support of the US and other major powers. But today Turkey opposed his candidacy, the Telegraph reports,...

Screaming Crowds Greet Obama in France

Ahead of NATO summit, president sits down with Sarkozy

(Newser) - Barack Obama left Britain for France today, arriving to cheering crowds in Strasbourg along the Franco-German border. Ahead of this weekend's NATO summit, Obama held a meeting with Nicolas Sarkozy, who recently returned France to full membership of the military alliance after decades on the sidelines. Obama will be pushing...

French Cops Battle NATO Rioters

Violence follows G20 leaders to Strasbourg for NATO summit

(Newser) - French cops clashed violently with rioters in Strasbourg last night as G20 leaders prepared to head there for a NATO summit today. Hundreds were detained by police, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets at rampaging masked protesters, reports the BBC. Shop windows were smashed and cars and bus stops...

US Can Turn 70% of Afghan Taliban: Biden

Largest group of insurgents just hired mercenaries, VP says

(Newser) - A majority of the Taliban fighters in Afghanistan are just hired guns whose loyalties could be bought by the US, Joe Biden said today. “Five percent of the Taliban is incorrigible, not susceptible to anything other than being defeated,” the vice president said. “Another 25% or so...

US Inviting Iran to Afghanistan Meeting

Rejecting Bush approach, she wants Tehran at conference table

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has announced the US is inviting Iran to a major conference on Afghanistan this month, setting up the first possible face-to-face meeting between Tehran and the Obama administration. The secretary of state said at a NATO meeting in Brussels that Iran could play a critical role in stabilizing...

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