Kyoto Protocol

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Gore Points Finger at US in Bali
Gore Points Finger at US in Bali

Gore Points Finger at US in Bali

Nobel laureate says Bush and company stonewalling in Bali

(Newser) - Al Gore’s latest inconvenient truth: the US is stonewalling the UN climate conference. “My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here,” the Nobel laureate raged today in Bali. The US, along with Japan and several other nations, refuses to accept a specific...

Bali Eco Summit Nears Collapse
Bali Eco Summit Nears Collapse

Bali Eco Summit Nears Collapse

US, EU in standoff over new carbon limits

(Newser) - A face-off between American and European environment officials has pushed the Bali climate change talks to the breaking point, with United Nations officials warning that the summit could collapse "like a house of cards." Delegates in Bali are sharply divided over the guidelines for the next two years...

UN Chief Issues Urgent Plea for Warming Battle Plan

Ban: Action is 'moral challenge of generation'

(Newser) - Citing a "desperate urgency," United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called upon environmental ministers from over 120 nations to forge a new battle plan against climate change by 2009. The new treaty would attempt to improve on the Kyoto Protocol by including every country, and serve as a "...

Climate Reps at Odds Over Deforestation

Rich countries balk at paying poorer nations to stop hacking trees

(Newser) - The triumph of the Bali summit may be its plan to stop deforestation, but rich and poor nations are still clashing over details, the Washington Post reports. A dozen developing countries want incentives to stop tree-cutting, but some developed nations wince at paying them for actions not taken. "The...

New Aussie PM Urges US to Back Kyoto

Washington now alone among developed nations on emissions

(Newser) - Two days after ratifying the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse-gas emissions, Australian PM Kevin Rudd says the US should, too. Like the US, Australia had previously refused to join the agreement, which sets binding limits on emissions. But Rudd says he wants Washington on board, as “all developed and developing...

Climate Talks Move Forward, But Slowly

Bali participants take baby steps toward fighting global warming

(Newser) - Sniping among the 190 nations in attendance isn't keeping the climate talks in Bali from inching forward, Reuters reports. Participants have succeeded in putting together a "special group" to look at post-Kyoto Protocol options, but "the devil's in the detail," cautioned a top UN official. Meanwhile, environmentalists...

Rudd Inherits Red-Hot Economy
Rudd Inherits Red-Hot Economy

Rudd Inherits Red-Hot Economy

New Aussie PM faces inflationary risks in boom times

(Newser) - New Aussie PM Kevin Rudd inherits a booming economy, but that doesn't mean it's going to be an easy ride for his center-left government, the Wall Street Journal warns. Demand for Australia's natural resources is feverish and inflation is already uncomfortably high. Rudd has vowed to pump about $48 billion...

Rice Kicks Off Climate Summit
Rice Kicks Off Climate Summit

Rice Kicks Off Climate Summit

Secretary denies US is trying to undermine UN work

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice insisted the US is serious about fighting global warming today, as top polluting nations began a two-day conference in Washington. "Climate change is a global problem and we are contributing to it," the Secretary of State said. President Bush convened the conference to "support and...

World Bank Will Pay Countries to Spare Trees

$250M pilot program will reward "avoided deforestation"

(Newser) - The World Bank is planning a $250-million fund to pay countries to refrain from cutting down tropical forests. The plan, which won approval at the G-8 summit last week, depends on companies to contribute to the fund, but that's not likely to happen unless rules governing carbon emissions credits are...

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