Black Keys

3 Stories

Jack White Apologizes to Black Keys, Everyone

Singer issues very broad apology after 'Rolling Stone' interview blows up

(Newser) - Jack White gave Rolling Stone an earful in this month's cover story, and now he's apologizing to a good swath of the music industry, specifically the Black Keys, Meg White, Adele, and the list goes on. "I wish the band the Black Keys all the success that...

Bitter Celeb Divorce Involves... Bob Dylan's Hair

Dan Auerbach gives it up to Stephanie Gonis

(Newser) - Celebrity divorces make headlines all the time, whether they're crazy expensive , especially contentious , or involve insane custody disputes . But this is probably the first time a celeb divorce has made headlines thanks to Bob Dylan's hair. Somehow, Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys and his soon-to-be-ex-wife, Stephanie Gonis,...

Keys' Attack Releases Old Rut
 Keys' Attack Releases Old Rut 

Keys' Attack Releases Old Rut

Garage band figures out how to expand

(Newser) - The Black Keys had hoped collaborating with Ike Turner would finally push the band out of its tired “garage minimalism,” writes Pitchfork’s Roque Strew. Though Ike died in December, the band already had material that expanded its sound. Attack & Release is its “most adventurous album...

3 Stories
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