
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Murkowski: Trump Should Resign, 'Has Caused Enough Damage'

She's first Republican senator to issue that call

(Newser) - In the wake of the deadly violence in DC this week at the hand of Trump supporters, after being incited by the president himself, the first Senate Republican has issued a call for him to step down, per CNN . "I want him to resign. I want him out,"...

Wall Street Journal Calls on Trump to Resign

Editorial says president crossed a constitutional line this week

(Newser) - Calling President Trump's actions this week "a far greater dereliction of duty" than his communications with Ukraine that led to his impeachment, the Wall Street Journal has called for his resignation. "This would be the cleanest solution," the editorial says, "since it would immediately turn...

Pelosi Won't Rule Out Another Impeachment

The House Speaker says 'we have arrows in our quiver' for Supreme Court battle

(Newser) - Another Trump impeachment? Or one of William Barr? Nancy Pelosi refused to rule them out Sunday on ABC 's This Week with George Stephanopoulos should the Senate try to push through a Supreme Court nominee during the lame duck session. "Well, we have our options," Pelosi said....

Key Player in Clinton Scandal Is Dead at 70

Linda Tripp made secret tapes of her conversations with Monica Lewinsky

(Newser) - Linda Tripp, whose secretly recorded conversations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky led to the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton, died Wednesday at age 70. Her death was confirmed by attorney Joseph Murtha, the AP reports. He provided no further details. In August 1994, Tripp became a public affairs...

He Defied Trump on Ukraine Complaint. Now, a Dismissal

President Trump has fired Intelligence Community IG Michael Atkinson

(Newser) - He alerted Congress to an intel official's complaint about Trump's July 25 phone call to the Ukrainian president, which jump-started the probe that led to the president's impeachment. Now, Michael Atkinson, the inspector general of the Intelligence Community, is out of a job. Politico , the AP , and...

Trump Supporter Charged With Threatening to Kill Adam Schiff

He told FBI he was trying to protect 'his president'

(Newser) - A Connecticut man has been charged with threatening to kill House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff via the Democrat's website. Investigators say Robert Michael Phelps, 62, sent a meeting request to Schiff's office on Nov. 12, saying "I want to kill you with my bare hands...

A Bolton Predecessor Gives Him a Hard Time

Ex-national security advisers face off

(Newser) - Two former national security advisers faced off at a Vanderbilt University event Wednesday, with the Obama administration's Susan Rice taking former Trump staffer John Bolton to task for not testifying in the impeachment process against President Trump. NBC News reports that Bolton scoffed at the idea his testimony regarding...

Rand Paul Has Suggestion for Future Impeachment Trials

He wants arguments kept to 8 hours per side

(Newser) - Rand Paul thinks presidential impeachment could become the new norm in the US following President Trump's saga—and he's got a few ideas about how the next trial should proceed. "I think we should change the process ... It's got to be a lot shorter," the...

Trump Tweets About Staying President Forever

He plans to make statement on acquittal Thursday

(Newser) - President Trump celebrated his acquittal in his impeachment trial Wednesday by suggesting that he could remain president for more than 90,000 years—long beyond the limits set by both the human lifespan and the US Constitution. Trump tweeted a video based on a Time magazine cover from last year...

Collins Confirms She Will Vote to Acquit Trump

Mitt Romney is only remaining GOP question mark

(Newser) - It is still technically possible for President Trump to be convicted and removed from office Wednesday—but bookies are giving better odds on Elvis Presley being found alive. Acquittal by a vote along party lines is widely expected when the Senate votes at 4pm, though there is still a "...

Trump Trial Could End at 3am
Trump Trial Could End at 3am
the rundown

Trump Trial Could End at 3am

Key Republican senator says he will vote against witnesses

(Newser) - Democratic hopes of calling new witnesses in President Trump's impeachment trial took a massive hit late Thursday, when Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander declared that he didn't need to hear any more evidence. The Tennessee lawmaker said after Thursday's question-and-answer period that Democrats had proven that the president...

Trump: This Is &#39;Impeachment Light&#39;
Trump: 'This Is a Happy Period'

Trump: 'This Is a Happy Period'

'We call this impeachment light'

(Newser) - This is a "happy period" for Republicans because "we call this impeachment light," President Trump told an enthusiastic crowd at a rally in Iowa Thursday night, declaring that America is going through a golden age despite "deranged" congressional Democrats. "We're having probably the best...

3 Democratic Senators Could Be Leaning Toward Acquittal

Republicans hope to wrap trial up Friday

(Newser) - President Trump's defense rested its case in his impeachment trial Tuesday, with White House lawyers urging senators to vote to acquit—and at least three Democrats may end up joining Republicans in doing so. Politico reports that Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, and Doug...

Trump Lawyers Target Obama, Biden
Trump Lawyers Target
Obama, Biden

Trump Lawyers Target Obama, Biden

They argue that the Obama administration was the one that abused power

(Newser) - Much of the second day of President Trump's impeachment defense focused not on the president's actions, but on the previous administration. In what Politico calls "an alternate-reality impeachment of his political rivals," Trump lawyers Pam Bondi and Eric Herschmann argued that former President Obama and Joe...

Fidget Spinners Given to GOP Senators During Trump Trial

Schiff makes plea to GOP senators

(Newser) - The third day of President Trump's impeachment trial ended with lead impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff making an emotional plea to Senate Republicans. The Democrat warned that the president will continue to put his own interests first if he is allowed to remain in office, the Hill reports. "...

Impeachment Trial Day 3: Here&#39;s What Is Planned
Democrats Reject Idea of
'Witness Swap' for Bolton
the rundown

Democrats Reject Idea of 'Witness Swap' for Bolton

'We're not going to turn it into a farce,' Biden says

(Newser) - Lead House impeachment manager Adam Schiff said during the second day of President Trump's impeachment trial that former White House national security adviser John Bolton should be heard from—but he and other Democrats poured cold water on the idea of a "witness swap" in which Hunter Biden...

Impeachment Day 1 Includes Scolding From Roberts
Impeachment Day 1
Includes Scolding From Roberts

Impeachment Day 1 Includes Scolding From Roberts

Oral arguments set to begin later Wednesday

(Newser) - The Senate approved the rules for President Trump's impeachment trial along party lines early Wednesday, setting the stage for oral arguments that could begin later in the day. After a long, tense hearing, the resolution to approve Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's trial plan passed by 53 votes...

In Davos Speech, Trump Rejects 'Prophets of Doom'

President decries climate 'alarmists'

(Newser) - President Trump addressed the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday and said "predictions of apocalypse" from "prophets of doom" should be rejected, reports the BBC . Trump spent most of his speech touting the US economy, but he briefly took aim at climate activists. "These alarmists always...

Senate Republicans Won't Dismiss Trump Charges

The votes aren't there, GOP leaders say

(Newser) - Senior Senate Republicans are still trying to settle on the format of President Trump's impeachment trial—but they have made it clear that there will be a trial, despite the president's call to dismiss the charges. Trump tweeted Sunday that a trial instead of "outright dismissal" gives...

GOP Senator Is 'Disturbed' by Leader's Trump Trial Remarks

Murkowski says she will be impartial juror

(Newser) - Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski thinks the process that led to the impeachment of President Trump was rushed and flawed—but she also has serious concerns about how his trial in the Senate will be conducted. The Alaskan senator tells KTUU that she was "disturbed" by Senate Majority Leader Mitch...

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