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Boehner to WH: Stop Saying I Want Impeachment

Lawsuit filed by House speaker will motivate GOP to go after prez, says Obama aide

(Newser) - There’s nothing to suggest that John Boehner has changed his mind since the last time he said he doesn’t want to impeach the president—but that didn’t stop a senior White House aide this morning from saying he thinks the door for Republicans to make that happen...

Americans to Palin: Shut Up Already
 Americans to Palin: 
 Shut Up Already 

Americans to Palin: Shut Up Already

54% of voters have heard enough from Sarah Palin

(Newser) - More than half of Americans say it's about time for Sarah Palin to shut her pie-hole. On the heels of the former VP candidate calling for President Obama's impeachment , 54% of voters say they've heard too much from Palin already and would prefer that she be less...

Sarah Palin: We Must Impeach Obama Now

She blasts him on immigration, and that could be bad news for GOP

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has mentioned the idea of impeaching President Obama indirectly in the past, notes Politico , but there's nothing indirect about her new essay at :
  • "It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose

South Dakota GOP Votes to Impeach Obama

Resolutions cites Bergdahl trade

(Newser) - The South Dakota Republican Party has decided Rapid City is the place to get the ball rolling for the impeachment of President Obama. At the party's state convention Saturday, delegates voted 191-176 to impeach the president for violating his oath of office—specifically, by trading five Taliban combatants for...

House GOP Starts Longshot Move to Impeach Holder

Lawmakers cite Fast and Furious, same-sex marriage

(Newser) - Ten angry men and Michele Bachmann have launched a longshot bid to impeach Attorney General Eric Holder. The group of conservative House Republicans plans to formally introduce the articles of impeachment today, calling for Holder's removal for refusing to turn over documents in the Operation Fast and Furious scandal,...

What Peaches? In Georgia, Blueberries Now Rule

Growers made $94M off blueberries, $30M off peaches in 2012

(Newser) - There are few things as quintessentially Deep South as a Georgia peach, whose image appears on state license plates, "Welcome to Georgia" billboards, and road signs. There's just one problem: Blueberries are Georgia's most lucrative fruit crop, by far. In a little-noticed development, the value of blueberry...

Paraguay in Crisis After Ouster of Leftist President

South American leaders call removal of Fernando Lugo a 'coup'

(Newser) - The ouster of Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, a former Roman Catholic bishop elected with a strong anti-poverty mandate, is whipping up fierce criticism around the region, with the leaders of other South American countries calling it a "coup" and threatening not to recognize the new government, reports the AP...

GOP Bill Clears Path for Obama's Impeachment

Republican Rep. Walter Jones says president violated war powers

(Newser) - Calls for President Obama's impeachment have come down the pike before, most recently from Grover Norquist . This time a Republican representative—North Carolina's Walter Jones—has introduced a House resolution that would authorize Obama's impeachment for using the military without official permission from Congress, RawStory reports. Jones,...

Grover Norquist: Soon It's Time to Impeach Obama

Anti-tax advocate reveals plan for Republican majority

(Newser) - Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist sat down with the National Journal recently to talk tax cuts, Republican majorities, and ... the impeachment of President Obama. Let's start with Norquist's ideal outcome in the 2012 elections: "If the Republicans have the House, Senate, and the presidency ... you extend the Bush...

Bachmann: We'll Impeach If Obama Uses 14th Amendment

'He would effectively be a dictator'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann had some strong words today about the idea that Barack Obama could raise the debt ceiling himself with the 14th Amendment, saying it would make him “effectively a dictator,” and lead to his impeachment. “It's Congress that does the spending,” she told CNN...

GOP Lawyer Writes Articles of Impeachment for Obama

Reagan hand Bruce Fein thinks Libya Invasion 'mocked the rule of law'

(Newser) - A Reagan-era Justice Department official has drafted an article of impeachment for President Obama, arguing that by intervening in Libya without congressional approval, he crossed a legal line. “Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the...

Biden's Old 'Impeach Bush' Speech Turned Against Him

... and toward his new boss

(Newser) - Churn through enough news sites today, and you're bound to come across a 2007 clip of Joe Biden promising to lead an impeachment of President Bush if he attacks Iran without getting the approval of Congress, notes Mediaite . It's leading to charges of Libya hypocrisy along these lines from Ed...

Carl Levin: Um, Let's Not Impeach Obama

Because if this is impeachable, so is every war since WWII

(Newser) - A top Senate Democrat tried to throw some cold water on the talk of impeaching President Obama over the military action in Libya, saying that if what Obama did was impeachable, so was every US military operation since World War II. “That one-day kind of story, which is all...

Plan in Iowa to Impeach Judges Is Dangerous
Plan in Iowa to Impeach
Judges Is Dangerous

Plan in Iowa to Impeach Judges Is Dangerous

Op-ed: Activists angry over same-sex ruling are going too far

(Newser) - Throughout US history, “no matter how controversial the case, no state or federal judge has been impeached for an opinion issued from the bench,” writes Bert Brandenburg in the Washington Post . But now, activists in Iowa want to impeach the justices who voted to allow same-sex marriage in...

Senate Impeaches La. Judge, Yanks Him From Bench

He's the eighth federal judge to be impeached and convicted by Congress

(Newser) - The Senate has voted unanimously to convict US District Judge G. Thomas Porteous of Louisiana on the first of four impeachment charges , removing him from the federal bench. The decision makes Porteous just the eighth federal judge in US history to be impeached and convicted by Congress. The Senate is...

Iranian Lawmakers Move to Oust Ahmadinejad

Assembly seeks to impeach president

(Newser) - It looks like Western governments aren't the only ones fed up with the antics of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran's parliament planned to impeach the leader, but was prevented from doing so by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing reports in Iranian media. Lawmakers accused the president...

Senate Opens Impeachment Hearings on La. Judge

Chamber's first since Bill Clinton's in 1999

(Newser) - The Senate will open today an impeachment trial against a Louisiana judge facing a slew of corruption charges, Fox News reports. The House already voted unanimously to impeach US District Judge G. Thomas Porteous, accused of lying under oath and taking payoffs. A Senate impeachment panel will hold three all-day...

Sestak Offer: Crime or Small Potatoes?

 Sestak Offer: 
 Crime or Small 
Opinion roundup

Sestak Offer: Crime or Small Potatoes?

Pundits divided on alleged job offer

(Newser) - Republicans are eager to make a fuss about the job Joe Sestak says he was offered by the Obama administration, with Darrel Issa calling it an “ impeachable offense .” So is it a big deal? Here's what pundits are saying:
  • Sure the allegations are disturbing, but impeachment-worthy? Please. “

Obama on Sestak: 'Nothing Improper Took Place'

White House will issue a formal response soon

(Newser) - Republicans might be thinking impeachment , but President Obama says he "can assure the public that nothing improper took place" in regard to Joe Sestak. At his news conference today, Obama didn't elaborate much when asked whether his administration offered the congressman a cushy job to stay out of Arlen...

GOPers Smell Impeachment in Sestak Job Offer

Repeated calls to Holder to appoint special prosecutor

(Newser) - Republicans are calling for the attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Sestak's claims that someone in the Obama administration offered him a high-ranking job to drop out of the Pennsylvania primary race against Arlen Specter. And they've already used the “I” word. “It's very...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>