North Carolina primary

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Bill Resumes Central Role in Hillary's Campaign

Despite his critics, he seems to helping her regain momentum

(Newser) - Despite controversial remarks on more than one occasion, Bill Clinton has moved to the forefront of his wife’s campaign, the Wall Street Journal reports. In what some insiders call the “Billification” of Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, the ex-President is pushing for sharper attacks on Barack Obama amid...

Edwards Fans Move Decidedly Toward Obama
Edwards Fans Move Decidedly Toward Obama

Edwards Fans Move Decidedly Toward Obama

NC victory might yield endorsement—which could sway white voters

(Newser) - Donors to John Edwards, as well as his congressional backers, have noticeably chosen Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton—a fact which, combined with the expected landslide in North Carolina’s primary, could lead Edwards to tap the Illinois senator, the Hill’s Alexander Bolton argues. Nine US representatives have switched...

Clinton Not Giving Up on NC
 Clinton Not Giving Up on NC 

Clinton Not Giving Up on NC

Obama's way ahead in polls, but Hillary's camp is turning up the heat

(Newser) - Barack Obama is widely expected to walk away with North Carolina's Democratic primary, but Hillary Clinton—buoyed by her Pennsylvania success—isn't giving up on the state, reports the Wall Street Journal. Clinton is spending millions on ads and staging dozens of rallies, hoping that her momentum will translate into...

Obama Looks to Next Primaries
  Obama Looks to Next Primaries 

Obama Looks to Next Primaries

He thanks supporters for not allowing a Pennsylvania blowout

(Newser) - Barack Obama looked to the next primaries in his speech tonight, applauding his supporters for making inroads against Hillary Clinton in the Pennsylvania primary despite his loss, CNN reports. Obama pushed his theme of changing politics-as-usual, saying, "It's easy to get consumed by the tit-for-tat," when the country...

Battle for Democratic Women Moves to NC

Older voters favor Clinton; Obama supporters skew younger

(Newser) - Weeks after the Democratic nomination is usually in the bag, one consistent subplot of this year's campaign is surfacing in North Carolina: Women are split over their choice. Thirteen percent are still undecided, minor compared to the 12% of men who haven’t chosen—but a huge number compared to...

Dems Hope May 6 Primary Will Settle Race

Indiana contest could break stalemate, move superdelegates

(Newser) - Many Democratic observers are looking past the April 22 Pennsylvania primary to the May 6 contests in Indiana and North Carolina as a chance to finally determine the primary race before the national convention. With 187 delegates at stake, May 6 holds the biggest delegate trove remaining, and the outcome...

They're Just Not That Into You
They're Just
Not That
Into You

They're Just Not That Into You

Clinton must dominate next 3 primaries or face the music

(Newser) - The Clinton-Obama slugfest resembles the “drawn-out and painful break-up of a relationship,' Michael Tomasky writes in the Guardian—and the sparring couple might be on its last rounds. "Mark down May 7," he suggests. "That's the date by which Clinton should be one of two...

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