soft drinks

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Sugary Drinks Responsible for 180K Deaths ... Per Year

25K of those were obese Americans

(Newser) - As the soda wars rage across the country, a new study finds that 1% of deaths of obese adults around the world can be blamed on sugary drinks, USA Today reports. That tallied up to 180,000 obesity-related deaths linked to an over-consumption of sweetened beverages in 2010; the figure...

Critics Pile on Coke's Anti-Obesity Ads

Campaign 'out of Damage Control 101,' critics say

(Newser) - Coca-Cola: Enemy of obesity? The soda giant calls for people to join together to fight obesity and hails its own efforts in a new ad campaign that began airing on major networks last night, the Los Angeles Times reports. "All calories count. No matter where they come from, including...

Soda a Day Sends Prostate Risk Soaring
 Soda a Day 
 Sends Prostate 
 Risk Soaring 
study says

Soda a Day Sends Prostate Risk Soaring

Pasta, rice, cereal also pose cancer threat: study

(Newser) - Soda's dangers extend well beyond your teeth. Drinking an 11-ounce soft drink daily raises a man's risk of aggressive prostate cancer by a whopping 40%, a study finds. And while you're reducing your soda intake, you may want to take a look at your rice and pasta...

Diet Pepsi Changing Sweeteners

Taste won't change, but articificial 'ace-K' should improve shelf life

(Newser) - Diet Pepsi will feature a new formula as early as next year. The taste will remain the same, but the sweetener formula will be adjusted to prolong its shelf life, reports AP . The current sweetener, aspartame, loses its strength at a faster rate than the high-fructose corn syrup used in...

'Karmic Debt' Sparks Ex-Coke Exec's Health Push

Todd Putman blasts company's aggressive marketing

(Newser) - Working to ruthlessly promote Coca-Cola has left a former exec convinced he has a "large karmic debt to pay"—so the ad man has reformed. Todd Putman, one of Coke's leading marketers between 1997 and 2000, is now fighting on behalf of health food companies. He told...

NYC Moves to Ban Big, Sugary Drinks

Mayor proposes 16-ounce limit at restaurants, movie theaters

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg wants to boot big, sugary drinks from the Big Apple. The New York City mayor has unveiled a plan to ban the sale of any cup or bottle of sweetened drink larger than 16 ounces at restaurants, arenas, movie theaters, and street carts, reports the New York Times...

Coke in Talks to Buy Monster

 Coke in Talks to Buy Monster 

Coke in Talks to Buy Monster

Would be Coke's biggest purchase

(Newser) - Coca-Cola is considering a monster purchase to get a bigger foothold in the world of energy drinks. The largest soft-drink company on the planet is in talks to buy Monster Beverage in what would be its biggest brand acquisition: Monster has a market capitalization of $11 billion, and the company...

Woman&#39;s Death Blamed on 2 Gallons of Coke a Day
Woman's Death
Blamed on
2 Gallons of
Coke a Day

Woman's Death Blamed on 2 Gallons of Coke a Day

New Zealand family faults company

(Newser) - A 30-year-old New Zealand woman died of a heart attack in 2010, and her death has been linked to her consumption of about 2 gallons of Coca-Cola every day for several years. Natasha Marie Harris consumed about 4,000 calories of regular Coke daily, reports CBS News . "The first...

Mountain Dew Now Courting More Than Just White Suburbia

Pepsi hopes Lil Wayne can inject 'urban cool'

(Newser) - Mountain Dew doesn't just want to be the soda of choice for young white suburbanites anymore. PepsiCo has launched a new marketing campaign that it hopes can bring what Bloomberg hilariously terms "urban cool" to the brand, starring more diverse endorsers such as Lil Wayne and Mexican-American skateboarder...

Is Cola's Coloring Giving Us Cancer?

Health lobby wants caramel coloring banned

(Newser) - You already know soda can make you fat —but it could also give you cancer. A DC health lobby group claims the caramel coloring used by Coca-Cola and Pepsi includes two cancer-causing chemicals and should be banned, the Daily Mail reports. While the caramel one might make at home...

Why the US Isn't on the Fanta Bandwagon

It's big abroad, not so much in the States

(Newser) - People in Africa, Europe, and Latin America love Fanta; in Africa, its sales are second only to Coca-Cola's. So why is the soda languishing in the No. 8 spot in the United States? Partially because it was introduced in Europe years earlier and wasn’t pushed in the US for...

Pepsi Will Pull Sugary Drinks From World's Schools

Company targets 2012, will offer low-cal alternatives

(Newser) - Pepsi said today it will pull its sugary drinks from schools worldwide by 2012, a move the company says was prompted in part by concerns over youth health. Pepsi will add low-calorie alternatives, a move one marketing analyst tells the Los Angeles Times is shrewd: “If they can keep...

Soda Linked to Cancer: Study
 Soda Linked to Cancer: Study 

Soda Linked to Cancer: Study

2 soft drinks a week could raise pancreatic cancer risk by 87%

(Newser) - Soda drinkers could face a sharply higher risk of developing cancer than those who abstain from soft drinks. A study looking at 60,000 Chinese Singaporeans over 14 years found that those who drank more than two sodas a week were 87% more likely to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer...

Bottled Water Sales Head Down the Drain

Environmentalists claim credit; industry blames economy

(Newser) - Bottled water sales are sinking, and environmentalists point triumphantly to their hard-fought campaign against the wasteful industry. Consumption is expected to drop 2% this year, following a 3.2% drop last year, MSNBC reports. But industry executives say it’s just a natural result of the economic downturn, noting that...

Tiny Coke Can Is the New 'Light' Cigarette
Tiny Coke Can
Is the New
'Light' Cigarette

Tiny Coke Can Is the New 'Light' Cigarette

Sneaky 'portion control' advertising blitz a cynical ploy: Saletan

(Newser) - The advertising blitz accompanying the release of Coca-Cola’s new 7.5 ounce “mini can” sounds suspiciously like the original pitch for light cigarettes, William Saletan writes. A company exec says the innovation “supports the idea of moderation and offers people yet another way to enjoy their favorite...

New Facebook App Finds Your Long-Lost Twin

Coke is to Coke Zero as you are to this friend, app promises

(Newser) - A Facebook app that promises to match you with the person in its network who looks most like you "is fun enough that it just might work," Christina Warren writes for Mashable. The app scans photos of you and photos of others who’ve signed up, and…voila!...

Soda Drinker Finds Frog in His Throat

Hopping mad couple want apology, compensation from Pepsi

(Newser) - A Florida man who found a frog in his can of Diet Pepsi wants the company to jump forward with an apology, CNN reports. The man started gagging after taking a swig from the can, his wife says, and found something heavy remained inside the can after he emptied it...

The Worst Soft Drinks Ever
 The Worst Soft Drinks Ever 

The Worst Soft Drinks Ever

Coke's Vio is only the latest in ill-conceived beverages

(Newser) - Coke is currently testing Vio, a carbonated-milk drink it hopes will capture the US market—but Time is a little skeptical. Here are some other misbegotten beverage ideas:
  • Coors Rocky Mountain Sparkling Water. Prominent placement of the Coors logo made the company’s spring water look a lot like a

Coke Tests Milk Soft Drink in NY

Trial period for 'Vio' will assess whether US is ready for carbonated milk beverages

(Newser) - Coca-Cola has launched a consumer trial of Vio, a “vibrancy” soft drink that combines skimmed milk with a carbonated fruit soda, the Guardian reports. Vio is available only in New York as Coke measures demand for the beverage. Milk-based soft drinks are popular in Asia but have yet to...

Stevia Sets Sights on Sweetener Market

'Natural' substitute an advertiser's dream

(Newser) - The arrival of stevia, a new artificial sweetener approved by the FDA in December, will likely upend the fake-sugar market, the New York Times reports. Sweet ’N Low, Equal, and Splenda have fought to stalemate of sorts, but stevia brings a huge advantage: Because it comes from a plant,...

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