Arlen Specter

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Specter: GOP Will Filibuster Stevens' Successor

And White House is all about creating jobs

(Newser) - If John Paul Stevens retires this year at the ripe old age of 90, his successor will likely face a GOP filibuster during Senate confirmation hearings, says Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter. “I think the gridlock in the Senate might well produce a filibuster, which would tie up the Senate [for]...

GOP Rep Wants Investigation of White House

Pa. lawmaker offered job for dropping anti-Specter run: Issa

(Newser) - Republican Rep. Darrell Issa will demand an investigation into the White House, he tells CBS , if the Obama administration doesn’t elaborate on a claim by a Pennsylvania congressman that he was offered a job in return for not challenging Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter in a state primary. Rep. Joe...

5 More GOP Routes to a Senate Majority

These shaky Dem incumbents could be next to make the GOP's day

(Newser) - The decision by Indiana Senator Evan Bayh not to seek reelection has put 10 Democratic seats—and the majority—firmly in reach of Republicans in the upcoming election. Politico looks at 5 most likely to make the job easier for the GOP:
  • Arkansas: Blanche Lincoln trailed a likely GOP challenger

Specter to Bachmann: 'Act Like a Lady'

'I am a lady,' she replies

(Newser) - Things got a little testy when Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter sat down with conservative rabble-rouser Michele Bachmann in a Philly radio interview. When Bachman began to refute something while Specter was talking, he scolded her, "I'm going to treat you like a lady. Now act like one." To which...

The 10 Most Important Primaries
 The 10 Most Important Primaries
2010 preview

The 10 Most Important Primaries

Perry and KBH face off; Tea Party mounts challenge in Fla.

(Newser) - The 2010 primaries will see the GOP repairing its identity and soul-searching among Democrats. The 10 most important races, according to Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post :
  1. Texas governor, R: Rick Perry is running for an unprecedented third term, and voters seem to approve. But Kay Bailey Hutchison is a

Senate Targets Insurance Exec Pay
 Senate Targets 
 Exec Pay 
rare saturday debate

Senate Targets Insurance Exec Pay

Meanwhile GOP will keep battling Medicare cuts

(Newser) - Democratic senators are taking aim at insurance industry executive pay today as they jockey for advantage in a rare weekend session to debate health care overhaul. Republicans will be targeting the bill's cuts to Medicare, seeking to undermine support among seniors. With talks on the key divisive issues of abortion...

Obama Surge Dicey for Campaigning Dems

Liberal base could make life hard for incumbents, and others

(Newser) - President Obama’s decision on the Afghan troop surge is throwing a big monkey wrench into the campaigns of some Democrats, who must now walk the line between an exasperated liberal base and the approval of the White House. Support for the surge is being wielded like a cudgel by...

Left, Right Assail Obama Plan
 Left, Right Assail Obama Plan 

Left, Right Assail Obama Plan

GOP faults timetable; Dems fault surge itself

(Newser) - There was a bipartisan show of unity after President Obama’s speech tonight on Afghanistan—though hardly the unity Obama was looking for, as negative reaction echoed from his leftmost supporters to his rightmost critics. The 30,000-troop buildup irked Democrats, the Wall Street Journal reports, despite Obama pairing that...

White House Throws Weight Into State Races

Some Democrat's fret about administration's increasingly partisan direction

(Newser) - The Obama administration is becoming increasingly assertive in trying to influence state-level elections around the country, the New York Times reports. White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and other top political strategists have made it plain that they're willing to play hardball to strengthen the Democratic ticket where necessary—...

Sebelius: Public Option Not Essential

 Public Option 
 Not Essential 

Sebelius: Public Option Not Essential

Also, Dem sen. calls Obama's health care pitch a 'wasted effort'

(Newser) - Liberal lawmakers are demanding that a public option be included in a final health care reform package, but top Obama administration officials seemed to hedge on the subject today, Politico reports. On Face the Nation, Robert Gibbs said “thus far” President Obama sees a government-funded system as the best...

Senators Tweet It Out Over 'Death Panels'

Specter accuses Grassley of spreading false info

(Newser) - Arlen Specter and Chuck Grassley engaged in a very 21st-century sniping match today, ABC's Jake Tapper reports. The 79-year-old Pennsylvania Democrat took to Twitter to accuse the 75-year-old Iowa Republican of spreading "myths about health care reform and imaginary ‘death panels.' " He was referring to comments...

Specter Breaks Up Fight at Town Hall, Gets Yelled At

(Newser) - Arlen Specter got a taste of health care rage at a town hall event today, where a reform opponent got so angry that another attendee tried to physically remove him from the event. Specter descended from the stage to try to break up the confrontation, telling the man to leave...

Facing Primary Battle, Specter Shifts Leftward

Has voted with Dems 97% of time since Sestak announced bid

(Newser) - Since going blue, Arlen Specter voted with Democrats some two-thirds of the time on “Contentious Votes”—defined by Nate Silver of as “anything that comes up for a floor vote and where the majority of each party splits their votes.” That is, up until...

Six Things to Watch at Sotomayor Hearings
 Six Things to Watch 
 at Sotomayor Hearings 

Six Things to Watch at Sotomayor Hearings

(Newser) - The White House is working hard to ensure an easy confirmation for Sonia Sotomayor, with John Roberts' perfect-10 testimony as a model. Will she sail through? Politico lists six things to watch.
  1. That 'wise Latina' remark. Republicans are obsessed with it, and she needs to explain it without sounding phony.

Pa., NY Dems Ignore Obama, Ready Senate Primary Bids

Renegades take aim at Specter, Gillibrand

(Newser) - Two House Democrats look ready to stage Senate primary challenges in 2010—even if the White House doesn’t like it, Politico reports. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania says a presidential intervention wouldn’t change his mind about a run against Arlen Specter; New York’s Carolyn Maloney is “way...

Sotomayor Vote Carries Risks for These Senators
Sotomayor Vote Carries Risks for These Senators

Sotomayor Vote Carries Risks for These Senators

Judiciary committee members share spotlight with nominee

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation looks likely, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be some drama between here and there. Politico runs down which senators have the most to win—and the most to lose:  
  • Patrick Leahy: Facing his first nominee as judiciary chairman, Leahy’s eager to

Democratic Congressman Plans Run Against Specter

Sestak unswayed by recent party switch

(Newser) - Geez, what's a guy got to do to win some love from his own political party? Even though Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania switched parties to become a Democrat, he's still going to face a big-name challenger in a party primary. Rep. Joe Sestak told Wolf Blitzer on CNN today...

Obama Already Throwing Weight for Midterms

Takes steps for Reid, Specter, Gillibrand 4 months into term

(Newser) - He’s been in office just a few months—but President Obama’s already working to get Democrats elected in 2010, the Wall Street Journal reports. So far this month, Obama has urged a potential candidate to run in North Carolina, battled a primary threat to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, pledged...

Specter Finds His Inner Democrat
Specter Finds His Inner Democrat

Specter Finds His Inner Democrat

After rocky beginning, GOP turncoat sticks to new side of aisle

(Newser) - Arlen Specter’s first days as a Democrat may not have gone well, but since then he’s settled in and sided with his new party on nearly every vote, Politico reports. He’s gone from staunch opponent of the Employee Free Choice act to a key negotiator for it,...

Specter Backs Pelosi in CIA Torture Flap

Cites agency's 'very bad record' on honesty, chides GOP for 'games'

(Newser) - Arlen Specter defended Nancy Pelosi today against the CIA and former GOP colleagues he says are making a “political game” out of the interrogation debacle. “The CIA has a very bad record when it comes to honesty,” the Senate’s newest Democrat said. Specter charged that the...

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