poll numbers

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Voters Really Like Obama— but Romney's Dead Even

Obama, Romney dead even in new poll

(Newser) - Americans really like Barack Obama—they're just not sure they'll vote for him. In a new Politico/George Washington University poll , a whopping 70% say they approve of Obama personally, and 56% approve strongly. That's compared to only 29% who strongly approve of Romney. But when it came...

Romney Grabs Lead in Pennsylvania

 Grabs Lead 
 in Pennsylvania 
poll numbers

Romney Grabs Lead in Pennsylvania

Meanwhile, Santorum says 'damn right' we cling to guns, religion

(Newser) - Bad news for Rick Santorum: Mitt Romney has taken the lead in Santorum's own home state of Pennsylvania. Romney is at 42% support and Santorum at 37% in the latest Public Policy Poll , followed by Ron Paul with 9% and Newt Gingrich at 6%. That's a gain of...

Republicans Think Trayvon Coverage Overblown
Republicans Think Trayvon Coverage Overblown
new poll

Republicans Think Trayvon Coverage Overblown

But public is following it more closely than any other story

(Newser) - The drama surrounding Trayvon Martin's death has captivated the country, but a majority of Republicans (56%) believe the case is getting too much media coverage, as do a sizable chunk of white people (43%), according to a new Pew Poll . By contrast, only 25% of Democrats and 16% of...

GOP Liked McCain Way More Than This Year's Field

Poll: Only about a third would vote 'enthusiastically' for Romney, Santorum

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Republicans are not terribly excited about their presidential candidates. A new Gallup poll found that only 35% would vote "enthusiastically" for Mitt Romney, with an essentially identical 34% saying the same for Rick Santorum. To put those numbers in perspective, during the 2008 primaries, 47%...

Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim
Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim
Poll numbers

Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim

Only 12% said he was Christian in Public Policy Polling survey

(Newser) - Despite years of assertions to the contrary, a chunk of voters continue to believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Mediaite noticed this nugget in this morning's Public Policy Polling survey from Alabama and Mississippi: Asked what religion the president is, a whopping 45% of GOP voters in Alabama,...

Scott Brown Beating Warren
 Scott Brown Beating Warren 
Poll Numbers

Scott Brown Beating Warren

Massachusetts Democrats worried about would-be savior

(Newser) - Massachusetts Democrats are over the moon about Elizabeth Warren, sure she'll beat Scott Brown and win back Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat—or at least, they were. Now a new string of polls has them sweating, the Boston Globe reports. A new survey from Western New England University...

Romney a Virginia Shoo-In, but Few Like Him

Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich aren't on the state's ballot

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a more than healthy lead in Virginia, despite the fact that not a whole lot of people there actually like him. Romney leads Ron Paul 56% to 21% in a new Roanoke College poll —Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich didn't manage to make it onto...

Guess Which State Americans Hate Most?

If you said 'California,' pat yourself on the back

(Newser) - Americans are generally pretty positive, or at least indifferent, about these United States. Public Policy Polling asked 1,200 people how they felt about each of the 50 states, and only five were viewed more unfavorably than favorably. America's favorite state, by an overwhelming margin was Hawaii, while its...

Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans
 Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans
Nate Silver

Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans

Nate Silver says Rick Santorum's voters are a lot more enthusiastic

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's got a big problem in his fight with Rick Santorum: His supporters are a lot less enthusiastic, observes Nate Silver of the New York Times . According to one poll, Santorum is beating Romney by 11 points among people who are definitely going to vote. Romney leads by...

Catholics Back Obama's Birth Control Mandate: Poll

Women especially want insurance to cover contraception

(Newser) - Bishops and pundits have been blasting President Obama over his decision to require all employers—including Catholic institutions—to offer health insurance plans that cover birth control. Peggy Noonan even predicted it would cost Obama the election . But a new poll, conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute , shows...

Blowout in Nevada? Romney Is on Track
 Blowout in Nevada? 
 Romney Is on Track 
Poll Numbers

Blowout in Nevada? Romney Is on Track

Newt Gingrich is 20 points behind him in new poll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney appears poised for a crushing victory in Nevada, leading Newt Gingrich there by a whopping 45% to 25%, according to a new poll commissioned by the Las Vegas Review-Journal . Romney's total is powered by Nevada's comparatively large Mormon population, 85.5% of which says it intends...

Why Obama&#39;s Not Inevitable
 Why Obama's 
 Not Inevitable 

Why Obama's Not Inevitable

There are plenty of reasons the president should be worried

(Newser) - Democrats, and many pundits, seem to believe that President Obama is rebounding, and will surely win re-election, but Jim Vandehei of Politico isn't buying it. Here's why he thinks the president should be sweating right now:
  • The economy: The recent CBO report not only projected another trillion-dollar deficit,

Romney Pulls Ahead of Gingrich in Florida

New poll shows Mitt at 38%, Newt at 29%

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is on a roll: After an impressive debate performance last night, he's No. 1 in Florida in a new poll. The Quinnipiac Poll has Romney with 38%, followed by Newt Gingrich with 29%, Ron Paul with 14%, and Rick Santorum with 12%. That's quite a difference...

Stakes Colossal for Newt Tonight

 Stakes Colossal 
 for Newt Tonight 
Debate Preview

Stakes Colossal for Newt Tonight

Polls show Romney may have stopped his momentum ahead of CNN Florida debate

(Newser) - The GOP field will have its last debate before the Florida primary tonight, and it just might be a doozy. Here's why:
  • Newt Gingrich's polling advantage may have vanished. The latest CNN poll has Mitt Romney at 36% and Gingrich at 34%, a statistical tie, and a far

Gingrich the Favorite in Florida

 the Favorite 
 in Florida 
Nate Silver

Gingrich the Favorite in Florida

Nate Silver's model gives him a 75% chance of victory, with some 'buts'

(Newser) - With Florida less than a week away, Nate Silver is busily crunching the numbers, and while the polls are a tad contradictory, they do show a clear favorite: Newt Gingrich. Indeed, Silver's system gives Gingrich a whopping 75% chance of victory, although that "seems like too confident a...

Newt Leads Mitt in Fla., 34%-26%
 Newt Leads Mitt 
 in Fla., 34%-26% 
new poll

Newt Leads Mitt in Fla., 34%-26%

Though Public Policy Polling says it's neck-and-neck

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might just be on his way to another primary win. The latest InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion Research poll has Gingrich leading Romney 34.4% to 25.6% in Florida, followed by Ron Paul (13.1%) and Rick Santorum (10.7%). The poll has Gingrich leading Romney among every age and...

New Poll: Gingrich Actually Leading in SC

Gingrich at 34%, Romney at 28% in first night of tracking

(Newser) - We already knew Newt Gingrich was surging in South Carolina , but a new Public Policy Poll has even more dramatic results: Last night, the first of three nights of tracking, Gingrich actually led Mitt Romney 34% to 28%. Romney's 28% is consistent with the numbers PPP has seen in...

Newt Gaining on Mitt in SC
 Newt Surges— 
 Does SC Upset Loom?  

Newt Surges— Does SC Upset Loom?

Latest polls show 2-man race in South Carolina

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is so close to Mitt Romney in South Carolina that an upset win is within the realm of possibility, according to a couple of new polls. Politico's numbers have Romney still leading the field with 37%, but Gingrich is close behind at 30%. Both are well ahead...

Romney&#39;s Lead Vanishing in South Carolina
Romney's Lead Vanishing
in South Carolina
Poll numbers

Romney's Lead Vanishing in South Carolina

Gingrich nipping at his heels in new poll

(Newser) - Could South Carolina be Mitt Romney's first stumbling block? A new Insider Advantage poll has Romney falling to 23% in the state, an insignificant two points ahead of Newt Gingrich's 21%. Rick Santorum is well behind them with 14%, followed by Ron Paul with 13%, Jon Huntsman with...

South Carolina Poll Has Mitt Romney Ahead of Rick Santorum by Three Points
 Santorum Closing on Mitt in SC 
Poll Numbers

Santorum Closing on Mitt in SC

Newt Gingrich falls to third with 18%

(Newser) - Just a month ago, Newt Gingrich had a huge lead in South Carolina, and two months ago Rick Santorum was languishing at 1%. Times, they have a'changed. Santorum has vaulted into second with 24% of the vote in the latest Rasmussen poll , just behind Mitt Romney's 27%. Gingrich...

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