
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

For 2012, Obama Wants 'Fat Cats' Back on His Side

The president reaches out to Wall Street donors

(Newser) - President Obama—who famously angered Wall Street executives by calling them “fat cats,” the New York Times reminds us—is now courting those same executives in his quest for re-election campaign contributions. He kicked off the push by hosting two dozen of them, many longtime donors, at the...

Did Bankers Go to Jail for Causing Great Depression?

No, although a couple were charged and some were embarrassed

(Newser) - The government could soon prosecute a few Wall Streeters who allegedly played a role in the financial crisis, and the commission that uncovered those at fault was modeled on a similar probe after the Great Depression. So did anyone who precipitated that collapse ever go to jail? Nope, writes Brian...

UBS to Workers: OK, Wear Whatever Skivvies You Want

Swiss bank goes back to basics after getting mocked

(Newser) - UBS is pulling back from its much-maligned and hilariously over-specific dress code —which recommended employees opt for "personality enhancing" makeup and "easily washable" underwear—the Wall Street Journal reports. The bank strips the previous 44-page style guide down to a few key elements, but now mandates that...

Boehner to Bankers: Beware Pro-Reform 'Punk Staffers'

Still, House minority leader says bill will take a year to pass

(Newser) - John Boehner gave comfort to an “enthusiastic” gathering of bankers yesterday, telling them that even if the Senate passes financial reform legislation it will languish in the House for many moons. “It’s just as likely that we’ll be talking about the same issue a year from...

Latvian 'Matrix' Hacker Exposes Corrupt Gov't

'Neo' digging out damning documents

(Newser) - A hacker on a mission to expose greed and waste in high places is rapidly becoming a folk hero in recession-hammered Latvia. The hacker, who uses the name Neo from the hero in the Matrix film series, has exposed the salaries of top government officials online and revealed that managers...

Obama Prods 'Fat Cat' Bankers on Reform, Loans

Meeting sparsely attended thanks to weather

(Newser) - Less than 24 hours after jabbing at "fat cat bankers," Barack Obama rounded up every one of them he could find and prodded them to lend more, modify mortgages, and get behind financial reform methods. "America's banks received extraordinary assistance from American taxpayers to rebuild their industry,...

Obama Unloads on 'Fat Cat Bankers' Who 'Still Don't Get It'

Prez comes out firing in 60 Minutes interview

(Newser) - Ordinary Americans astonished by the gall of Wall Street banks that accepted federal bailout funds and awarded huge bonuses have a friend in a very high place: the White House. "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street,...

UK to Tax Bank Bonuses 50%
 UK to Tax Bank Bonuses 50% 

UK to Tax Bank Bonuses 50%

Any bonus over $40K subject to one-time charge

(Newser) - Britain will levy a 50% tax on bank bonuses over $40,800 this year, in an attempt to shore up the nation's finances—and appease angry voters—ahead of the coming election. Alistair Darling slammed banks who paid out hefty bonuses even as Britain remains in recession: "Their priority...

Exec: Ax Teacher for 'Sleazeball' Banker Slam

$25M-a-year banker outraged over comments to son's class

(Newser) - One of Wall Street's highest paid executives is pressing to have his son's teacher axed for insulting the banking world. Hugh McGee, who makes $25 million a year as Barclays' global head of investment banking, says the teacher told his son's 11th-grade history class last year that "all investment...

Fed Shows Backbone, but Obama Cowers Before Banks

Reining in pay is good politics, good economics: Krugman

(Newser) - Just as the recession wanes and the financial system shows signs of the health, banks are returning to their worst habits, says Paul Krugman. Not only are paychecks soaring to pre-Lehman levels, but the financial sector is using its muscle to block "even the most minimal reforms." While...

CIA Recruits Laid-Off Bankers
CIA Recruits Laid-Off

CIA Recruits Laid-Off Bankers

Agency ads urge them to seek higher calling than finance

(Newser) - Down-and-out investment bankers have a new career option: spy. The CIA is actively courting New York’s former financial class, Reuters reports. It’s been advertising in New York and will be holding interviews at a secret location next week. “Finance and business professionals, if the quest for the...

Woman Gets 8 Years for Banker's Bondage Murder

Sex game killing scandalized French financial world

(Newser) - A woman who shot one of France's richest men in the head as he sat tied to a chair in a latex bodysuit has been found guilty of his murder, the Wall Street Journal reports. Cécile Brossard was sentenced to 8½ years for killing her lover, financier Edouard Stern,...

Bankers Leave Street in Rear View; Head for Academia

Execs take teaching jobs amid crisis

(Newser) - With the financial tornado buffeting Wall Street, some of its leading figures are ditching their careers for work in academia, Time reports. Merrill Lynch’s former president is teaching at Yale; Citigroup’s former merger boss headed to Berkeley; a onetime Goldman Sachs exec is now at Harvard. “It’...

Life Tough for 'TARP Wives'
Life Tough for 'TARP Wives'

Life Tough for 'TARP Wives'

While media blitz stresses CEO hubby, spouse pinches those bailout pennies

(Newser) - Things aren’t easy for still-relatively-rich Wall Street execs and their spouses. “I haven’t even looked at spring clothes,” writes an anonymous, self-proclaimed “TARP wife” in Portfolio. “God forbid someone catches me out in something new.” Her husband, like most CEOs, is “scared...

Brazil Prez Blames 'Blue-Eyed Whites' for Mess

Brazilian president doesn't know a 'single black banker'

(Newser) - The world's black and indigenous people are paying the price for the blunders of "blue-eyed" bankers, Brazil's president declared yesterday. "This crisis was fostered and boosted by irrational behavior of some people who are white, blue-eyed," Lula da Silva said at a press conference in Brazil with...

Vandals Target Former RBS Boss, Vow Further Action

Goodwin target of public outrage over his pension

(Newser) - After the Edinburgh home of the former boss of the Royal Bank of Scotland was vandalized last night, an unknown group is warning of further attacks on financial figures, the Scottish Daily Record reports. Sir Fred Goodwin has been the focus of controversy since he took early retirement—complete with...

Paparazzi Switch Focus from Britney to Bankers

Public outrage spurs media to cover corporate excess

(Newser) - Tabloids and TV shows best known for hounding Hollywood stars are turning their cameras to bankers and captains of industry, the New York Times reports. Paparazzi now track corporate jets and snoop on lavish parties held by execs at bailed-out banks, tapping into a deep vein of public anger at...

I'd Rather Say I'm in Porn: Shunned Wall Streeter

Financial types feel they're unfairly 'vilified' in crisis

(Newser) - Working on Wall Street used to have glamor to it—but now, saying you work at JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs immediately establishes you as “one of them,” the New York Times reports. Wall Streeters are facing a new pariah status, and many believe they’re taking an unfair...

Check Out Mansions of Bigwig Bankers

(Newser) - It's not been the best of years for the titans of Wall Street: a few federal bailouts, a housing collapse, and now a Ponzi scheme of mind-boggling proportions can do that. "Where did all that money go?" wonders the website And it has a partial answer: Straight...

Banker Bags $1M Lotto Salary for Life

UK resident doesn't even have to pay US federal taxes on prize on ticket bought in NY

(Newser) - John McCain can rest assured that New York’s “$1 million a year for life” is no spread-the-wealth scheme. The lottery’s first winner, a 33-year-old London banker, was already a multimillionaire. “Is it going to materially change my life? No,” Keenan Altunis admitted to the Post....

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>