vegan diet

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2 Cows Got Lost. Even Joaquin Phoenix Ended Up Involved

For 2 years, a rural Western New York town has been embroiled in a culture war

(Newser) - Events in a rural Western New York town have "inspired death threats, rowdy protests, shadowy figures skulking in the woods, intercessions by Fox News and Joaquin Phoenix, stolen chickens, county and state legislation, and a court battle featuring a rotating cast of lawyers." Per a feature in the...

Here's What Happens When You Go Vegan for a Month
Here's What Happens When
You Go Vegan for a Month
in case you missed it

Here's What Happens When You Go Vegan for a Month

Stanford study of twins shows boost to cardiovascular health in as little as 4 weeks

(Newser) - When Aleksandra Shai Chai learned she'd have to follow a vegan diet for eight weeks as part of a Stanford University health study, she wasn't happy. But as the Washington Post reports, giving up her beloved steak, bacon, and sushi came with advantages. Researchers assigned one half of...

Vegan Diets Seen as Way Better for the Environment
Vegan Diets Seen as Way
Better for the Environment
New Study

Vegan Diets Seen as Way Better for the Environment

Getting meat-eaters to cut down is like taking millions of cars off the road, say Oxford researchers

(Newser) - For anyone keeping score, this might be meat-eaters 0, vegans 1. A study spotlighted by the BBC found that following a vegan diet—eating only plant-based foods and excluding animal-derived products—can lead to considerable reduction in damage to the environment. In the UK anyway, getting carnivores to cut down...

Here's How 6 Diets Rate With the Planet, Your Body

We have one very clear loser in both categories

(Newser) - You are, allegedly, what you eat, and what you eat can have an impact on planet Earth. Treehugger predictably would like you to have less of a footprint and maybe guilt you a little bit, and takes the opportunity to look at six popular diets and their environmental impact vis...

I Tried the Diet of a 45-Year-Old Trying to Age in Reverse

A 'Vice' reporter consumed the food part of Bryan Johnson's 'Blueprint'

(Newser) - We recently shared the story of Bryan Johnson, the 45-year-old millionaire who's spending, well, millions in his quest to have an 18-year-old's body . It's a process that includes a rigorous and specific regimen—which he has dubbed the "Blueprint"—involving everything from diet and exercise...

The 10 Best, Worst Cities for Herbivores

WalletHub ranks the best places in the US for vegetarians, vegans

(Newser) - If living a meat-free existence is your dietary M.O., WalletHub wants to help you find your herbivore paradise. To suss out which US metropolitan areas are the best choices for vegetarians and vegans, the site examined data for the 100 biggest cities, looking at 17 metrics across three main...

Vegan Mother Sentenced to Life Over Toddler's Death

Sheila O'Leary was convicted on charges including first-degree murder

(Newser) - A vegan woman convicted of murder in the malnutrition death of her young son was sentenced Monday to life in prison. Sheila O'Leary, 38, whose family followed a strict vegan diet, was convicted in June on six charges—first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse, and two...

She Asked for Vegan Meals on Flight, Got Water Bottle, Napkin
Traveler Receives Interesting
'Meal' After Asking for Vegan
in case you missed it

Traveler Receives Interesting 'Meal' After Asking for Vegan

Miriam Porter's TikTok on the water bottle, napkin she was served on Air Canada has gone viral

(Newser) - Airline food isn't known for being particularly memorable, but Miriam Porter isn't likely to forget the one she was served on Air Canada anytime soon. Among the "special meals" the airline has listed on its website are vegetarian and vegan options, and Porter, a Canadian travel blogger...

'Plant-Based' Is All the Rage. But It Isn't Exactly Health Food

Many of these products are ultra-processed, writes Xanthe Clay

(Newser) - Xanthe Clay has no problem with the idea of people eating less meat and more vegetables. It would not only be healthier for humans but for the planet as well. But in an essay at the Telegraph , Clay has a warning for people chowing down on plant-based burgers, or chicken,...

Vegans May Be More Likely to Break Bones
Vegans May Be More 
Likely to Break Bones
new study

Vegans May Be More Likely to Break Bones

Largest study of its kind sees increased risk for those who don't eat animal products

(Newser) - The largest study of its kind suggests that those who don't eat meat are more likely to suffer bone fractures. Vegans, who shun both meat and dairy, appear to have the greatest risk relative to vegetarians and pescatarians, particularly when it comes to hip fractures, reports CNN . To keep...

He Says He Was Fired for Being Vegan. Now, a Judge's Ruling

Decision says ethical veganism is belief worthy of protection from discrimination, but case isn't over

(Newser) - A UK man who says he was fired due to his ethical veganism saw partial victory this week via an employment tribunal. Unlike run-of-the-mill veganism, ethical veganism resists not only an animal-based diet, but all kinds of animal exploitation, such as buying clothes made from leather, or testing products on...

Baby's Vegan Diet Has Heartbreaking Results

An Australian couple gets 18 months but avoids prison time

(Newser) - Two Australian parents are in hot water—but narrowly avoided prison time—after a judge chastised them for leaving their newborn gravely malnourished on a vegan diet, the BBC reports. Unnamed in media reports, the 30-something couple fed their 19-month-old rice, toast, potatoes, oats, and other vegan foods despite signs...

Men's Anti-Vegan Stunt Had Them Eating Raw Squirrels

They have been convicted and fined over the London incident

(Newser) - There were the vegans who "terrorized" the butchers . Now, the meat eaters who tried to terrorize the vegans. The BBC reports a macabre scene in London on March 30 earned two men disorderly conduct convictions and fines on Monday. Gatis Lagzdins, 29; and Deonisy Khlebnikov, 22, stationed themselves in...

Nation's Top Meat Company Joins Meatless Bandwagon

Tyson Foods is coming out with nuggets made from pea protein instead of chicken

(Newser) - In a sign of just how fast the meat-substitute market is growing, Tyson Foods said Thursday it will be coming out with nuggets made from pea protein instead of chicken. This is the same Tyson Foods that killed 2 billion chickens last year as the nation's biggest meat company,...

Researchers See Controversial Way to Help Planet

It involves getting rid of meat and dairy agriculture, or at least reducing

(Newser) - A comprehensive new study finds that more than 75% of the world's farmland—an area the size of the US, EU, China, and Australia combined—could be freed up for new uses and the world still wouldn't go hungry. The big catch: Humans would have to stop consuming...

Pam Anderson to Assange: Here, Have a Nice Vegan Lunch

Animal activist drops by the Ecuadorian embassy in London

(Newser) - Pamela Anderson is better known for PETA ads and sex tapes , but she's apparently branching out to delivering food to house-bound internationally wanted founders of WikiLeaks, reports the Telegraph . In London on Sunday, she tells the British Press Association that she dropped by the Ecuadorian embassy to visit its...

Key to Extinction of Ancient Bear: Vegan Diet

Inflexible diet appears to have led to cave bear's demise some 25K years ago

(Newser) - Cave bears, the close cousin of the brown bear, roamed vast swaths of present-day Russia across to the United Kingdom and down to Spain for hundreds of thousands of years until they went extinct 25,000 years ago. A large beast at roughly 12 feet long and 5 feet tall...

Italy Might Jail Parents of Vegan Kids

Diet is 'reckless and dangerous,' says lawmaker

(Newser) - To make pasta, you need eggs, which are obviously not vegan. That might be enough to explain a proposed law in Italy that would jail parents for up to six years for imposing "reckless and dangerous eating behavior," including veganism, on kids under 17. Jokes aside, the woman...

Vegan Baby Hospitalized, Taken From Parents

At 14 months, he weighed as much as a typical 3-month-old

(Newser) - Veganism is on the rise in Italy, and while it's been shown to be the best diet for weight loss , a few babies who are also on a strict no-animal-products diet appear to be paying a price. A 14-month-old was rushed to a Milan hospital this month by his...

Vegan Restaurateurs Eat Meat, Get Death Threats

'A lot of vegans have a right to feel betrayed by this'

(Newser) - A couple whose string of trendy vegan restaurants in California is popular with the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyoncé, Emma Stone, and Woody Harrelson are under attack after it was discovered they've been eating meat for months, the Guardian reports. "This is a vegan restaurant company that's...

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